Friday, February 5, 2016

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Hiding in Plain Sight?

I am usually really happy when I can touch a raw nerve of sorts with many of you. The Disappearing CrossDresser was one. 

One of the most intriguing (since I had never heard of it was) this from Calie:" I co-host a monthly lunch called the DRAB-Gab. Obviously, everyone dressed in male attire. This is an event sponsored by our local TG organization, which may just be the largest in the world...about 700 strong I believe, here in the center of the T-universe. 

Many of our monthly attendees are first-timers, having never met another one of "our kind". One common thread we have found over the years is that there's a 50/50 chance that a "newbie" who RSVP's won't show up. Why? Because they're absolutely scared to death of being outed, or afraid that we're a bunch of pervs, or whatever. 

I think your friend(?) had cold feet and is now absolutely embarrassed. She probably drove around the block several times...maybe even walked up to the coffee shop. At that point, she freaked out, turned around, and never looked back. That seems to be a common story that those who have RSVP'd for a second time, and did show up, have told us."

May I say, that's a significant membership and yes cross dressers as well as the rest of the LGBT family are invisible everywhere.  And, did I miss exactly where the center of the T-universe is? Seriously, not being a smart arse!

The point I missed in my oft weak written communication is, I really don't put a value judgement where another person may-or may not be in their transition. I have always said though, my indecision tore me apart from within-to the point of a suicide attempt.

I also understand as well as any of you the sheer terror of heading out of the closet at all. In fact, I just met a trans woman from a little town about fifty miles south of Cincinnati who was just outed on FB. She was petrified. It's a confusing deal, because 'the Nati' is gaining on Columbus in pursuit of LGBT rights and Covington, Kentucky right across the river just added one female and one male police peeps specifically trained to deal with us.
So, I can understand why a closet is a safe place. The only thing I have ever advocated for is...hedge your bets because life can change and all of the sudden your closet door could open. And, if it does, you can protect yourself as much as possible by places such as the voting box. It's a fact in O.H.I.O you have to look under many rocks to find a Republican representative who is pro LGBT rights. It just is true. (After all, the 'Q' in LGBTQ is for 'questioning.'

There were a couple other comments on the post I want to get back to later today. It's time for another trip to the V.A  to have my fluids checked!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Saving Grace

If you are a transgender person of either gender, this will be all too familiar. If not please take the time to read it closely because it covers the whole LGBT family and beyond. It's called


Here is the first paragraph: Your life. It feels like there is no hope, trapped in a well of darkness, no way out. You pray to make it all go away, if only tomorrow never dawned. The constant ping of pain ricocheting within your soul, torturing your every breath. It’s all you can do, to put one knee in front of the other, crawling down this path of living hell.

Go here for the rest.

The Disappearing CrossDresser?

Saturday I was supposed to meet another of the 'family' for lunch. To be fair, I don't how she identifies; crossdresser, transgender, or "gurl". We were to meet in a very well known coffee and sandwich shop (not called Starbucks)  but for whatever reason, coffee with her never happened.

Since I had arranged my day to meet her, yes I was more disturbed than I normally am. If you are backing off-tell me. Won't be the first time. Saturday's deal is not the point of this post though.

I began to wonder how many under the LGBT - CD umbrella over the years I have met (even if on Facebook or comments to Cyrsti's Condo) who have faded away. Or abruptly disappeared. 

Of course I have several ideas like:

  1. Ill health or death
  2. The wife or family found out
  3. They grew tired of the fantasy of being the second coming of Marilyn Monroe
  4. The sheer amount of work to make a transition got to be too much
  5. Financial resources
I could probably go on, but you get the point. Plus, I need to say I only really know in person a couple trans people-one woman-one man. Then, here on line, I can claim several more like Connie, Shelle, and Stana (who I have met once) and Paula. Then, there are the transgender veterans like Carla Lewis who I share an extra bit of history. (Shelle again too.)

I guess I should look at the point of this blog as a positive influence on potential LGBTQ family members. If I can shed any light on the process, my work is complete. 

Just one thing, if you want to meet me for coffee-don't stand me up-please. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Good Question?

From Connie: " I had an incident the other night where a guy was really pushing me to submit to his lame attempts at picking me up. I finally had to take refuge in the ladies room, and then took a seat at a table of strangers to get away from him. The women at the table were happy to offer me their "protection". This is a subject for another blog, I think, but why is it that some people just assume a trans-woman is presenting herself to the world with sex in mind? This guy was beyond the point of using education. He's a total creep, but he's not the only one out there."

If you allow me to make this post the spot to discuss it...I think a fertile mix of you know what leads to what you brought up Connie. First of all, there are a big group of male creeps and the number seems to be growing all the time. While I subscribe to the idea women should be allowed to wear what they want-when they want. But, increasingly, if you are a CD or a trans girl out by yourself, then care in choosing what you wear is more important. (Cis women grow up knowing that.)

I think the worst offenders are the group I call fetish cross dressers. I could be biased because I have seen them in action. They are not sexy-or even pretty - but -as Connie said there are creeps who are attracted.

Why? Some of these guys are undecided on their own sexuality and another cross dressed man or transgender woman works just fine for them. In fact, we are downright exotic creatures to many. And (this one really aggravates me) is when a man thinks I am desperate somehow for attention (his). Really?

So, there you go Connie. I am sure you have plenty of ideas too. The problem these days is the amount of violence directed at women as a whole and transgender women in particular is more dangerous than ever before.

