For a couple reasons though, I have decided to put together a list of resolutions for 2104. A few are simple, a few not so much. Plus, all of you "purist's" could point out resolutions are merely goals and as such must be achievable. I hope my first resolution is!
- Stay alive and healthy through 2014. Not a given for a person of my age (64) and on HRT. I try to walk everyday, see my doc's and on occasion eat right.
- Get the hell out of the fashion rut I am in. My girlfriend has pledged her support in upgrading my fashion and style look next year. It's bad when even she is tired of my look. She feels I need a color update and more emphasis on my body positives. Obviously, I'm behind this 100%!
- Cross a long ignored "bucket list" item off my list. I have only performed on the "drag stage" once in my life and I want to do it again but with a totally different idea. I'm a big enough "ham" to put together a character called "Marie La'No!" - Presser of Palms, Reader of Cards, Teller of Fortunes and all around Quacktress. The idea is to totally work the crowd and embarrass folks during show breaks. Below is an example of my stage look, compliments of Liz!

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