Sunday, April 19, 2015

I'm Impressed!

Ohio State University High Heel Shoe Bottle HolderConnie commented on The Ohio State University Spring football game: "This time, I'll have to predict a win for OSU. Football, if a religion, cannot be used to "fix" anyone's gender identity, though. In fact, statistically, about 200 of those attending the game today will be dealing with some gender identity issue. While they may be at "The Shoe" today, I will be at DSW shopping for shoes (sometimes a religion in itself). ;-)"

Nice job on the stats! I don't know if you figured in the 99,700 peeps in "The Shoe? (The Shoe by the way is Ohio State's Football Stadium and the game is actually a scrimmage game between members of the team.) 

By the way Connie, thanks for mentioning DSW Shoes-whose head quarters are in Columbus. Plus, you are right about religion fixing football or even gender dysphoria. Only the NFL can do that!

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