Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mark Your Calendars

All of you who are kind enough to read my babble here in Cyrsti's Condo and are in the Ohio area will have a chance to hear my babble at this year's TransOhio Trans and Ally Symposium. I have been accepted to provide a workshop called "Better late than never, Transitioning late in life."

The event is April 26-28th in Columbus.

Seriously, I'm honored to be accepted and hope I can provide a little guidance to others. Meeting any of you there would be extra fun! I will have more info for you later!


I love to pass along transgender transition videos from YouTube which show the positives of a journey!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

If I was Transgender

Well I am of course!
I'm always surprised on how I approach the subject with myself and others.

Truthfully, I started to say I really don't think about the subject much but that's not true. I think while I'm mentally the same person that person is female. So I don't think about that. Purists would argue though how I can ever think I am female, transgender or not.  Essentially , if I think therefore I am.  It matters not what anyone else thinks. Right? So, I don't really think quite a bit about being internally transgender but  do planning  to make my external trans life easier. I keep close track of hormonal body changes, how long my hair is and even how much hair is left in my brush. I've fairly well adjusted to grooming routines which include extra cleansing, softening and moisturizing.

I can't say I have totally adjusted to being essentially an androgynous person if I'm not made up at all. It's still a shock to see what was left of my male self has essentially disappeared.
Ironically, this transgender lifestyle has caused me to be a long term planner for the first time in my life. I have  to think ahead to doctor's appointments, hormones and more. Is hair removal or facial surgery in my future? How about the possibility of living stealth?

If I was transgender and it was a quiet 3 AM, it was all so real!

Darling, Did You See My Dress?

In the spirit of covering as many facets of the cross dressing - transgender culture as we can here in Cyrsti's Condo- it's only fair we pass along this YouTube video of a self professed cross dresser. Who happens to be very good at his craft:

Monday, January 14, 2013

Damn I'm Confused!

This morning I decided (for once) to get ahead of the game and go to my VA clinic for my required hormone level blood tests.
Just to confuse you, going to my local VA clinic is not going to the closest center where I have to go most of the time. It's much smaller , normally has one busy check in person and about 20 seats or so. You can't get lost in a crowd there!
Of course you need an ID to check in and at this point of my transition I still have a very male VA identification card. This morning I simply tied my hair back in a pony tail and went in.
I was fairly certain I would not have to answer any potentially embarrassing questions about why was I getting an estrogen as well as an testosterone test done. I was totally relaxed as I waited in line to get checked in until the receptionist glanced up and said "can I help you Mam?". Then he looked at my I.D and started with Mam I'm sorry Sir. Well I went from relaxed, to amused to elated!
Then it was time to "hurry up and wait" which is something all you veterans knew our military was famous for.
The remainder of the visit was surprisingly routine. The last time I did it, the process was a little tricky because I was getting blood work requested by a non Veterans Administration Doctor. Today, nobody said a word and I didn't have to say the transgender word once. Furthermore,  they are even letting me "hand carry" my results to my "endo-doctor". (Never trust a doctor to doctor fax machine!)
My reasoning is either the clinic workers know I'm the token transgender patient or my outside doc has been approved by the VA.
Whatever it was, hopefully today was a good sign for the future!

"Horror Scope"

It's time again kids for your Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope"  from theFrisky.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) All the glory you dream of is on its way, but you have to keep weathering the storm and do your homework. This is no sprint you’re in now, so pace yourself and accept that the challenges you overcome now will ultimately make you worthy of reaping the rewards you’re after. No, it’s not the prettiest time in your life, but a meaningful one. ''

I just hope the stars and I have the same idea of what the definition of "glory" is! Of course if today's activity was any indication, the stars may be spot on again! (Details in the next post!)

The Horror Scope title is an invention of my own devious mind!

Worth Another Look!

Awhile ago ABC's What Would You Do? television series ran a feature which centered around transsexual Carmen Carrera. She was working as a server in a diner and this is what happened:

From YouTube of course.

Don't Let Struggle Become Your Identity

This video is compelling enough but the phrase at the end says it all: "Don't let struggle become your identity"!
from YouTube:

Down Under Drag

Divanna Lorrette
I found this site by sheer accident "A Pictorial History of Melbourne Drag" by Jamie Lee Skye. Just for kicks and giggles I also threw in a classic picture of Barry Kay.
Barry Kay
Follow the link above for more classic female impersonation pictures!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...