Showing posts with label transgendered survey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transgendered survey. Show all posts

Sunday, February 6, 2011

British TV Girls?

The British are giving the old "Benny Hill" series a run for it's money.
The "Push the Button" stars Ant Mc Parlin and Declan Donnelly  played characters from a fictional family and promoted the second season of the British show.
Ant played the Mom and Dec (below) went all out as the daughter and her best friend too.

Follow this link to see a picture of Dec "before" and more information on this show. :
Sooner or later (later) our "transphobic" nation  might feature a television star or two do a realistic makeover!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I just had to pass this bit of reality to you all...we are being discriminated against because we are transgendered?
Here's the headline:

Groundbreaking Report Reflects Persistent Discrimination Against Transgender Community 

The National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force are receiving significant media coverage for “Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey,” released by the two organizations on Friday morning.

Certainly it is great for this earth shattering information to be placed in the public eye. Maybe now the new governor of my home state (Ohio) will reinsert the transgender protection clauses? (He conveniently deleted)

He probably didn't know we were discriminated against until now!

I know I'm just a bit cynical. Hopefully every bit of this attention truly does help our cause!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing!

Last night I hurried home from work threw on some makeup, jeans, new boots and leather jacket and headed out the door late as usual.
Important stuff girls! I have to try to get to my Tuesday hang out spot early because it's two dollar pint night and you know the rest! Actually I was lucky enough to get the last quality seat at the bar and life was good.  The place sits beside a big mall and space was at a premium.
The only problem I was experiencing was my boots are kind of new and the floors are a little treacherous.  The remainder of snow we had didn't help.I worked my way through the crowd and all was good! (Did you ever notice how guys don't want to move?)
The really special part of the evening is when one of the bartenders gave me a tin of cookies they made and a Christmas card signed by all of them!  Awwwww, that was so nice.
I sipped a couple pints and then went to another restaurant nearby where I had a coupon for dinner. About half way through dinner a beautiful TALL redhead with stiletto boots walked in. I was knocked out by her height and beauty and she was not worried about being taller in those boots! I'm 5'9 and she had to have been 6'3. Boyfriend was very tall too so they made quite the couple!
I guess it shows if you are tall it's not the end of the world. I've seen the "Tyra Banks" of the world on television. In person tall is beautiful!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Transgender Osmosis News?

I recently finished a hour long question and answer session with a graduate student working on a transgendered thesis.
As we sorted through the usual questions of when did you feel transgendered first  and how much counseling had I gone through, here came the big question- how did I make new friends as a transgendered person.
Fortunately, I could fall back on last night's experiences to answer the question.
I was having an outstanding time conversing with a cis-girlfriend of mine. At the same time we were talking to one of our regular bartenders about her day on the job and I noticed another rather attractive woman switch places with the guy she was sitting with to get next to me.
Well, I was in heaven! She started a conversation almost immediately about the different places we have seen each other.
Question answered, I made a new friend as a transgendered person by osmosis.  She had seen me around and I was interesting enough to talk to. The next step was the politics of nice.
I've mentioned before the art of communication between genders and how transgendered fits in. I call it the politics of nice.
Number one, I've learned plenty on how women talk to each other. The verbal or non verbal, the eyes and the touches all form a basis.  The icing on the cake is just being nice. I try to project that basic fact. Underneath all the window dressing, yes I'm transgendered but I am a good person that you may want to know.
I wasn't always this way.  On occasion I was bitchy and a loner. I did learn however that some women are as curious about us as we are about them.
As we talked "girl talk", being transgendered sort of just faded away and I'm gained another friend through osmosis!
So much more satisfying than be a bitch or a loner!

What Came First?

  Image from Alexander Grey on UnSplash.  Today was "patch" day, when I changed out my gender affirming hormonal estradiol patches...