Keep that pepper spray handy ladies!

Girl's Night Out Part Two

Actually this is part two from the last post I wrote about an evening I spent years ago out with two much younger cis women socializing.  Fast forward to about three years ago, when I was invited to a birthday dinner with my partner and her friends. Looking back on it, that night was my first real girls night out of substance and it meant a lot to me.
Primarily I wanted to see what really went on on yet another "mystical" things women do that men aren't invited to or don't really want to be anyhow. 
Of course the vibe was different. Without any men present, probably everyone was freed to speak more openly about relationships, family etc. 
So I guess (not unlike my first post) I was fairly quiet again-as I learned what I was missing and did I fit.
Above all I did feel as if I fit and should have been playing in the "girl's sandbox" my entire life.
Definitely, " Girls NIght Out" part two represented another high point to my mtf gender transition at that time!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Blast from the Past"

I have to tell you all, I have had one heck of a time sitting down and writing any sort of what I consider would be a relevant blog post. So, what's a girl to do? Bring out and dust off one of my archive posts.

This experience took place over five years ago and involved a couple bartenders in one of the sports bars I went to on a regular basis (maybe too regular-but that's another story!) At any rate, they tried for a couple weeks to get me to meet them at another place for drinks some night. I figured they were just being nice because they thought I was lonely, and while a portion of that was true-I was actually testing the waters of existing in a feminine world. So finally I said yes.

The venue we went to was a very upscale bar and food place and they were going to meet others of course. I was scared to death because in those days I would change wigs and looks three times a week. Just what would I wear? 

Finally I choose a long black skirt with a very provocative slit. What I did was partially secure it with a huge decorative safety pin.  

In those days, I couldn't go hairless on my arms and it was summer time so I wore an off the shoulder top not unlike you see here.

I did wear a dark wig, but not this one-but again close.

I found out quickly though, all my worry and prep work could not get me out of a solid third place with the other attractive 20 somethings I was with.

I learned what was to be invisible. 

Fortunately, I was able to excuse myself fairly quickly as everyone was immersed in the flirting ritual. Which was OK with me.

By the way,  I still have that black skirt in my closet and I think it will look real good with a black tank top - belted off this summer. I plan on saving my Shekels to join Liz for a pedi and the skirt should work well with a sharp pair of sandals.

Age appropriate to be sure-or is that age appropriate to the other women I'm with?

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"Page

KerPlunk! Welcome! Another Sunday edition is hitting your virtual front porch. It's a mellow Sunday here in the Cincinnati, Ohio area with overcast skies and temperatures near 55 degrees. It still time for a nice hot "cup o joe" and get started:

Page One-the Week that Was or Wasn't: Once again last week, Momma Karma took a bit of time out of her busy day to knock me off my pedestal. As I was basking in the glory of finally getting my name and gender to sync up within the VA (I am a trans vet and receive my medical care there). It's obviously working because the next day I was contacted to reschedule one of my appointments. They lost my former self in the system. 

I know some of this was to be expected and I need to say the Veterans Administration has been very good to me. As a bureaucracy goes, this process has taken only 30 days or so. If you happen to be a transgender veteran too and want to compare notes-feel free to email me-or contact me in the "comment" section.

Trans Vet (Navy Seal) Kristin Beck (left) and Lana Wachowski

Page Two - Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion: I am burnt out on opinion this week. Of course politics is really just getting started with all it's hoopla. The state of Iowa citizens just have to be sick of the process-except taking the money of the candidates campaign coffers. My problem so far has been no candidate has spoken to the violence, civil right denials, health care, and economic problems of the LGBT family-except Hillary Clinton. Let me say I'm not a huge fan of her's either but, on the other hand:

Page Three-The Back Page: Well kids, this is going to do it for today's Sunday Edition. The dogs are wanting a walk in this weather. As always, you are the best for stopping by Cyrsti's Condo. Love you all!!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Phase Two Reconstruction

Last night I attended another meeting of Love Must Win Inc whose goal it is to provide a safe space for anyone needing it-from the LGBT family to drug addicts and beyond (and sadly there is a beyond.)

Last night, at the monthly lottery, I won a months worth of free yoga and/or Pilates which ideally could work into my other fitness goals.

I'm trying to work towards a healthier summer and do a better job of not trying to kill my self with sun poisoning. Last summer, I got so overwhelmed by the idea I could finally wear tank tops etc. and get a tan for the first time in my life-I had no idea I really couldn't.

No Cheap Shots on this Woman (cis?) doing Pilates?
I found out the hard way the sun kicks off a hereditary condition which causes my system to store way too much iron. So I'm calling my summer the "season of the vampire" because of my need to stay out of direct sunlight.

The question I have had for a minute is, truthfully (like I would B.S. you?) how much of this would I considered doing for myself if I stayed my guy self? Let's not forget too-the gym membership I have.

The answer is not so much. I was never very vane as a guy. And, as we know, so much more does go into presenting well as a woman. AND I know I need every edge I can get. 

One of the edges I am looking forward to getting better at now since (knock on wood) is getting my feminine movements down. Back straight, legs crossed know, the body language which screams "girl!"

At the least, it's all an honorable past time. Being healthier at my age I hope reaps the benefits of what the experts say it should.

Perhaps, "phase two" will help me fight harder when they try to shove me in that back closet in a nursing home!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...