Thursday, December 23, 2010

Transgender Runways?

Another transgender model is set to follow in "Lea T's" high heeled footsteps.. Following Givenchy’s creative director Riccardo Tisci’s decision to hire Lea T to front their Fall/ Winter 2011 campaign, Marc Jacobs invited the Russian model Andrej Pejic to represent his Spring/ Summer 2011 collection.
Read the whole story on the "Million Looks" site.
As I written before, sites such as these only interest me on a small scale. Most of the fashion is so far from my style, it's a waste of my time to even look at a bunch of anorexic models wearing clothes I can't afford and aren't made in my size. BUT every now and then I can pick up a trend that really suits me.
As far as the "trans" models? The more the merrier! What do women know about real fashion anyhow? LoL!

What's Next?

I've passed along my experiences dealing with female domains such as rest rooms, bra magic etc.
We have touched on the contents of a purse and the do's and don'ts of fashion and location.
To all of you I'm sure it is fairly obvious I obsess on everything female. Here's an example. Tonight I got home late from work and turned on one of the top chick flicks of all time..."Pulp Fiction"! Just kidding of course.
If you aren't familiar, the 1994 movie was anything but a "chick flick". Fairly early in the movie, John Travolta goes to Uma Thurman's apartment to pick her up for a date, When he arrives there is a note on the door telling him to come on in while she dresses. That was it. My male interest in the movie was over.  I immediately thought of how long it took me to get myself presentable last night. (I'm the half hour girl)
The next shot of Thurman was on her lips and a wicked shade of red lipstick. I need it!!!! On we rolled to Travolta's and Thurman's date in a retro fifties diner. All I saw was Thurman's amazing eyes that seem to fill up about half of her face. What make up tricks did she use???? And what about her attitude? Wow! Just have to capture just a bit of that ultra confident personality.
Another role model of mine is the star of the old  "Weeds": series.with sexy Mary Louise Parker on Showtime.  Parker's character is the ultimate example of a strong, confidant beautiful woman.
Well girls, so much for enjoying "Quentin Taratino's" classic movie about gratuitous drugs and violence.
Maybe a real "chick flick" would have been a better choice?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing!

Last night I hurried home from work threw on some makeup, jeans, new boots and leather jacket and headed out the door late as usual.
Important stuff girls! I have to try to get to my Tuesday hang out spot early because it's two dollar pint night and you know the rest! Actually I was lucky enough to get the last quality seat at the bar and life was good.  The place sits beside a big mall and space was at a premium.
The only problem I was experiencing was my boots are kind of new and the floors are a little treacherous.  The remainder of snow we had didn't help.I worked my way through the crowd and all was good! (Did you ever notice how guys don't want to move?)
The really special part of the evening is when one of the bartenders gave me a tin of cookies they made and a Christmas card signed by all of them!  Awwwww, that was so nice.
I sipped a couple pints and then went to another restaurant nearby where I had a coupon for dinner. About half way through dinner a beautiful TALL redhead with stiletto boots walked in. I was knocked out by her height and beauty and she was not worried about being taller in those boots! I'm 5'9 and she had to have been 6'3. Boyfriend was very tall too so they made quite the couple!
I guess it shows if you are tall it's not the end of the world. I've seen the "Tyra Banks" of the world on television. In person tall is beautiful!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter Solstice.

In my part of the world, the "Winter Solstice" has come and gone. As I was finishing up some quick gift shopping  tonite, I was probably in the majority complaining of the cold and snow. On the way home, I turned on some Christmas songs on the car radio and tried to shake off the chill.
As I looked at the bare trees, I thought of all the people who have moved to a warmer climate.
Then I thought of how the bare cold trees will look in about three to four months as they make the transition back to life.
Cold climate, transgender or not... we all our transitioning through life. My genetic female best friend said it best:
Her new diet is transitioning to a new body!
As a pre Christmas greeting to all of you, good luck on what ever transition you are experiencing.
Just remember what that cold bare tree will become in the future!

Monday, December 20, 2010

The "Bestest"!!!

