Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Top Ten Transgender Woman

From TransGriot:

"The White House will honor ten TBLG officials on Harvey Milk Day and one of them will be a girl like us. Kim Coco Iwamoto, who is serving her first term on the state of Hawaii's Civil Rights Commission and previously served the state as an elected member of the Hawaii State Board of Education, is one of the people being honored on Wednesday, Harvey Milk's birthday as a Harvey Milk Champion of Change"

For more, go here.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Horror Scope

Again boys and girls it's time to part the mists here in Cyrsti's Condo and view the stars with this weeks "HorrorScope!

"Libra: (September 23-October 22): You need to be five steps ahead of the competition — including your self-sabotaging side that can get lost in the fury, rather than bathing in the fire. Yes, action and words need to sync up, so work it from your gut. Being fast on your feet is your ticket to being heard rather than trampled on, so make sure you don’t get caught with your pants down."

The stars nailed it this week!  I have always had a self-destructive side that at one point in time I tried to blame my transgender spirit for. Syncing my words up with what I really mean has always been an adventure too.  As far as getting caught with my pants down-is that similar to seeing more of the moon than the stars?

As always, "Horrorscope" is my term and you can go to theFrisky for your own "scope"!


Everyonce in a while Mother Karma comes along and lays a big fat gooey Smooch on me. The latest one was this morning and I am still trying to dry off.

This morning I made the half hour trip to my daughter's to pick up most of my meds  the VA sent me.Because of school winding down, none my grand kids (approximately 12, 8 and 5) were home at the time. This morning  we had a rare one on one moment to just chat.

Along the way, the conversation centered on my 8 year old grandson who of course managed to do something totally dumb to keep himself out the final days of school activities.  Since he did, my daughter followed up with an equal amount of home punishment-including maybe missing a boy scout meeting.

At that point she asked me if I had been following the LGBT drama with the scouts. Well of course I have and have made a point to sign the on line petitions for a pro open scouting organization.

Perhaps you remember the stir which was created when the young transgender girl tried to join a girl scout troop not so long ago? Well, my daughter used the example to open a discussion door with my grand daughter about the transgender community and how close it was to her- really close!  As with most kids her age she really could care less except for a little natural curiosity and the subject was pretty much closed for awhile.

When the first debates and protests began to stir within the Boy Scout organization of the course the topic of the kids transgender grandparent came around front and center-again. Mom and Dad gave grandson his choice of staying or going if the Boy Scouts continued to ban LGBT peeps. He said, he had a good time and would prefer to stay. Understandable. But now he has changed his tune.  Recently the group had a big open meeting in Dayton on the subject. Of course the usual group of unreasoning bigots were there spouting who knows what. Well it worked with my grandson. After the meeting he announced he wanted nothing to do with the Boy Scouts if they excluded people like his transgender grandparent!

I'm rarely speechless and luckily my hormone level was down because of VA screw ups so I didn't talk and cry with pride at the same time!. I could only blurt out I was so damned proud of the kid and his parents!

Now, can't we do something about cutting back on that punishment?

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dayton Ohio Area Girls!

Ok girls, do you remember my post about the new Mary Kay makeup person who wanted to "borrow my face" to work on?
This is what grew out of it:

First, I'm not naive enough to think I know all there is about basic skin care and I believe totally in the clean canvas to work from but what I really need is for someone who knows what they are doing to work with me on colors and contouring. 

I was referred at this point  to "makeup guru" Alisha Manley. We covered a lot of ground quickly in our first conversation. Bless her heart, she mentioned her cousin was a drag queen and then said that probably meant very little to me. Cool, the last makeup style I'm looking for is a drag queen's.  I do need to look like an everyday woman who is not wearing much makeup but does a quality job of working with what she does wear. Plus, I do recognize the challenge of working with my male based features.To get there I do need to know the background skill needed to make it happen.

AND! Alisha is holding a makeup workshop this coming Saturday for a couple hours at her studio. Here's the deal:
10 available spots by RSVP. It will be $25/person, $20 may be redeemed as a product credit. It will be from 2 to 4pm in her studio on 5/25/13 (Saturday).
I'm leaving it to you to follow the link below for the studio location.

AND! Here is her Bio:

Raised in a nontraditional environment, Alisha began studying the "illusion of beauty" at a very young age watching her mother work in the Night Life as a bar owner. Her favorite past time growing up was planning "Showtime" with her cousin, who later debuted as the ever popular drag queen, Blair Saunders.

 She began her makeup training at age 12 while enrolled in Barbizon, modeling school where she later became one of their most popular instructors while teaching there during her college years. Since she never grew physically as tall as her personality, she began doing pageants at age 12 instead of modeling. She was a fierce pageant competitor for 20 years earning the title of Mrs. Ohio 2001 and winning costume at the Mrs. United States pageant along with top 20.

 Alisha earned an Engineering Degree from the University of Dayton and trained in Makeup Artistry under the legendary, Hollywood Makeup Artist, Tony Caine before his passing. Presently, she teaches her "Illusion of Beauty" through her Magic Makers Unit as a Director in Qualification through Mary Kay Cosmetics. She has honed her teaching style also as a part time Faculty member at the University of Dayton in Human Factors Engineering and she is a full time Executive with Hobart Service, working as the National Safety Manager.

