Monday, September 10, 2012

Vietnam Transgender Idol

"Huong Giang"
Thursday night, a jury in Vietnam's Top Idol Contest spoke highly to a 25-year-old girl from Hanoi, due to her effort during the competition.
 “The thing that surprises me is not your voice, it’s your effort. Your singing is not absolutely excellent, but your effort makes us want to see how you can improve,” judge My Tam commented. After that, the second judge, film director Nguyen Quang Dung went straight to the point by questioning if Giang had auditioned for Vietnam Idol before. After a few tentative seconds, the contestant admitted that she previously took part in the competition under a male name, Nguyen Ngoc Hieu. “I really appreciate young people who dare to be true to themselves and other people. Whatever you do, you take responsibility for it,” the film director said."

Read the whole story from Touitrenews.

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