I'm not a real big believer in horoscopes until I read one like this!
Libra (September 23- October 22)
You’ll literally be a factory of brilliant thinking this week, as genius ideas will be plenty. To make the most of it, throw yourself into party mode, as it’ll give you a greater chance to inspire many — and that feeling will happen to feel better than sex. After all, who wouldn’t love feeling just like Helen of Troy, pre-war?
I specifically like the "Helen of Troy" comment! lol
Yes, I'm a Libra,

Whose to Blame?

Did your Mom dress you in girl clothes. Did your aunt humiliate you? Did your sister and her friends dress you up?
Do you have a person that you "blame" for your condition?
In my case, my brother is certain my Mom had a hand in starting me down this road.  I truly don't remember being dressed in girl's clothes. In addition, the way my Dad was, he would have killed her if he found out. The only hint that she might have was when I came out to her.  She seemed really defensive and said "get a shrink".
Doesn't really matter. She passed away nearly ten years ago.
Over the years I've read some very interesting stories of how individuals were "introduced" to the sisterhood.
Even more interesting is the number of girls who want to be humiliated. I understand why of course.If someone forces you to do something there is less guilt.
On the other, some of us subscribe to a traditional female role.Take it another step and cleaning the house can be so much fun and exotic in a short skirt and heels. Could it be more fun if I was forced to it by a hot woman or guy?
Personally,  my idea of the traditional female role is I'm a little more submissive, listen more and enjoy the other person's passion and even ego.
The biggest surprise I experience now is  the number of sisters who contact me that are into bondage. I never make a value judgement on how a person feels of course. As always (you know me) I do have a couple questions.
Is it me? Do a couple of my pictures portray me as a dom? OR
How did this get started for the girl? Did someone tie them up as a kid? Just curious.I've asked and gotten the same answer "I want to or have to." Understood again. It's the answer I give people who ask why I'm trans. It's inside me. So the bottom line is if you don't hurt anyone and the interaction is between consenting adults...what's the harm?
The only blame here is if you don't live your life the best you can. "Dayita" said it best. "So I am in a relationship where dressing is *not* an option, but I've finally come to grips with my truth that trying to live a "masculine" life is really toxic for me. So I've been working on the inner transformation as it is the one that matters most." She is living her life the best she can. A lesson to all of us.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Best Of?

During a random web surfing adventure, I randomly found a site called "Best Of".
Several of the categories included best crossdresser, transsexual, prettiest guy etc.
"Bou" seen to the left was tops in a couple categories for obvious reasons.

"Izzy Hilton" seen below was another winner. Ironically, the date a co-worker's daughter brought to our company party, still has many people talking. He looked a lot like "Izzy"!
"Back in the day" many thought Mick Jagger of the Stones or Steven Tyler of "Aerosmith" to be more feminine in their acts.
"Bou" as a musician and "Hilton" as a model take it to a whole new level!


Are we addicted?  The first time we pulled those nylons up over our legs..was it all over? Was it the same as the first time a drug addict sticks a needle in his arm?
For some the addiction could be as small as wearing panties to work under their business suit or construction clothes.  For others the steps are very definite. That pretty girl in the mirror is a powerful aphrodisiac.To give her life, you will lie, cheat and even steal. As she grows, you wonder now much of you she always occupied. Life seems so natural as take your first trip through the mall with long hair, make up and a new outfit.  The first time someone calls you "She" or Mam"  it's music to your ears.
As "Anne" wrote in a response here "Could it be this fascination with 'femininity' grows on you? Would you compare it to an addiction to the "high" that you get while "femulating"? She did a wonderful job of saying it all!
I believe the seeds are planted in us somehow. Putting those nylons on is similar to watering that dormant seed.
For some, the seed grows into a weed. Ugly and impossible to kill. A lifetime burden. For fortunate others, the seed grows into a beautiful flower.
It's true, we may be addicted but I do believe the addiction started from that little flower seed.

The Eyes Dont Have it!

Maybe all the time and effort I've been putting into my eyes is  mistake?
Read this "Frisky" article and you may start focusing on your lips instead!
I've got to get out tomorrow and purchase some "Heatwave" lipstick!

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...