Tuesday, January 7, 2014


As I watched this video sent along by Lynne, I began to consider if more than a few of these dramatic cross dressing transformations are what set men on edge. If you can't trust that girl sitting across from you to be "home grown", what can you trust in life?  Maybe she is a "hybrid" and more satisfying than any other woman he has ever been with but sadly will never know.

Check out the video for yourself on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope."

Here is our first true weekly "scope" for the New Years!

Libra:  (September 23-October 22): Your moods will be hard to stabilize, but when you’re around others, try to have a sense of humor. People in authoritative roles will try to run you over, but you don’t have to take it lying down. Use your charm and be willing to laugh it off. If you maintain your sense of respect with this person now, they will give more to you in the long run.

All I can say is, when I went into semi retirement, it was to get away from people in authority. Now I have to see if my dog is going to force her issues with me this week!

For your very own "scope" go here to theFrisky!

Her Legs Go "All the Way Up"

As promised, here is the video followup from the last Cyrsti's Condo post:

Naked Garters

If you are similar to me, your first cross dressing experiences involved trips through Mom's undie drawer.  The biggest draw to me were her stockings, garters etc.  Just had to experience the silky feel of the nylons on my legs.

It's no secret how pervasive the appeal of a smooth nylon clad leg is to so many in our culture. I have told the story many times of when I met Stana from Femulate last summer and she had men walking into walls staring at her long shapely legs.

As I always do, I try to connect the dots of my gender identity experience and nylons define my timeline more effectively than almost anything else. In fact, I've almost gone full circle.

Very early, I lost the fetish appeal of hose.  By the time the boom of pantie hose came around, I was diligently shopping the brand packed in those plastic legs for the best sizes and shades. I realized quickly, I couldn't wait to try on my new purchase.  Not because of the way the hose felt, it was how they looked.  Looking back, I was transitioning from cross dresser into transgender and didn't know it.

These days, I'm lucky because some say I have very presentable legs that I never present.  Never is a big word and not exactly true, though.  Skirts in the hot weather have proven to be a very useful cooling piece of clothing, especially when I go 'bare legged" (with no hose at all).  It's the classic story of HRT giving and taking away.  HRT gave me a furnace of a body to deal with during MtF transition but took away most of my body hair to ease my leg maintenance.

I was trying to come up with a highly inventive phrase to wrap this Cyrsti's Condo post up.  I was trying to take us from seamed garter stockings to no hose at all.  I guess you get the point!

The reason I actually went down this Condo hallway this morning is coming up in the next post.

Monday, January 6, 2014

A "Living Doll?"

In my endless travels over the web over the years, I have seen men who have done the feminine rubber mask cross dressing trip.  It seems now, it's becoming more widespread, or maybe the whole deal is yet another "invention" of the social medias. In the UK, a "Channel 4" documentary called "Secret's of the Living Dolls" is going to feature a segment on "maskers".  Not stopping at masks though, these men are taking the experience to a whole different level with custom made body suits (as shown in the pictures)

I'm sure you have heard of the men who buy a very realistic (spooky) life size doll as a girlfriend. This whole scenario just takes the guy and puts him into the doll.  Regardless of what I happen to think or not think of "maskers", the future should be bright for them as technology improves. I'm sure someone is working diligently on producing a truly attractive feminine body suit a man could wear to fulfill his fantasy of being a "hot chick"  On the other hand, replacing a genetic or transgender woman with a latex "suit" seems to be rather sad and lonely.

Not all the "maskers" are single and the documentary even features one guy who is married.  Can you imagine that conversation?  "We going out tonight dear? Sure, just zip me up. I don't need a coat." By the way dear, is it OK if I walk about four steps behind you and don't forget your straws."

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover 'Cos' Girl of the Day"

Li Jingcheng (right), 23, got his fame through a series of cross-dressing photos.

Ying Zhongche (left) is a Chinese university student and  a big fan of comic cosplay shows.

"Hurry up! - and Wait!"

Those of you Cyrsti's Condo readers who may have had previous military experience, may recognize the title of this post. On more occasions I can count, we hurried to be at an assigned point in the Army at an appointed time, only to wait and wait and wait.  In many ways, my HRT journey has been the same.

In the beginning, changes begin quickly and I began to wonder if the process was happening too easily.  Perhaps my body was predetermined to make this step all along.  Reality soon set in though.  Changes did slow for a couple reasons, due to obtaining my dosages and medications.

