Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Transitioning into 2014, Part Two

Following up on my first 2014 "Resolutions" post, here are a couple more.  One easy, one not, both have a definite expiration date.

The last weekend in May this year is the 6th annual "Trans Ohio Symposium".  You Cyrsti's Condo regulars may remember I was a workshop presenter last year on the subject of  transgender transitioning later in life.  Presuming I didn't wear out my welcome in one year, I plan on doing the workshop again and roll out my book there too.

As I have mentioned, I'm a terrible closer or finisher so this time I have given myself a finite date to be finished with the project- one way or another.  My only real problem is organizing the content I have and then having the basic courage to present it. Good or bad!

My final two resolutions I will save for a final post.  Both are extremely complex and may involve extra outside intervention which means "resolution" may be the wrong word.  "Plan" could be a better one.

And, by the way, I do have one item on my "wish" list for 2014- Breast augmentation.   I feel my "biological clock" is running out and even though I love and respect what HRT has done for my "girls", I still want to experience what life would be like for me with a set of breasts which "fit" my build.  At this point in time, financial considerations keep the idea on a "wish list".  One way or another though, I will live with lesser girls in the neighborhood and be lucky if that is all I have to worry about in 2014!

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Born This Way

Image from Vonecia Carswell on UnSplash.   I had no choice; I was born with gender issues which I would have to deal with my entire life. It...