Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Just Another Halloween?

Truly, I'm not sure if there is ever just another Halloween for most of us.  In my case, the day was the beginnings of a chance to journey out of the closet and begin to learn my true gender identity.  She was screaming at me, but I wouldn't listen.

My first Halloween adventure was when (after the Army) I settled back in for several years in my home town (here in Ohio) came when a group of friends and I went to an event called a "Spook Out" (as I recall) in the late 1970's.  It was a time when certain cities were busy restoring their ornate old downtown theatres. Including Columbus, Ohio which was presenting the silent original movie version of the "Phantom of the Opera" complete with the newly restored theatre organ.

Of course, the evening was custom made for an aspiring cross dresser to get out of the closet and explore the world.  I  managed to have a wonderful time.

I say "managed" because I felt a lot of unneeded pressure to enjoy every second, feel the process and secretly wondering if I could blend and pass. 

For the evening, I came up with a "costume" which not surprisingly, was more slut than originality.  My skirt was short, heels high and hair was long.  The result was a relatively uncomfortable evening in clothes I really hadn't spent enough time wearing to understand what I was "walking into" literally-my heels killed me.  My imagined enjoyment of walking down the street in my panty hose, short skirt and freshly shaved legs did thrill for awhile-until the chill set in.

Back in those days though, I could still pay the price for fashion.  Thirty plus years of working on my feet in high volume restaurants hadn't caught up with me yet and the shaved legs/hose was still electric.

Can't say the evening was "magical" but up to that time in my life, it most certainly was fun and  a quality learning experience. Plus, I don't believe I have ever seen so many, imaginative costumes in one place ever.

Sadly, for whatever reasons, the restored theatres around me at least have not done similar events for years.  These days though, so many more venues have opened for younger transgender women heading out to explore the world.

Back in those days though, it was a time of limits and deep dark closets for me and the evening was custom made.

Cyrsti's Condo "OOOPPS!"

Male Femininity and Gender Role Reversal
Un identified cross dresser
Hey! You guys didn't say it was drag RACING night at the bar-I just heard drag!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo Monday "Star Gazing"

Already!  Another week has flown by and it's time for another look at our astrological "signage"
First of all, as always,here are my fellow Libra's:

(September 23-October 22): Get to hunting for hearty meat that gives you satisfaction and sustenance. Picking at the bones is no way to live. So, when tables turn this week, exposing someone’s weaknesses, be okay with dropping the ball and letting them roll away into the gutter and out of your way. Not just practical, but sadistically fun to watch happen.

It seems I have a lot of "irony" in my life and my "scope" fits it too as just yesterday I was using the old term from my hippie days - "tasty!" Plus, when I think about it, sadistically fun fits me too!

Well, since I was mentioning my hippie days, it's just fitting we feature the "Age of Aquarius" sign as our guest this week:

(January 20-February 19): Magical mayhem will be in the works, pushing you up the ladder of dreams. While you may have to see the demise of another before getting what you want, know that being witness to this mess is your reminder that you are merely starting another level of challenges. No matter. If this recent win were to make sense easily, you’d find it less intriguing.

There you go for another week kids!  Go here to theFrisky if we missed your sign!  Peace and Love !

The Ultimate "Purge"

I promise honey I will NEVER where your clothes again...for a week.I promise honey-I will never wear your clothes again! (At least not these!)

Trans Youth Rule!

From the Marietta (Ga) Daily Journal:

 In what is believed to be a first for a Georgia high school, a transgender student has been elected to Walton High School’s homecoming court.

Sage Lovell, 16, was one of about 50 other girls in the junior class who were first nominated for homecoming court. The junior class then elected her and three other young women to serve on the court. She is not eligible for homecoming queen since that position is only offered to seniors.

Sage said she is excited she was chosen, and has received support from many of her classmates, who came up to her and told her they were going to vote for her.

“I’m so flattered to be representing my school, to be, like, able to, like, just represent my entire junior class,” she said.

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - I m so flattered Transgender Walton student believed first in state to be elected to homecoming court 

I Just Couldn't

As I looked around at several of the men at the fall festival this weekend-I was jealous and sad.

How ironic was it that during the festival I understood how much my life had changed.  I really didn't have to look at the genetics longing to be one of them and looked at the guys thinking how easy it would have been just to be one of them too. I just couldn't. 

I'm thinking by my 65th year though, there should be no crying over lost spilled gender.  And, there wasn't on Saturday.  No tears and no celebrations.

Having written all of that, the best way to describe the day is to relate an exchange between my partner Liz and Missy: Missy piped up and said to Liz that she (me) would be stepping out of her comfort zone today and Liz said, no, she is stepping into her comfort zone.

