Thursday, April 23, 2015

Lisa, Terf's and Transgender Privilege

We mentioned here in Cyrsti's Condo yesterday the embattled Michigan Womyn's Festival final year would be this season. (As announced by terf organizer founder and Lisa Vogel.) By the way,  TERF's are not cute little relations to a "Smurf" toy but bigoted Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists.

Connie commented: A TERF war battle lost. I guess there's always Burning Man (but why no Burning Woman?).  Good point! Here is my rant on the subject.

Perhaps many of you have heard of the term "Male Privilege." (They think we had it so damn good growing up and existing in a world they knew nothing about.) TERF's are gender victims Somehow, I didn't see Lisa Vogel in the Army draft line with me.  Regardless of all of that - my point is, if we enjoyed all that male privilege, why would we forsake it all to change gender???? Come on Lisa, really?

I also wonder if trans men would be welcome Lisa?  I have seen my share of highly androgynous lesbians. Do they drop their drawers at the gate when they buy tickets? How about if my lesbian partner wanted to go? Would I have to use the side gate? Sure, some trans woman have managed to slip by the gender censors. But are these the trans girls with all the passing privilege in the world? 

Come on Lisa, the only reason I would even have tried to attend your precious festival is because you didn't want me there. So Connie, I would argue, there is no "Burning Woman" because it is a male privilege to get burnt as a "macho" sacrifice. According to Lisa, if both genders are allowed to go, the generics with their birthright can watch. Transgender women or men? We can't be burnt. That's privilege! 

Good riddance to your festival Lisa. As Connie said, another battle lost.

Cyrsti's Condo "OOOPPPS!"

Lovely crossdresser
Unidentified cross dresser Pinterest 
Dammit!!! Maybe if I hide out in the women's room for awhile, those guys in the bar I know out there will leave??

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Timing is Everything

This morning, I saw the publicity and the expectant battle of words for this years embattled Michigan Womyn's Festival.  Remember, this event is famous for it's continuing attempt to exclude transgender women This morning though, (before I could start my rant) I read the 40th Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival, to be held this August, will be the last, its founder announced today. 

From the
"The storied women-only event, first held in 1976, has been the subject of controversy in recent years because of its exclusion of transgender women, with many artists and organizations deciding to boycott. 
Founder and organizer Lisa Vogel (left) gave no reason for ending the fest, however, in a Facebook post announcing the decision."
Bluntly, another group of bigots are fading away. Hopefully not to replaced by more like the Loki Meetup Group (Lesbian) in the Cincinnati, Ohio area (who excluded me).
It's sad they are so narrow minded but if you read all of the Advocate story, you will see why change is coming-one way or another.

Cyrsti's Condo "From the Hart"

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The "Small Bang" Therory

The Trans Ohio Symposium released it's "key note speaker" list yesterday-or I should say-.speakers list.  The list had a nice balance of race black/white (2 each) and a heavy balance of youth and trans guys.

However, I felt left out but then again know why. This is my third year in a row, and trans women are few and far between. Plus, the ones who do attend have a tendency to be out on their own little islands and stand offish. Including me.

Every year I tell Liz (who attends) I am going to make sure I make an effort not to present as some sort of an unreachable bitch-translated-introduce myself.  It's tough. During my male days of yore in my macho family we were taught to wait for someone to come to us to speak. It's time to bury that hatchet too with my past.

Now, there are several other reasons the oldest presenter is approx 30. Primarily (I don't have the official numbers) the attendee's seem to be younger transgender males. Plus, the future of all the trans community lies in it's youth and preventing as many tragic suicides as possible.

Finally, why do I think so few transgender women attend? First of all, once we "succeed" in blending into society.. See Ya! Also a ton of us are still married to a spouse who is not "all in" with us being a cross dresser, let alone being transgender. I'm just guessing she won't be all in spending money checking out the direction her marriage may be headed.

The problem is, and the Trans Ohio Symposium is not the place to address it is, there is not much information being presented for cross dressers searching for their gender basis. You would need a whole different Symposium (maybe not unlike Fantasia Fair) with more resources around here to do it. Plus, let's not forget the difference in name and organizers, just as a start.

So, why do Liz and I go? There is a place of course for a niche provider like me and my little workshop is usually well attended. Usually, at least half are spouses. Finally, I always come away from the event with more knowledge than I thought I walked in with.

The organizers are just now getting final information out on the event -May 29-31st this year in Columbus, Ohio. Follow the link for more!

Cyrsti's Condo "Fave"

Kalindra ChanI just love this picture of MtF trans model Kalindra Chan:

Monday, April 20, 2015

Is That a Chip on Your Shoulder or a Fashion Statement?

Should we still be carrying a chip on our shoulder so completely now if we are transgender? Should we still love the "poor, poor pitiful us" label so completely? Do I? Do you? I began thinking about the idea this morning...

When I turned on my old computer this morning I saw an ABC promo ad on this weeks Bruce Jenner transgender "unveiling" with Diane Sawyer. Something called Bruce Jenner "The Story". Immediately I recoiled and thought two things. When is the last time Diane knocked on your door to interview the average trans woman or trans man and the deep seated feeling this just can't be good. 

However, maybe I am not being fair and on occasion I have been known to carry a fairly decent trans chip too. Because I know Jenner's past athletic accomplishments took an incredible effort and much of that effort may have come from attempting to cover gender dysphoria. I think, quit being a bitch and understand? Dammit I should! Shouldn't I??? Why the guilt?

Plus, I can't escape the fact that on at least one occasion when I outed myself in a group of generics-one said "Oh! She (me) is like Bruce Jenner." or my daughters friends have specifically asked my ideas. I guess after Friday I will know.

Am I more trans than Bruce just because I don't have the Kardasian publicity machine?  No and I will have to shift the chip on my shoulder! (Maybe)

Don't get me wrong-I have a HUGE problem with our basic American rights being denied in society and in our military. (That is NOT the "chip" I'm talking about.") Increasingly though, I am feeling being a trans whiner rather than a "doer" is a waste of my time. Maybe I can remove my chip and throw it? Will Bruce?

Cyrsti's Condo "What I?"

She just knew that "Womanless Pageant" excuse was going a bit too far! (And the excuse to wear her clothes!

makeover by the girlfriend
Unidentified cross dresser (Pinterest)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

I'm Impressed!

Ohio State University High Heel Shoe Bottle HolderConnie commented on The Ohio State University Spring football game: "This time, I'll have to predict a win for OSU. Football, if a religion, cannot be used to "fix" anyone's gender identity, though. In fact, statistically, about 200 of those attending the game today will be dealing with some gender identity issue. While they may be at "The Shoe" today, I will be at DSW shopping for shoes (sometimes a religion in itself). ;-)"

Nice job on the stats! I don't know if you figured in the 99,700 peeps in "The Shoe? (The Shoe by the way is Ohio State's Football Stadium and the game is actually a scrimmage game between members of the team.) 

By the way Connie, thanks for mentioning DSW Shoes-whose head quarters are in Columbus. Plus, you are right about religion fixing football or even gender dysphoria. Only the NFL can do that!

Feeling the Pain

  Image from Eugenia  Maximova  on UnSplash. Learning on the fly all I needed to know concerning my authentic life as a transgender woman of...