It's Super Bowl Sunday and it's time to look back at my former love affair with the NFL. I say former because following the futile games of the Cincinnati Bengals has nearly broken all interest I had concerning pro football. I feel much different of course when it comes to The Ohio State Buckeyes and college football. It could be argued the Buckeyes were the best football team in Ohio last year when compared to the Cleveland Browns and the Bengals.
Along the way as I transitioned, I wondered if or why I would/should maintain any interest in sports at all. Then, as I established a new set of female friends, I learned they were as loyal and knowledgeable sports fans as I was. I found out I could bring my love of sports with me. The whole deal was as I was building the new me, I found out she wasn't the girly-girl type I thought at one time I would have to be. I could as easily sit at a bar with other women and drink beer as well as some fruity feminine drink.
I even was invited to tag along to a NFL Monday Night Football game in Cincinnati years ago. Sure I was scared to death but I went. Another lesson learned how sports didn't have to have a gender.
It does help I played quite a bit of football and baseball when I was young and understood the games strategies as they play out. In my past it was humorous on the rare occasions I became involved in conversations with men on sports, I had to dumb it out in order not to hurt their precious male egos.
The moral to my story is you can bring your loves with you as you transition. You don't have to adhere to the gender norms society lays on us.
Of course if you decide to go to a Super Bowl party today and really don't care who wins, you can watch the game for the commercials and the half time entertainment. As many women will do. Just have a good time!
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Good News
With all the recent Republican bills designed to erase the already limited rights we transgender women and men have in many states, at least the legislature in the State of Iowa has restored a touch of sanity to the process:
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — A bill proposed by a group of Republican lawmakers on Wednesday that would have amended the Iowa Civil Rights Act by removing protections against discrimination for transgender people is dead, a powerful committee chairman said.
Nine Republican House members sponsoring the bill introduced it Wednesday morning but by evening Republican Rep. Steven Holt, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee to which the bill was assigned, said he wouldn’t allow it to move forward to a subcommittee hearing.
Also, there is finally an official transgender flag emoji for those of you who are into such things!
Friday, January 31, 2020
From the "Times of India.":
"Ganga has become a household name now; thanks to her popular reality show ‘Yuva Dancing Queen’. She is co-hosting the show with Adwait Dadarkar. The transgender host commands respect with her sheer talent and hard work. In her recent interaction with media, Ganga shared how special dance and the dance show is for her.
Talking about her passion for dance, Ganga said, “Dance is important for me. I have got an identity because of dance. No one knew anything about Pranit (as she was earlier known as) except for the dancing talent. I got the opportunity to introduce myself as a dancer.”
"Ganga has become a household name now; thanks to her popular reality show ‘Yuva Dancing Queen’. She is co-hosting the show with Adwait Dadarkar. The transgender host commands respect with her sheer talent and hard work. In her recent interaction with media, Ganga shared how special dance and the dance show is for her.
Talking about her passion for dance, Ganga said, “Dance is important for me. I have got an identity because of dance. No one knew anything about Pranit (as she was earlier known as) except for the dancing talent. I got the opportunity to introduce myself as a dancer.”
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Thanks for the Input
I am on several other blogging and social media platforms with my Cyrsti's Condo Blog. In fact, I have several great friends who follow posts on Facebook. A couple of these friends I was fortunate to meet in person, years ago. Recently one of them, Jen sent me this comment concerning our journey as transgender women and men:
"Im sure it's a journey that isn't a bed of roses. I'm sure most people don't understand so much especially about this subject. I think its important to have light on this and along with many other struggles people face. I have no doubt that the victories are won when its realized how strong one has become through the struggles, pain and finally becoming the living story that says you can do anything you set your mind to and love yourself and be who you are even when no one else doesn't accept you.
Many like to turn their noses or point the finger while all along, they have their own skeletons and struggles they hide and hate on others. I applaud you, I applaud the one suffering silently, the one that suffers publicly and the one who takes that first step and the many others that you yourself and the others that you have shared about.the struggles and victories are a testimony and inspire me. Thank you."... Thank you Jen! You inspire me!❤
On another subject, Connie wrote in on the "Rude Paul" post commenting on my speculation that Paul was yet another old, cis gender male rump supporter:
"Well, I'm sure that Trump is a Paul supporter. Not that he supports his lifestyle, necessarily, but he seems to hold admiration for anyone who can turn a buck by using their "personality" to garner favor from the public. Even if it is more like the appeal of a train wreck, playing to the fools who would be attracted to whatever they are selling is Trump's MO. Of course, it's not so much the product, but the self-branding that is important to their successes. B.T. Barnum depended on the "sucker born every minute," and knew that he could still sell circus tickets to the very people he publicly deemed to be suckers. Trump and Paul are no different, except that they have the ability to use modern technology to draw many more people into their circuses."
