Showing posts with label Horrorscope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horrorscope. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Horrorscope"

I have been a "dolla short" and a "day late" forever-specifically the "dolla short" part.  The scopes are a day a late in the Condo this week and I'm sure you all have been in a "tizzy"- It's OK, calm down kids, Momma Cyrsti has you covered! Here's a scope:

Libra-September 23-October 22): Whoever said you can only have just one is a liar and bore. You’re under no obligation to be frugal with what makes you happy. If there is more than one seducing you now, get seduced by all. The worst that can happen is that you won’t know who deserves more of your time. All the balls are in your court, so fondle them all for fun and fabulousness.

I have always said be careful...don't drop other balls!

For your scope, go here to theFrisky.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope"

After several rather bleak "scopes" I'm finally beginning to turn the corner and bringing all you Libra's with me! Isn't that nice and rather egotistical of me?

(September 23-October 22): It’ll be a sweet week for special dates. Even if you’ve been with your boo forever, you can make running errands together matter. For the next few weeks, your life will be peppered with precious moments that can define your relationship or set a strong start to a new one. Yes, it’ll be in the banal that beauty will come, as gratitude will be everything,

See, I told you! Now run and go get your "scope" here from theFrisky!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope"

It's time to "watch my back" according to this week's "scope": Some of you know it better as C.O.A.

Libra September 23-October 22): You’ll get the respect you want from others, but in face only. So, put out your antennae and trust your gut. This will expose a mole among you, which will be your challenge this week. Yes, some social rearranging will be on the agenda, but when all falls back into place, trust this can be as good as chocolate, as you will gain ultimate leverage.

Well, I guess Karma dictates leverage is better than revenge and I love chocolate!

For your "scope" go here to theFrisky.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope"

Dammit! My stars are still in a rut with my scope: So, I'm not really happy to share this one with the rest of you Libra's.  But here it goes:

Libra (September 23-October 22): When it comes to romance, someone’s going to be a real stick in the mud —either you, your boo or both. Yes, moodiness will abound in a way that can get dark, so, it’d be in your best interest to stay in your own corner and keep it light. Get lost in a crowd, avoid places with privacy, or otherwise, a claustrophobic week it can be.

I can only say, I have a very difficult time getting lost in a crowd and I hope the mud I get stuck in isn't too deep and ruins my boots!

Of course, all of you have "scopes" too and you can go here to theFrisky to read them.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cyrsti's Gondo "Horror Scope"

Here we go kids! Your weekly scopes, or should I say "weakly?"

Libra, (September 23-October 22): Not everything has to be art. If your fairy tale isn’t rolling out the way you like, don’t get manic. There are going to be a few bumps in the road, but nothing you can’t handle. The good news: Once you get into the groove of rewriting the plot, you’ll find there is much more material to make something real out of.

I'm not going to even touch the fairy tale comment except to say, maybe getting called a  She Male the other night does constitute one of the "bumps in the road". I do like the "rewrite" angle because I essentially feel I have "hit the wall" as far as my transition goes!

As always you can go to theFrisky for your scope.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope!"

I know you were all hinging on your "scope" this week and it was late!
It seems all my partying on Saturday was too much and I was down sick for a couple of days.  So, better late than never, here is our scope: (for Libra's)

(September 23-October 22): Everybody will be talking at once, in different conversations, paying no mind to each other and thinking they alone are right. This week, vow to listen. If you take in the info first, you’ll be able to think up a brilliant solution that could work for everyone. Yes, answers are the only thing that will make anyone stop in motion now. So, know your facts.

Wow, another challenge in that "listening" department, plus now I have to stay in the present to do it?  A challenge to be sure!

For your "scope" go here

to theFrisky.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope"

It must be the approaching comet Ison that has been disrupting my "scopes" the last couple weeks.  All of them have been predicting inner turmoil of some sort!

Libra (September 23-October 22): Be careful of what you say and how you say it to your boo, because they’ll be listening with an extra sensitive ear now. Plus, the first person they’ll go to, to dissect what you’re saying is the person that is least likely to support you. Of course, you shouldn’t have to fight the haters, but know this is a crucial week for maneuvering your mind through this madness.

For your very own "scope" go here to theFrisky and hope for better news than I have had!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope"

We Libra's still have a bit of time left on top of the astrological charts and here's the latest from theFrisky:

"Libra: (September 23-October 22): Confront your loathing for the details this week, as it’ll be in the smaller moments where you’ll find happiness. Yes, the pace of your power is going to come to a slow drag, but take it as a gift, as reassessing where and how you want to use your time and efforts will be important. However, don’t miss any celebrations worrying about it all. This week, it’s an eye for an eye."

