Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Thursday, May 20, 2021

 Jin Xing is a famous Chinese transgender celebrity.

Along with being director of the Shanghai contemporary dance company, she is also a well known actress, ballerina, modern dancer and choreographer. 

She was born in 1987.  She was also a member of a military dance troop and rose to the rank of colonel. 

Friday, January 24, 2020

Jin Xing

From the Thomson Rueters Foundation News:

"China's best known transgender celebrity says she never aspired to be an LGBT+ activist but now Jin Xing has an eye on politics, saying she has the power and presence to help society.

Jin admits her journey from teenaged soldier to ballerina to one of China's top TV hosts has been extraordinary, as has her widespread acceptance as a trans woman in conservative China.
Next stop: the political stage in one-party communist China.
"If you have the power and the guts and will and thinking to do something for society, why not? My talk show already had a political impact," she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in an interview on Wednesday at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, a ski resort hosting some 3,000 of the global elite."
Follow the link above for more.

Monday, December 22, 2014

What Would Mao Think?

Bobbie sent this along from Foreign

Over the past 30 years, Chinese society has undergone an evolution in traditional morality perhaps as rapid and unsettling as its economic boom. Yet sexual orientation and gender identity have retained a strong aura of cultural taboo. Same-sex marriage remains illegal, and many LGBT individuals enter into traditional marriages in order to assuage social and family expectations. But even that is changing, as LGBT communities haveflourished in China’s sprawling metropolitan centers such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Beijing. Now a widely published scholar and well-known proponent of same-sex marriage has revealed her own relationship with a transgender man, a revelation that has taken Chinese social media by storm.
Li Yinhe, a public intellectual with a Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh who writes frequently on sexuality, revealed Dec. 18 on the Sina blogging platform that she is in a relationship with a transgender man whom she does not name, and that they have lived together for the past 17 years, starting in mid-1997.* The revelation was all the more unexpected given Li’s prior marriage to the renowned male novelist Wang Xiaobo; many in China had continued to view Wang’s untimely death of a heart attack in April 1997 as a romantic tragedy that left Li an ever-grieving widow. Li’s Dec. 18 revelation has already been viewed over 600,000 times, garnered over 7,000 comments, and has been widely republished in mainstream news outlets including Tencent and QQ. Li also posted the blog to her one million followers on Weibo, China’s massive microblogging platform; within 24 hours, it had been shared more than 33,000 times with more than 10,000 comments.
The shear size of China's population alone means when it makes a statement-it makes a big splash. If you are of age though, you will remember the Marxist Chinese dictator Mao Tse-tung . Furthermore you may remember how cool it was (in the non establishment sort of way) to carry and/or have a copy of Mao's Little Red Book.  Even if you never read it.

So, when I read stories such as this, I know the world has come a long way. The article is quite complex and has a few corrections. Go here for more.

Monday, November 19, 2012

What Would Mao Say?

At the height of the hippie culture many of my revolutionary friends carried copies of China's revolutionary leader Mao Tse -Tung's "Little Red Book". (Mostly for shock value I think.).
Referring back to my "You've come a long way Baby" post, I wonder what Mao would think of this story:

"Considered as the "Legend" of Eastern Media Group, Regine Wu, or Li Jing in Chinese, was born on October 25, 1962 in Taiwan. Born as a boy named Wu Zhongming, she underwent surgery and became a girl when she was 22 years old. Differing with other transsexual entertainers, Wu has always denied she had a sex change operation, claiming that she was born as a hermaphrodite with organs of both sexes and the ability to give birth. After working at the Shopping Channel (part of Eastern Media Group) Wu showed her sales talent and broke several sales records, including selling more than 700 laptops in 85 minutes, 250 motor homes within an hour, and 380 one-carat diamonds in 80 minutes. Since 2004, she has hosted TV programs such as the Diamond Club, Super Idol and Gossip Queen. In 2002, Wu married her boyfriend, a man 14 years younger than her."

Somehow I don't think Regine would have been recognized during Mao's reign!  This story came from

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Around the World with Cyrsti

It is fascinating enough for me to wrap my noggin around the fact the cyber world is so small. How great is it that we all can learn from other cultures and individuals of their transgender worlds-pro and con.
Today is no different as I ran across this post about Jin Xing (seen right) from China.
She is a transsexual woman who has led a very public life for years and transitioned from a Chinese Army Officer to the person she is today.

Her life story has the mythic outlines of a movie ("Pedro Almódovar is a good friend of mine. One day he will make a movie out of my life.") She's a judge on the Chinese equivalent of Strictly Come Dancing, but is scathing: "In the UK they really work at it. Over here it's second- or third-class movie stars who just want the exposure and work for a maximum of one week. It's really low-quality dancing." Now she has her own debate show, which airs on a Hong Kong station rather than the heavily censored mainland channels. But she picks her topics carefully: "I'm not against the party [and] I know the laws – but I can talk about social issues." Officials trust her because "they know I know the borderlines", she says. Besides, what better way to demonstrate the changing face of China than via an outspoken transsexual former colonel?

Jump here for more! (But do it gracefully if Xing is watching.)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Never Too Old!

From the Shanghaiist comes this story called
"Man enough to be a woman". Here's an excerpt:

"Qian Jinfan (钱今凡), a 84-year-old calligrapher, art critic and retired government official based in Foshan, has become China's oldest openly transgender individual, after outing herself in an an exclusive interview with the Southern Metropolitan Daily, in her bid to promote understanding of transgenders in China."

Although I know many  in our community scorn so called "late bloomers" such as Qian (and I) it's a tribute to transgender individuals of any age to finally be able to persue their gender quest and it's a bigger tribute to those who go public with their lives!

Real Life Impostors

JJ Hart at Key Largo.  At various times in my life, I have suffered from impostor's syndrome when I was out with other women celebrating...