Imagine rump watching drag race at the White House and trying to figure out how he can rip off more votes by watching it?
"Im sure it's a journey that isn't a bed of roses. I'm sure most people don't understand so much especially about this subject. I think its important to have light on this and along with many other struggles people face. I have no doubt that the victories are won when its realized how strong one has become through the struggles, pain and finally becoming the living story that says you can do anything you set your mind to and love yourself and be who you are even when no one else doesn't accept you.
Many like to turn their noses or point the finger while all along, they have their own skeletons and struggles they hide and hate on others. I applaud you, I applaud the one suffering silently, the one that suffers publicly and the one who takes that first step and the many others that you yourself and the others that you have shared about.the struggles and victories are a testimony and inspire me. Thank you."... Thank you Jen! You inspire me!❤
On another subject, Connie wrote in on the "Rude Paul" post commenting on my speculation that Paul was yet another old, cis gender male rump supporter:
"Well, I'm sure that Trump is a Paul supporter. Not that he supports his lifestyle, necessarily, but he seems to hold admiration for anyone who can turn a buck by using their "personality" to garner favor from the public. Even if it is more like the appeal of a train wreck, playing to the fools who would be attracted to whatever they are selling is Trump's MO. Of course, it's not so much the product, but the self-branding that is important to their successes. B.T. Barnum depended on the "sucker born every minute," and knew that he could still sell circus tickets to the very people he publicly deemed to be suckers. Trump and Paul are no different, except that they have the ability to use modern technology to draw many more people into their circuses."
Imagine rump watching drag race at the White House and trying to figure out how he can rip off more votes by watching it?
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Jazz Jennings
Recently, young trans activist Jazz Jennings and family began season six of her transgender journey television show "I am Jazz." If you are not familiar, over the years, the show has traced Jazz from being a young trans girl to present day. All the way through gender corrective surgery. Unfortunately, all didn't go as planned after the major operation and the premier show on "The Learning Channel" covers it. Here's an excerpt from "Women's Health.":
"Season six of TLC’s I Am Jazz starts out in a familiar place: LGBTQ+ activist Jazz Jennings and her family are preparing for a life-changing surgery.
This will be the third in Jazz’s gender confirmation journey, and, while everyone is hoping this will be the last, the serious complications that Jazz experienced after her first surgery are at the front of everyone’s minds as Jazz and her doctors walk back to the operating theater in Tuesday’s premiere on TLC.
“I’m hoping for a noneventful, positive surgery, where Jazz comes out, and the doctors say everything went exactly as planned, and they don’t have any ‘buts’ along the way,” her dad, Greg, says as he, her mom, Jeanette, and brother Sander wait for updates on the procedure.
“And Jazz lives happily ever after,” Jeannette is quick to add.
The outspoken 19-year-old is the star of I Am Jazz, but her supportive and loving family also deserve some of the credit for giving the show so much heart. This week’s episode opens with a Jennings celebration fit for a season premiere—a beachside 21st birthday party for twin brothers Sander and Griffen."
For more, follow the link above.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Rude Paul
If you haven't heard, "Rude Paul", Mr. transphobe himself is going to host one of my favorite shows, Saturday Night Live.
This comes from The Advocate website:
This comes from The Advocate website:
"RuPaul's Drag Race unveiled its new crop of contestants for season 12 last week. And once again, the cast is composed entirely of cisgender men.
Transgender inclusion has long been a point of controversy for the VHI reality series. While several notable transgender contestants emerged from the Drag Race universe — among them, Carmen Carrera, Jiggly Caliente, Sonique, and Monica Beverly Hillz — only Peppermint was an out trans contestant, on season 9. Gia Gunn also competed on All Stars 4 after coming out but noted in a follow-up interview that she felt "completely disregarded" by RuPaul and the show during the experience."
![]() |
Detox, Carmen Carerra and Aja |
Ironically, on Facebook recently I became embroiled in a heated conversation with a big fan of the privileged "Rude" one who positively makes me sick anytime I see him.