Liz was right, I was in my big "cushy" comfort zone and really the only person who tried to invade it was a trashy woman with 3 young kids who wanted Liz's business cards from me and she was recoiling.  But you know-the kids didn't care.

Finally, I would never, ever - ever go back to where I was before.  But not transitioning would have been a huge load off of me.  Not as big of a load though as staying where I was.  I just couldn't. I would have killed me.

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Up-Date"

From the Advocate:

Punk rocker Laura Jane Grace will be giving fans a taste of her new documentary series True Trans.

Being a transgender rock star can be utterly confessional work. The public eye scrutinizes, while the urge to make impactful art pushes one to self-examine relentlessly. Both gender transition and songwriting are deeply private and idiosyncratic, even while simultaneously calling an artist to share their evolution with the world, baring their inner life in the hopes that the self and others will feel reflected, unburdened, or enlightened.
This push-and-pull is undoubtedly familiar to many trans performing artists, but this year has been rendered achingly real by Against Me! front woman Laura Jane Grace's ongoing public journey and new album Transgender 

Follow the link above for more!

The public transgender women and men who are continuing to tell the world about us--I hope have some of the idea of the wonderful work they are doing!

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! Welcome kids to another "gi-normous" Sunday Edition.  Get a hot cup "o joe" and lets get started!

Page 1.- The Week that Was - or Wasn't!  A reasonably quiet week around here in the Condo.  We wrote about visits to the "girls and T-girls sandbox" Connecting gender dots is tough enough but essentially the only real way to do it-is to jump in.  No new sand was turned up.Plus, similar to many sandboxes, you never really know what could be buried there!  My only contention that the transgender girls sandbox was much more difficult! Mainly because most of the "sisters" have carried their sense of male ego and aggression with them through their transition.  When a genetic comes after you beware of the passive aggressive nature.  One way or another, your personal attitude can/will carry the day as you will see on page two.

Page 2.- A Walk in the Park?  Yesterday was my partner Liz's first public show of her hand crafted items in some time and it went well.  My deceased wife used to do shows too, so I have some sort of a back ground.  Times of course have changed and many of the higher end artisans are depending on physical shows to attract people to web sites and or physical stores.  After set up, since I am an artistic zero, my job was to actually do what comes natural-jabber (talk) and pass out cards.

Interestingly, the only real "problems" I had came from my deceased wife's sister who kept "slipping up" and calling me by my male name and he.  I told her very simply, keep it up and next time she won't go-or any where else with me.

Her highlight of the day was when I said I had to "potty" she said did I want her to along and "which restroom was I using?" REALLY?  I was sensitive and told her just to sit there and look stupid. What restroom did she think I was going to use????  Before any of you think I was being a bitch, we have been down all those roads now more than once. I told her I would be nice but only a few times.

Other than that, the crowd (as expected) was rather upscale and at the least, Liz's cards - Liz T Designs 
had a rather "unique" person passing them out!

Oh, by the way, we had a rather diverse section of vendors where we were set up.  The group beside us was several young lesbian women.

Page Three Television Info  Perhaps you have already heard the Transparent show, with 70 yr old  actor Jeffrey Tambor  playing the lead role as a transitioning MtF parent has been picked up for a second season already. Also, maybe you have seen this "quick hitter":  It's from one of the ten million commercials you see for I-phones and/or related gadgets. In it, a 20 something man and woman are looking for possible roles in a play and he is looking at the women's roles.  I'm paraphrasing here, but she said you are looking at the women's roles.  He said I know, I may want to play one of them.  She showed absolutely no surprise or emotion and said, what ever you chose-they are your life choices!

Page Four-The Back Page.  Almost "gnawed off my arm Friday during another television related event. You all probably know I mention Cincinnati, Ohio quite a bit as a place where Liz lives (and I am working in that direction) and a city I have enjoyed most of my life.  I am not on their tourism payroll and yes the city has had a distance to go to catch up with other old river towns but they are now. Perhaps the best example of the reclamation of an area of the city called OTR (Over the Rhine) which led the country not so long ago as having the most murders in a neighborhood. Not any more- Liz told me not to miss Friday's episode of "Diners, Drive- Ins and Dives"  Then, she was exhausted and rolled over to sleep as I watched in agony all that wonderful food being prepared!  She is still hearing about it and can only recoup the damage by taking me to one - then all three of the featured spots- which are no more than twenty minutes from her house!

"Gotz" to go kids! It's a colorful, cool fall Sunday morning here in Southwestern Ohio-USA! Thanks for being such a close part of the Condo-no matter where you are!!!!

It's Mammogram Day

  JJ Hart, image from Columbus, Ohio. Once a year, my doctor puts in a request for a mammogram screening for me. Mainly because breast cance...