Thursday, September 13, 2012

Transgender Formula

Every once in a while here in Cyrsti's Condo I like to discuss the powerful role of the mirror in the life of a transgender person.
The big problems with mirrors are they are pathological liars. They can only do what you want them to do. As you become lost in the eyes of that bewitching creature looking back at you in the mirror-in mere moments you can become just as lost out and about in an unforgiving public.
Let's call the process trans-physics.
Mirrors and pictures are one dimensional.
I have a friend who critiques the most attractive Flickr and YouTube cross dressing pictures and videos he can find. Rightly or wrongly, he uses other objects in the scenes to judge (among other things) the size of the person. Certainly the majority of us born with a taller, thicker body. No problem, we can use any number of photo tools to be one dimensionally attractive. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that until you walk out the door.
At that point you have moved into advanced trans physics. You are a three dimensional person - suddenly the good old mirror doesn't mean that much.
At this point, if you aren't scared to death-check yourself to see if you are still alive!
Assuming you are alive, lets work a couple of very real factors into our formula. (Bare with me, I didn't mention I'm a functional illiterate in math!)
Studies show human beings determine things like gender very quickly as they observe others. This is good or bad. Good of course if you are successful in projecting your gender, even if it for a couple seconds. Bad of course if you don't. That's another topic for another day.
The other factor is the blood smell.  Humans are predators and are quite capable of picking up the vibe of "something isn't quite right" with that picture. The genetic female of the species is quite good at it.Many times eye contact and a little smile will disarm the situation.
I can write literally pages and pages on this causing your eyes to bleed.
Lets try a formula: Tr+P-B= Pr or Trans person + projection - blood = presentation.
Just remember it's a highly simplified idea from my highly simplified mind but all in all it works.

Finally, let me toss in one more word about those pesky mirrors...they can be a girl's best friend when you are out. A quick check to make sure your hair, makeup or outfit is not off kilter is always a good thing. A good hint is to hold an article of clothing up in front of yourself in a store in a mirror. It's a great time to give yourself a good once over!

The "Out" Door Opens Again!

From Lexie Cannes :

 THE GUERRILLA ANGEL REPORT — First it was musician Laura Jane Grace in the Spring, followed by film director Lana Wachowski’s debut this Summer. Now Australia’s Lindsay Walker, an artist who has previously drawn a number of covers for The Phantom comic book series, has recently made her transition to female official. While Walker may not be as famous as Grace and Wachowski, the comic book phenomena is nothing to sneeze at. Like her trans peers elsewhere in the art world, Walker becomes a role model for trans people following comic books in general and The Phantom in particular. In addition, the knowledge of a trans artist in the business helps “normalizes” the presence of trans people. Thumbs up to Lindsay Walker, another trans role model.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Checking the Levels

Due to need, the Labor Day week in my life (a couple weeks ago) was an extreme reversion to my male self. Of course it was tough mentally and physically.

I also know even mentioning such heresy would lead me to extreme degradation at the hands of the trans nazi's and rad fem's just to name a few.

Were they right? Was I really a gender impostor because I waited so long to transition?
No. I am who I am. As all of you know (in a similar situation) there is and has been considerable soul searching in my life to arrive at this point.

The whole experience proved to me the extreme gender fluidity of my existence.

I don't believe I mentioned last week I also came out to the oldest closest friend still left in my life. She was visiting for the weekend and working with me again.
Unfortunately, timing was at it's best and worst to do it and had to be very confusing to her. Here I was telling her I was taking female hormones and wanted to spend the rest of my life as a woman-in the midst of one of the most masculine throw back weeks of the previous year. I was not a cross dresser, I was transgender and did she know what that meant?

Her reaction was she kind of knew but didn't totally believe it because I was one of the most masculine men she had ever known. She also didn't know how she would react in the future to the new me.  Fair enough. Can't ask for anything more. I should mention she lives quite a distance from me now and here I was in my most male mode telling her all of this?
My initial reaction was, why would she even believe it?

So, you are thinking where is the best of this?
The best was telling her to say goodbye. The new me wouldn't be able to handle the heat and the physical part of out project like I used to and this was only the beginning. It was very easy for me at that point to tell her I hoped we would remain the close friends we had always been but the changes were coming. There was nothing she could do about it and I was extremely happy about the process.
Conversation over.

She is four hours away and I am refilling my feminine gender fluids. She is off my "coming out" bucket list and we are still on speaking terms.
Bottom line is I am sooooo happy all of that is over!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Horror Scope

Here's another far reaching "Horror Scope" from Cyrsti's Condo.