Then again, I am seeing an uptick of rump supporters too lately which I am busily blocking. For some reason, I have been running into a number of old cross dressers who really don't care rump and his minions are busily trying to erase us as LGBTQ citizens.
It wouldn't surprise me if Rude doesn't support him too.
To be sure, I won't be watching the Saturday Night Live he is on.
Monday, January 27, 2020
It's Nice to be Wanted
I missed posting yesterday in the Cyrsti's Condo blog because I was traveling north to my oldest grandson's birthday party.
It usually is a positive experience as most all the parties are held at my daughter's in laws in Dayton,Ohio. where I am fortunate to be accepted for who I have become.
I was lucky yesterday when my daughter texted me and reminded me of the address again where I was going. I for some reason had forgotten and thought the party was next weekend. I barely had enough time to get ready, stop for gas, pick up a card and go to the bank machine to withdraw a cash gift for my grandson.
The problem was, the place I was going was an hour away. Somehow I was able to do a fairly respectful job on makeup and hurriedly put together an outfit of leggings, sweater and boots.
One of these days I am trying to remind myself to thank the whole family for accepting me. They seem to take it for granted but it means so much to me.
It usually is a positive experience as most all the parties are held at my daughter's in laws in Dayton,Ohio. where I am fortunate to be accepted for who I have become.
I was lucky yesterday when my daughter texted me and reminded me of the address again where I was going. I for some reason had forgotten and thought the party was next weekend. I barely had enough time to get ready, stop for gas, pick up a card and go to the bank machine to withdraw a cash gift for my grandson.
The problem was, the place I was going was an hour away. Somehow I was able to do a fairly respectful job on makeup and hurriedly put together an outfit of leggings, sweater and boots.
One of these days I am trying to remind myself to thank the whole family for accepting me. They seem to take it for granted but it means so much to me.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Are You Man Enough?
These days, when I write, I am dividing my time between the Cyrsti's Condo blog and the book I am trying to put together. In my mind it is much easier to write a blog post because it fits my short attention span. As I work on a book chapter, I have to go more in depth.
Here is an example for a chapter I am working on which revolves around leaving your male closet and finding your life as a transgender woman:
In many
ways, it seems those days of rummaging through my meager wardrobe of girl’s
clothes and make up were just yesterday. Then again, taking my precious time to
admire myself in the mirror seems so long ago. The impossible dream was to try
and get out of my restricting closet and try to live a feminine life. Along the
way I had so many misconceptions of what that life would be like, it seemed I
was hitting wall after wall. The only thing I do know is I went from hiding
behind my skirts when the world threatened me all the way to becoming an out
and proud transgender woman. Let’s go back now to how you change closets and
The “why” is
simple. If you don’t feel the need deep down inside to change your gender, don’t
do it. Because really you are not changing anything. You are connecting the
dots back to the person you have always been deep down inside. Perhaps, this
idea is the hardest to explain to an outsider trying to understand being
transgender is not a choice for us. We are simply trying desperately to live
the life we were always destined to live. Unfortunately, most of us are
subjected to what is referred to as “testosterone poisoning” The time starting
at puberty when we begin to develop the male characteristics which will come
back to haunt our attempts to externally transition later in life. Very few of
us are lucky enough to physically transition seamlessly into the feminine
gender. For the rest of us, it is a real struggle. Once you decide it is time to change closets,
the problem arises on how you are going to tell friends and family.
There is no
easy way telling others. Some decide to slowly tell family and friends
while others decide to quickly pull the band-aid off and tell many people quickly.
Younger trans people have their entire lives to try to carve out a niche where
they can find employment and hopefully someone to have a relationship with.
Older trans people have the opposite problem with primarily telling a lifetime
spouse and family. Naturally, many spouses feel as if they have been deceived.
They married a man, not a woman. It leads to heartbreaking dramas on both sides.
In my case, my wife of twenty-five years accepted my need to be a cross dresser
but never my need to be transgender and more of a woman. We had massive
disagreements. Looking back on it, she was right when she told me to be “man
enough to be a woman.” In gender disagreements each side essentially is right
and it makes the whole situation very difficult to navigate. There is no easy
answer. I certainly am not wise enough to suggest one.
I have such a long way to go!
Candis Cayne

Cayne performed in New York City nightclubs in drag since the 1990s, and came out as transgender in 1996; Cayne came to national attention in 2007 for portraying transgender mistress Carmelita on ABC's prime time drama Dirty Sexy Money. The role makes Cayne the first transgender actress to play a recurring transgender character in primetime.
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