Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's NOT Dressing Up!

I'm not a "gurl" or a "girrl" and I'm NOT dressing up...DAMMIT!

I feel better now, thanks for letting me vent.
Actually this is a "warm and fuzzy" post.
My life is truthfully is in a nice little holding pattern.
I can describe it as climbing a mountain . You work and work to make it to a certain level. Hope you maintain it and move upward.
Or maybe life now is similar to being in the eye of a hurricane.
For the briefest moment I am satisfied to watch the world swirl around me-not unlike a merry go round.
As I watch, I see all the components of the world which have some sort of bearing on me.
The so called straight world and the gay one. The transsexuals and the cross dressers  all ride by on their carnival horses and let's not forget the demands of everyday life. It all becomes a blur. Right now though, I don't care.
I know this little respite won't last long but it's a welcome mental vacation.
Maybe it's like a little mental "stealth". If I can get away from the world for just a second, I would never tell and be a better person for it!

Derrick Barry

Famous female impersonator Derrick Barry (on left :) )

Living Trans Between the Ears

I follow the "Ask Matt" blog quite a bit. Matt is a FtM transsexual. He gives me a wonderful prospective into how the "other half" lives plus provides information to you trans men here in Cyrsti's Condo.
Many times our experiences are the same except of course- the approach.
I am so fortunate to have two trans men who I call close friends. Both share experiences with me.
One is going through the coming out to work and family and the other passed along a mens' restroom excursion...just in the past two or three days or so. It's a rare look into the reality of a transgender man's world without the high tech, polished web look.
Here's the work experience:

" Today was a big day.  I had a meeting with my dept manager and my team leader.  They both have known me for over 7 years.  I felt it was going to be an interesting meeting.  I had told them that I had something personal that I needed to discuss with the.  Now my manager is probably 15 years or so younger than I am (probably more) and my team leader is probably 10 years or so order than I am.

Their reactions were much like everyone else's that I have told.  They were happy and enthusiastic.  My team leader even said "cool".  They both like the new name.  Tonight my manager even sent me a text message with quote that made her think of me and the journey that I am on.  The quote was, "It's impossible to consistently live inconsistently to what you really believe."  She then proceeded to tell me how happy she was for me and that she was proud of me.  It felt kind of funny since she is so much younger than I am but the support is great."

I feel so good for him! He has been through some hard times and it's about time karma shines a little light his way.
On we go to Matt and a reader question from a person's whose partner is a transgender man. He dressers in a masculine fashion and binds. He is considering top surgery but is not really considering "T". "He feels isolated by a community of people who call him fake or a 'cis' woman trying to feel special because he doesn't want to transition".

Matt's answer and more here.

Overall, the reoccurring ideas and thoughts I take from these posts are: Is it easier to for a trans man to use the men's room or a trans woman to use the women's room?
Finally, is the 20 to 30 something generation more accepting of the transgender/transsexual culture than older folks?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Transgender Veteran News

This is the latest episode of my life with the Veteran's Administration.
Keep in mind I have found out that even though the VA has a overall policy, that does not mean it applies to where you may live. For those of you who follow Cyrsti's Condo on a semi regular basis, you know basically where I live which doesn't mean much except for this post.
If you need geographical info about Ohio just email me and I will help as much as I can.
Today was very successful for me. You other transgender vets may have other stories which vary but this is what I learned the hard way.
1.- It was easy for me to get the approval for HRT from my VA center BUT:
2.- My center had no one who was qualified to prescribe. Important: Your primary VA Doc may approve the outside scripts to be filled by the VA pharmacy but chances are he is not really qualified to prescribe (Endocrinologist). The drugs themselves are not the potential major cost to you. The outside Doc is.
3.- Following advice from the center I went to an outside qualified doc thinking the VA would pick up the tab.
4.-The VA didn't and I took my case to a person called a "Patient Advocate".
5.-Here's what she told me today. According to the VA Transgender Directive my center has to provide me HRT or foot the bill for an outside provider. BEFORE you go.
6.-Here's a fun fact. Since my center does not have a qualified provider, the bigger center about 75 miles away does. Last year it accepted four local transgender vets into it's program and then stopped and said no more. Even if it went against the National Directive.
7.-According the "Advocate" my center has to pay for my outside doc and will if it's pre-approved.
8.-I found that person today and made sure he accepts VA compensation. (Important).
9.-It's in the Advocate's hands. She sets up the pre approval and then I set the appointment.
10.-All sounds good doesn't it but I know "it ain't over till it's over"!