Libra (September 23- October 22) You can’t count on others now. Get on top and take the power back. You’ll need to rely on your inner strength and values to find the loophole in your current predicament. Plus, you have the ability to talk anyone into anything, so believe your own myths and carry out your mission.

 Of course the "Horror Scope" is my title and the content comes from theFrisky and our "cover girl" is Venus Demars!

By the way, I'm carefully considering who I am going to talk into anything!  Look Out!!!

Around the World with Cyrsti

It is fascinating enough for me to wrap my noggin around the fact the cyber world is so small. How great is it that we all can learn from other cultures and individuals of their transgender worlds-pro and con.
Today is no different as I ran across this post about Jin Xing (seen right) from China.
She is a transsexual woman who has led a very public life for years and transitioned from a Chinese Army Officer to the person she is today.

Her life story has the mythic outlines of a movie ("Pedro Almódovar is a good friend of mine. One day he will make a movie out of my life.") She's a judge on the Chinese equivalent of Strictly Come Dancing, but is scathing: "In the UK they really work at it. Over here it's second- or third-class movie stars who just want the exposure and work for a maximum of one week. It's really low-quality dancing." Now she has her own debate show, which airs on a Hong Kong station rather than the heavily censored mainland channels. But she picks her topics carefully: "I'm not against the party [and] I know the laws – but I can talk about social issues." Officials trust her because "they know I know the borderlines", she says. Besides, what better way to demonstrate the changing face of China than via an outspoken transsexual former colonel?

Jump here for more! (But do it gracefully if Xing is watching.)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Trans Politicos

I promised myself I would be rather quiet about the upcoming election here in Cyrsti's Condo. So I'm quietly going to point out the picture below is of half of the transgender delegates at the Democratic National Convention.
Somehow, I missed the pictures of the Republican transgender delegates.  Sorry....but:
You just had to know I had more to add. I do! Read more about the Democratic transgender transsexual agenda here.
I was going to add the Republican one...but when I read some of VP Candidate Ryan's previous stands on our rights-I quit trying. According to him we shouldn't have any...a true American...right?
Half of the transgender delegates at the 2012 Democratic National Convention posed for a photograph after the LGBT caucus met on Thursday, September 6, 2012. From left, Marisa Richmond, Jamie Shiner, Babs Siperstein, Mara Keisling, Kylar Broadus, Melissa Sklarz and Dana Beyer.

Transsexual Matrix

As you have probably read "Cloud Atlas" co-director Lana Wachowski this week publicly embraced her gender switch from Larry for the first time -- with bright pink dreads. Her sex change was long rumored, but never confirmed as Wachowski had previously avoided interviews and publicity tours by insisting on no-press clauses in her film contracts. Suddenly last month a promotional video showing her in pink dreads went viral and in a New Yorker magazine interview she described how in school Larry didn't know whether to stand in lines with boys or girls, and opted for the middle ground, "exactly where I belonged, betwixt."
I love this picture of Lana with Tom Hanks for all it could be saying:
First of all, what the hell was she saying to Hanks?  Second of all. what was he thinking except Oh Hell! and the best thought of all is what was the woman sitting behind them thinking?
I know someone is going to mess this up and add some sort of caption to it but this is better left to the imagination!

How Bad is This???

Just after I see a very positive uplifting story from Vietnam's Top Idol here comes the tragic story of transsexual woman Fernanda Milan who is seeking asylum in Denmark from her native Guatemala- literally to save her life.

Vietnam Transgender Idol

"Huong Giang"
Thursday night, a jury in Vietnam's Top Idol Contest spoke highly to a 25-year-old girl from Hanoi, due to her effort during the competition.
 “The thing that surprises me is not your voice, it’s your effort. Your singing is not absolutely excellent, but your effort makes us want to see how you can improve,” judge My Tam commented. After that, the second judge, film director Nguyen Quang Dung went straight to the point by questioning if Giang had auditioned for Vietnam Idol before. After a few tentative seconds, the contestant admitted that she previously took part in the competition under a male name, Nguyen Ngoc Hieu. “I really appreciate young people who dare to be true to themselves and other people. Whatever you do, you take responsibility for it,” the film director said."

Read the whole story from Touitrenews.

How Far will You Go?

Image from UnSplash. I have always viewed my transgender journey as a series of upward steps. A few of the steps were short and easy to take...