OK, have to ask, is "slow drag" an old drag queen doing a love ballad?

For your "scope" follow the link above..

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope"

In some ways I'm trying to tie my latest "scope" in with my last post on "Aura".  Hey, it works if you consider being a flirt part of your "aura"?

Libra (September 23-October 22): Flirting isn’t always cheating. There are times when using it as a weapon to save time or money is necessary — like this week. However, use your charm sparingly, because blurring the boundaries of innocent flirtation will come, as this week someone will surprise you with an unexpected response, making you want to sit up and take note.

Every week I expect a totally boring scope but this week's certainly isn't it! I can say when I sat on the other side of the transgender fence, I considered flirting an art form, even if my significant other didn't. Now, from this side, I'm not so sure how "safe" flirting would even be. (Right Liz?)

At the least, I love the "scope" and you can get yours too from theFrisky

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope"

After the past several weeks of exciting and dare I say "passionate" Horror Scopes for we Librans, I couldn't wait to get to theFrisky for this week's scope:

" (September 23-October 22): No matter how much compassion you think you can muster up, it won’t stop you from blurting out the truth. Real peace of mind will require making some bolder moves and standing your ground. When it comes to power, you won’t rest well until you have it all. So, be glad that you do have the universe on your side now."

Well, people around me will tell you, I do a lot of "blurting out" and it's true I am taking bolder steps to take more charge of my transgender life. Recently I have had to "call out" a sandwich chain fast food manager for trying to overcharge me as well as do "battle" for a big screen in one of my sports bars for a game I wanted to watch.

I have decided to not sit meekly by and have others attempt to control my existence as a trans woman.  Just to be safe though, I'm happy to have the universe by my side!

Follow the link above for your "scope".

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope"

Here we go again kids!  Yet another exciting "Horror Scope"!

Libra September 23-October 22): Nobody is going to read your mind, so don’t let the past repeat itself by keeping silent about what you’re thinking. Besides, you’re in a new situation and it’ll require ingenuity to maneuver around. Yes, use your imagination. In fact, let it run away with itself. If anything, allowing yourself to see grand visions will be your ticket to a newfound happiness.

Number one, my mind is a very quick and easy read and number two I am rarely silent. I have been accused of having too much imagination and "ingenuity" is only proven by success or when you get away with something!

Wow! this scope packed a lot of punch in a very few words. See if yours does too!  From theFrisky here!


Summer number two on HRT is now officially over.

Two quick observations stemming from one certainty- this summer was much easier than the first. Why? Because the summer itself was cooler and I have adjusted to the fact my internal thermostat has been broken. Yes, it is now me who is thinking about reaching for a sweatshirt when the temperature drops into the low 50's...really?

Ironically after my very stressful weekend, my hormonal effects seemed to step up their game and I have no idea why.

Finally, tomorrow is a long put off visit to my salon.  My poor stylist would have had her work cut out with this "mop" of hair I have but she took the easy way out and went on maternity leave. In her place though I will have a guy working on my hair as a transgender woman for the first time. Never a dull moment!

So that's it. At least for the second. Life changes quickly in my world and my "Horror Scope" is calling for more of course.

As for now, I'm just along for the ride!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope"

Gaze into my Cyrsti Ball
The "scope" for we Librans this week isn't as exciting as last weeks', but anytime I read something about "making waves" I'm all in!

Libra "(September 23-October 22): Your paranoia about the future can get scary at times, but remember, nothing is set in stone and the more expansive and positive you make your options, the better your odds for a pleasant outcome. After all, white-knuckling security now isn’t going to get you anywhere. So, create some waves. Life can easily work out by just choosing for it to."

There is a "scope" for you too,  here at theFrisky!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "HorrorScope"

This week's "scope" is a little scary:

Libra (September 23-October 22):

 "Weird values you were raised with will come back to haunt you. While you accept there were lots of lovely ideals in there, there were also a lot more conservative thoughts you have long let go. However, those issues somehow always come back to haunt you. This week is, again, one of those times, leaving you the choice of ultimately educating or evacuating."

 As I look back to my child hood days of "Ozzie and Harriet" and "Leave it to Beaver" on television, hell yes I do have several rather conservative long buried thoughts deep in my noggin- where they can stay! . I can't see myself as June Cleaver doing the housework in heels and hose anytime soon! Wouldn't that be festive! The next move may be doing the housework in a french maids costume with fishnets and heels...oh wait..wrong horrorscope!