As I said, if you are a transgender veteran, your experiences with the VA could be as different as night and day to mine.
As I also said if you are thinking about embarking down this path, feel free to email me for ideas!

Cross Dressing Before and Afters

Obviously I have been fascinated, obsessed and part of the cross dressing culture for more than a couple of years.
No matter that I choose to identify these days as a transgender woman, I still appreciate a good "before and after" cross dresser transformation.
There are more than a few places which specialize in the process.
Here's one called Femme Fever.
And an example of their work:                          Before and After.
                                                                        At the least, I guess discretion is not an issue with these   crossdressers.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Thunder Thighs?

Perhaps you have heard a genetic female friend of yours use this highly derogatory term to describe their thighs.
It was my understanding the HRT would begin to effect my thigh and rear areas  approximately 12 months into the process.
The good news is that I'm starting to see the weight shift beginning to show now.
I knew my women's jeans were starting to fit much better and I'm making a shrine of sorts to the foam pads I used to wear.
So "thunder thighs"? No.
Filling out the right pair of jeans? Yes!

"Horror Scope"

I have to tell you a few of  my recent "Horror Scopes" have been pretty darn entertaining!
This latest one did not disappoint!

Libra (September 23- October 22)
If you can get down with the weird, then you’ll be able to have an interesting week of adventure and intrigue. Yes, opportunities that come your way will challenge your notion of fun, but let down your guard and go with it. The trip out of your comfort zone won’t just be eye-popping, but one for your sexy archives too.

I just wish I could live up to these lofty expectations!!!!
Go get your scope here!

Making It in a Man's World?

Quite the question right?
All that male "privilege" we so gladly gave up-how's that workin' for ya?
I can't speak for all of you but if I did, probably most of you would say it's a learning process but you are doing the best you can.
Some would argue it's not a man's world after all and how about you FtM trans men who are ready to enter it?
The best argument is that it's a gender world and becoming more and more so.
I have a grandson who tanked an important placement test basically because his older sister did so well on it.
Sure, if you are blessed with those model like good looks that most genetic women aren't blessed with; maybe you would have a sort of female privilege.
In the meantime making it in the gender world is a real effort. Almost everything comes at you from a different angle.
The biggest different angle is when you find how much of a women's world it is. Since you have decided to enter their world, you are fair game. The good part is most of the women I have encountered have been wonderful. The fact remains though some of the ugliest moments I can remember have come from female encounters and women are much meaner to each other than men are.
As you learn to make it in a man's world...don't forget the gender who runs the show. Women.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Trans Humor

Here are two or three comments I made in passing when I was talking to my VA therapist the other day which she found humorous.
I thought I would pass them along with the warning "Hey! The jokes don't get any better!"
Hormonal changes:
First major hot flash. I thought the stories I read as a kid about spontaneous combustion burning a human alive from within were true! Soon I thought I would be a pile of ash.
Skin changes. Need head to toe moisterizer. Recommendation? 10W 30 Quaker State.
Biggest surprise breast change? Under boob sweat.

I know if I was a stand up would want to throw your beer bottle at me by now...but that's why they make them plastic!!!!!

FYI, for those of you who follow my veteran's story, Friday I didn't go to the VA Advocate. A friend needed help and that took precedence. Going Monday- God willing and the creeks don't rise!

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...