Sunday, May 18, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

"Ker Plunk!" it's time for another issue of the Sunday Edition in the Condo.

Page 1.- Courage.  Just to be different this morning, I'm going to go a bit out of order with how I structure the edition and go with a comment I received from Jen Smith.  It concerned the experience last week I had last week with a guy who called me "Sir".  To catch you up, I simply lost it and asked the guy "WTF" did you call me?   Jen wrote:

This is an amazing story to me. You must be one special person, so brave, to handle a situation like this. You were in the military with him? I would have probably gone into shock at how to react in a situation like this. It seems like you have tons of confidence! Take care! jen

Thanks so much Jen!  As far as "brave" goes, I think I had my split second angry reaction covered in my brain before he did it.  It wasn't like I was in a situation where I would face physical harm with some redneck guy and his friends-this guy knowingly or not - gender trashed me for years.  I just had had it.  For some reason I turned on him before I knew it.  No, we weren't in the military together.  He was in the Marines and I was in the Army and the only common ground we have is we were both in Vietnam.  He served an entire tour there while I was just passing through (thank goodness!)

Looking back, perhaps I should have an added a "don't try this at home" tag to this post.  I also should point out, I essentially transitioned in front of the regular head bartender in this sports bar. It's down the way from where my wife worked before she passed and both of us stopped in when I was a guy way back then.  She got a kick out of when I verbally "swatted" John because he so deserved it.  I suppose my shock set in Jen, when I got to meet his wife and daughter who were so nice.

Page 2.- Trans Ohio Finally finished all the registration work and overnight lodging reservations for the Trans Ohio Symposium in a couple of weeks.  The problem was (if you are a golfer) the Memorial PGA Golf Tournament is going to held in roughly the same area of Columbus that same weekend.  The Symposium this year is going to be held at The Ohio State University (also roughly in the same area) so I didn't know how that would effect getting a room.  Last year, the event was held in one spot but his year we are encouraged to stay at a nearby hotel with a shuttle.  I lucked it out and took the last room though and booked a 4 star room for less money right off campus-come on Expedia!  The whole weekend should be more interesting if the primarily cross dresser group still has their mixer that Saturday night at a place called Club Diversity .  In the past the CD group (which has it's share of cross dressed sharks) has manged to act up and get kicked out of there. Regardless of the little spice they add,  I have always loved the place and it is diverse in it's clientele.  Plus I believe it's co-owned by a trans person.

Page 3.- "Book 'em Danno!"  Of course my deadline to hit the button with Vook and publish my "Stiletto's on Thin Ice" is this Friday.  So this week I will be kicking my virtual butt because I didn't get more done before now.  In my past there were those who thought I worked better under pressure, so I will find out again as I dig out literally from years of procrastination! (Book 'em Danno! is a vintage saying from the Hawaii Five-O television show.)

Back Page.- Last week brought all kinds of enticing news to the transgender community.  Reports surfaced the Pentagon and Defense Secretary Hagel were going to reopen the un American ban on transgender military service-finally!  On a lesser scale Tyra Banks felt the need to produce an upcoming show of some sorts on a group of transgender women in Chicago.  Called me jaded, but the whole project sounds a little too "fierce", glossy and profit driven to mean much to me here in small town Ohio. There is hope though if Carmen Carrera (left)  is heading up the project.

Well kids, that's it for this week's edition. Hope all is well for you in your part of the universe and we can get together again next week to do it again!

Cyrsti's Condo "Thought of the Day"

homo rights!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Our cover feature today is the beautiful transsexual woman Sophia Abella from the Philippines:

It's a Small World

Yesterday was the day to have my fluids checked at my local VA Clinic.  As a point of reference, my clinic could be compared to an urgent care center on steroids and my much larger regional hospital center is 20 miles in Dayton (Ohio).

After being probed, tested and questioned, I'm happy to say my primary physician Doc told me all was well and go on with my life.  Of course none of that is as easy said than done when you are my age and on HRT. My primary risks are potential blood clots and mood swings because of my history of being bi-polar and my Mom's cause of death from heart disease.  Definitely, I do pay attention to both.

Of particular interest on this visit to my Doc (my second), he said he felt a certain closeness to my treatment because he has a Mtf transgender niece!  Even I was at a lost for words for a second.  It turns out the niece is in her 20 somethings and lives in the Chicago area.  Very quickly our conversation turned to my dealings with my endocrinologist, dosages of meds and future plans.  Even gender markers!

He asked of my dealing with the VA as a whole and I said the only problem I have ever had was getting someone in the system to prescribe my HRT meds.  My original primary would make sure I got them filled but he didn't feel comfortable in prescribing them.  My problem became getting the VA in Dayton to pay for me to go outside the system to find a endo-doc who would prescribe and monitor.  The process took me nearly eight months. If I would have had to pay for the outside doc myself the cost for the initial visit and others would have been over one thousand dollars. I should point out, all of that was about two years ago and much has changed in the system. As far as my meds go, my estrogen is about the same cost with my VA copay, but my Spiro is much less. (Spiro is what is prescribed to lower testosterone fairly commonly.)