 If you are a "youngun" and don't remember these shows, follow the links above.

Lest I forget...your scope is here from theFrisky!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "HorrorScope"

Another week- another horrorscope kids....

Libra (September 23-October 22): All the stressing you’ve been doing about money and long-term issues with your baby is going to start to see some resolution now. If you’ve been working on creating a more solid foundation, the tides will start turning your way and you will see some traction happening. However, don’t get caught up in showing your hand, because to play to win, it’ll mean not blowing your cover now.

Well, if all that means I am going to get my book done after 60, 000 + words, I will ride with the tide and look for the traction! I blew my cover in so many ways a long time ago!

"Horrorscope" is my term. Be sure to go to theFrisky  for yours!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Horrorscope"

I was interested in seeing what the "stars" had to say about my week since it has already started with someone almost running me over in a parking lot! (Really!)  To make matters worse I was carrying a mirror and he wasn't using his so I figured I didn't need seven more years of bad luck.

The "scope" this week however went for the gusto-right to the holiday weekend:

"Libra: (September 23-October 22): You and your honey are not going to see eye-to-eye on holiday festivities. While they’ll want to go to their friend’s events, you’ll be over their romper room ways and prefer a move civilized time with those in your scene — which won’t be your honey’s cup of tea. Oh, if only you could split yourself in two or quit the codependence for just a sec. Now, which sounds easier to you?"

For any number of reasons the civilized word seems pretty boring. I'm considering staying in the "romper room!" Plus exactly what is she drinking in that tea?

"Horrorscope" is a figment of my imagination but not to be selfish, you can go to theFrisky for your scope!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I wouldn't kid you! It's time for another honest "HorrorScope" here in Cyrsti's Condo:

 "Libra: September 23-October 22): Manifesting what you want takes a lot more than just talk or filling up your Pinterest. As it goes, honesty is your greatest asset now, so accept yours. All talk and no action is only going to make you look like a fool, and if there is one thing you can’t handle, it’s a bad image. Let go of your fears and understand that when you’re truly on the right wavelength, there are no words."

 Guess I better shut up and work on my makeup! Unfortunately, fool has been associated with me as the other four letter word starting with "f" more than once!

"HorrorScope" is my own term. You can head to theFrisky
for your own scope here - honestly!

Monday, June 17, 2013


All right kids! It's time for another "HorrorScope" here in Cyrsti's Condo and all you "oranges" just get the hell out of my way!!!

 Libra September 23-October 22): "Seeing is believing, so get ready to open your eyes wider as you look ahead. Otherwise, trying to peer back or to the side is only going to distract you and make you want to measure yourself against others. Realize that would be the worst thing to do now, as your life is apples and the rest are oranges. Understand this is your time to take a road less traveled."

The only part of this "scope" which has me concerned is the "road less traveled". If I'm on any roads less traveled than the ones I'm usually on, there will be no pavement, no gravel and hopefully some dirt!

Please remember girls and boys "HorrorScope" is my term BUT you can get your own special "scope" from theFrisky here.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Well kids, another week has flown by here in Cyrsti's Condo and it's time for another "Horrorscope"

First of all, I am swearing all of you to secrecy!  Do Not tell my "Boo" or my old dog about this week's "scope"!

Libra (September 23-October 22): There is a reason why you don’t want to teach an old dog new tricks — because they’ll do it wrong. If you are after something fresh, it’ll mean moving your rodeo to a new boo that will be receptive to seeing what you’ve got. After all, you can continue to beat your head against the wall, but why subject yourself to pain without any pleasure?

See, I told you! "Mum's the word!"

For your scope...go here to theFrisky and always remember "HorrorScope" is my own warm and fuzzy term!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

HorrorScope "Smootches"!

In the history of out "Horrorscopes" here in Cyrsti's Condo over the last one hundred years- this maybe one of the better "scopes"

"Libra (September 23-October 22): There are a lot of sloppy kissers around you now, so beware. Some prospects do need time before you can cozy up to them, so hold back the horniness now. Build the anticipation instead, as it will do wonders for a hookup that should be rad, but right now would only be bad. Although sunrise screwing may sound passionate, in this case, meeting for breakfast is sexier."

I'm very sure this is one of those "no comment" scopes- only to be upstaged in theFrisky by Michael Douglas's speculation on the cause of his throat cancer. I'm thinking not approved by the medical community.

Perhaps your scope will be as interesting! Go to theFrisky to learn!

**The Horrorscope" term is my own!

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...