Now I'm getting mixed signals.  If you recall my posts before the end of the year, I very much thought I had "hit the wall" with my bodily changes.  Of course my hair was still rocking but I felt as if my breasts and hips were not keeping up their end of the bargain.  All of the sudden I was feeling frustrated.  I waited so long to begin HRT, hurried into the initial changes and now I'm waiting again.

The problem is, I have never been a patient person.  Nothing is good enough over the long term, including my feminization progress.  It's also extremely hard to judge daily changes in myself, the first thing I do in the morning is not measure my breasts.  I need to just forget about the process and let it happen.

Some would argue there is more than a little change in one's emotional make up during HRT.  I don't doubt I do feel more emotional about everything, including staying positive about many things.  Why aren't my breasts bigger or my hips more feminine, etc.

This past couple of days though, I think I may have been over reacting.  All of the sudden, I'm noticing a little more "bounce to the breast" and jiggle to the hips. Now, I'm fairly sure I was totally over reacting. I know going through HRT at (64) with my body style can only achieve so much.

It's time to calm down, hurry up and wait for more!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Welcome to our first "Sunday Edition Post" here in "the Condo".  Relax in your "jammies" with hot cup of your favorite coffee (or whatever) and let's get started!

Sports Section.-   My Ohio State Buckeyes were beaten by Clemson primarily because of the worse defense I have seen in my life, conversely, my Cincinnati Bengals embark on yet another NFL playoff adventure-not a good experience in my past. In fact, the standing joke around here is, "when you feel the ground getting cold under your feet, it's hell freezing over-the Bengals are going to the Super Bowl."  Actually it did 32 years ago when the Bengals played the same team they are playing today (San Diego) in the coldest game ever in the NFL.  Close to -60 degrees (F). "Momma Karma's little sis Momma Nature" tried to go it again this year but missed it by one day.  She shifted her cold breath up to Green Bay and spared us freezer until tomorrow - 40 below wind chill.

If you have ever heard the old "brass monkey" saying, the next couple days around here and a load of other spots in the U.S. should take heed.  The revered proverb goes something like this, "Better bring your brass monkey in off the porch before he freezes his balls off."  True, right? Unless he wants a quick head start towards SRS.

Week in Review.-  New Year's Eve was another wonderful evening for me and among other things the third I have spent with Liz, my partner and the beginning of my third year on HRT. Of course we exchanged all the pleasantries back and forth here in Cyrsti's Condo.  Thanks to all for checking in and all the best to all of you in 2014.  Outside of our insulated world here, all sorts of transgender "best of" lists all starting to appear.  At least in this country, the anti closeted stealth transgender women and transgender men, are helping to raise the bar for all of us.  Which brings us to our next section.

We Got Mail.-  As you all know, I'm quick to jump upon my soapbox and blast all the transgender community who "jumped closets".  They transitioned then went away.  On the other hand there were just as many or more who refused to accept their true gender identity and stayed in my cross dressing closet. (Me)  Shel le , who is close to my age, pointed out in one of my posts, "it was a different world back then." She is right. I think finally we "T"'s in the LGBT system learned from the gay and lesbian community on how to advance our own agenda. We are seeing it now on many fronts.

To finish 2013, we also became entrenched in discussions of how genetic men interact with transgender women - or don't.  We covered hardly earth shattering thoughts like how insecure men are with their sex and indeed their whole gender.  As those of us who grew up as card carrying members of the male gender know, men have precious little to hang their gender hats on.  I'm not being a male basher here but men just live in simpler systems than women and when one of us wants to "jump" ship, it's cause for concern.  First, those damn women were allowed to vote, allowed to work in the same jobs and even are starting to manage companies?  What's this world coming to...the unkindest cut of all.  Men wanting to be women and just maybe I want to talk to her???  Quite the dynamic we can discuss forever.
So much for this "Sunday Edition" here in the Condo.  I look forward to our upcoming week and may Momma Karma smile on you and do something about her " Sis" Nature.

Cyrsti's Condo "Transgender Woman of the Day"

Our featured transgender woman today is:
 Florencia Trinidad (born Roberto Carlos Trinidad; March 2, 1975), better known by her stage name Flor de la V, is an Argentine transgender actress and comedian. In 2010, after a court decision, Trinidad was legally recognized as a woman, and changed her name.  

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...