Of course I understood after the appointment why my Doc seemed to have a little more empathy for me and of course was pleased with the prognosis I would live on for a couple more days or so. (Have a lot to do!)  I am also set up with a stable number of refills on my prescriptions.  On this visit, I did ask him about if I should ask for a mammogram because my maternal grandmother died of breast cancer and I was developing more and more breast tissue.  I am supposed to hear back soon.

Now, the next hurdle for me will be how all of this will work with my upcoming date with Medicare coverage when I'm 65. (If I make it through the party!)

Friday, May 16, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "What If?"

cuteWell dear, you always were harassing me about joining you and the girls some night and getting bored...I'm ready!

You ARE Gay Dammit!

Americans Say Yes To Gay Athletes ... Until They KissJust when you thought it was OK to come out of the closet and be the NFL's first openly gay player (if he makes the team) Michael Sam was shown smooching his boyfriend after he was drafted. (Left) Of course many are in shock now over the public display of affection but if you ask anyone who has watched the draft closely over recent years-it certainly has looked on occasion that NFL Commissioner Goodell was leaning in for a smootch from NFL players on more than one occasion! So Sam's smootch was not the NFL's first man on man kiss!  Goodell had him beat years ago!

Speaking of the "G" word, if you recall me writing about the wife and daughter of the guy who mis-pronoun-ed me last night, the daughter made sure she didn't make a mistake with me.  When her and her Mom were having the conversation with me about being a transgender woman, Mom said something about me being gay.  Of course I said, I'm transgender not gay.  I had to love the daughter when she said: you (me) are here with two women, your partner is a woman and you identify as a woman-you are GAY! 

I said you are right!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Never a Dull Moment

Last night I met up with a couple of my friends - for the sake of information, both are genetic females who identify as lesbians.  Now that I got that out of the way, both of them were fired up by the time I got to our meeting place ( a very straight sports bar). One is leaving tomorrow to visit her son in Africa who is serving in the Peace Corps and the other was just more exuberant than normal.  I was later (than normal) because a tornado touched down about 20 miles from where I live, so naturally I was watching the weather. Fortunately, it hit in a very rural underpopulated farm area. If you read Stana's Femulate blog, she was coming to Dayton and that's the weather she was talking about.

No more than I was getting comfortable with my first beer-here came the cheap shots.  Mind you now, I can give as good as I get but I usually like to get the first salvo in.  As it turned out, not much longer into the evening, along comes the biggest cheap shot of all, and not a funny one.  There is an ex marine (older than I am even) who I worked with for years in there to quit mis- pronouning me.  He was getting better and was down to the occasional "man" reference and then stopped it all together-until last night.  He walked by me and said "how you doing Sir?"  This time, I didn't let it go and turned around and said WTF John, what did you just call me?  He started to mumble and blush and did apologize and scurried away.  My friends were kind of shocked and I don't know if they even knew the full extent of what went on until I told them.  It's always an interesting gender dynamic between them and I in that they so totally accept me as me.  When someone tries to mis gender or pronoun me, they get puzzled as to why.

My one friend couldn't resist the opening and said the only male she reads in me is my total non acceptance of any other sports teams other than my own.  Keep in mind, she is as much a sports fan as I, so I told her that comment only proved what she doesn't about sports.

As it turned out, the night was far from over yet.  Later on, John returned with his wife and 45 year old daughter and they made him apologize again.  That was nice, but not needed but it turned out the wife and daughter had a true desire to know what makes a transgender person tick. (Like I knew?) Kidding, both of them were real good people and we did do a little classroom education about trans people.  It's just so difficult to explain the various layers of our community without losing everyone's attention.  I pretty much got through the basics of how I was married, in the military, played football and did all the man things the best I could. It just wasn't me and yes now I am different from a cross dresser in many basic ways including the hormone replacement therapy I was on.  

So as you can tell, there never was a dull moment except when I woke up and  had to shake off the hangover this morning!

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

"Hang in there.  Just don't let the rope get too tight!"

Cyrsti Hart

Cyrsti's Condo "What If?"

Cross-dressing Couple in theatrical Costumes - Tintype Portrait taken in the second Half of the 19th CenturyFrom the look on his/her's face, she/he just goosed him! Or the cross dresser is thinking "Finally! Another way to check out how I look in drag!"

"Cross-dressing Couple in theatrical Costumes - Tintype Portrait taken in the second Half of the 19th Century"

Seraching for Me

Image from Selcuk S On UnSplash. Ironically, during my life I have spent too much time searching for who the true me was. Naturally, I am re...