 Beauty is an Illusion...Let me show you how to create your best image.

AND! Here is where you can contact her for more info.

Alisha Manley, Independent Beauty Consultant Future Sales Director www.marykay.com/alishamanley

Finally, for all you shy girls (me included) this is a chance to go into an understanding environment and improve your image to the world.

Bra Ban Bucket List

Have you read the Milwaukee bra ban has been lifted and now the city is busting out? Or were they just a bunch of boobs anyhow?
OK, enough already! First, here is part of the story from Yahoo News:

"The Milwaukee bra ban has been lifted, which means these articles of underwear can hang from the rafters once again at a local bar. Bras were banned in Milwaukee, but this didn't mean the town was full of women bouncing along the sidewalk, the bra ban only pertained to a bar. This unique drinking establishment is a place where bras dangle off the ceiling as a tradition that has gone on for about a half of a century, according to the Inquistr on May 18, 2013. The Holler House, an establishment that's been in operation for about 100 years, began a tradition about 45 years ago, where women started filling up the ceiling with bras."

I can now rest easier! The bra ban was certainly one of my top topics to worry about along with the North Koreans and global warming.

Actually, I have been to a couple taverns where bra "tossing" was not banned. (Is that some sort of Constitutional Amendment in Ohio?) Women had the right to vote and to wear a bra in a bar? Wow! My take on it always was "damn, I wish I was the one tossing my bra". Or I really would love a set of breasts like hers for my own! Plus, I was checking out the collection of bras hanging from the ceiling to get an idea of what style I wanted to own. The guys I was drinking with were trying to figure out how to get a woman out of some of the bras and I was trying to figure out how to get into the bra.

Well, of course I didn't and had two problems-the first was having natural boobs and the know how to get the bra off under my top- which women seem to learn as a rite of adolescence. The effect would have definitely lessened if my silicone breast forms had hit the floor in the Holler House! OOPS! Then there would have been some "hollering"!

Well, years later HRT is beginning to solve problem #1 and problem #2 turned to be one of those feminine mystic issues which wasn't so difficult to master. Some would argue all the time I should have spent in a straight jacket would have prepared me for a Harry Houdini style escape from a bra.

Congratulations to all you transgender and transsexual women in Milwaukee. The right to wear or not wear your bra in a bar must be truly intoxicating (or is that the beer?). I just have to think though some of you girls can't wait to show off those breasts of yours under that tight T-shirt!

You know what the girls say "if you got it...flaunt it!" Someday I want to get to a point where I can take my frilly bra off at the bar somewhere and add it to the collection!

A Television "TV" Classic

I know, A bad take off on the old transvestite / T.V. pun but this classic video of beautiful female impersonator Micheal Andrews is anything but but bad and sure fire pick for the Cyrsti's Condo big screen. It's from one of the several "Mike Hammer" shows produced over the years. This one is with Stacy Keach:

Cross Dressing Anime

After finding this "Top 5: Favorite Cross Dressers / Gender Benders in Anime list, I tossed aside the idea I don't get out much...well at least that's not true on the web.

I knew cross dressing was relatively wide spread in Anime, but I had never seen a list or explanations. Here is my favorite of the five, number two on their list:

"2. Mariya Shidou (Maria Holic) Okay, so this one surprised me the first time around. I don’t know how many people watch Maria Holic (or have heard of it), but Mariya Shidou is actually a boy cross-dressing in order to attend a prestigious all-girl’s high school. His grandmother was the original chairman of the school and, for exact reasons I won’t reveal here, the only way for him to follow her legacy is by attending the school himself. It takes a lot of guts to attend an all-girl’s school just to become chairman. Props for that. But the craziest part about all this is that Mariya’s disguise is so perfect that he becomes the ideal type for the lesbian protagonist, Kanako Miyamae. Twist! Why do I love this character? Because although he has the face of an angel, he is as sinister as the devil and finds enjoyment torturing the poor Kanako in his free time. Kanako just can’t resist his feminine charms, even when she knows his chest is fake. Mariya is a killer beauty, but he has determination! Nothing, not even attending an all-girl’s school, will stop him from becoming chairman!"

I love the site bio too:

"Population GO is made up of a team passionate about geek and otaku culture. Our goal is to entertain, inform, and most importantly, provide GO content to those who share the same love and appreciation. This is a place for geeks, otaku, nerds, fanboys and fangirls alike."

Go here for more!

Boy Meets Girl Movie

As you may have concluded, certainly Cyrsti wasn't going to pass along just any old pull out the chocolate chip ice cream and a box of tissues chick flick on our Condo big screen. This movie is actually about a young transgender woman...played by a transgender actress! Such a radical idea!!!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

"Trans Victim" Revisit

I am fortunate to have received quite a bit of intelligent feedback on the "Victim" post here in Cyrsti's Condo and from outside friends. The post actually came from Helen Boyd's "En Gender" blog.

 The first comes from Paula Gee: " It's simply not fair, especially if we were misguided enough not to tell our wives about our selves before marriage. Yes any form a trans activity is selfish, and we have to understand that and deal with it."

The second from Reasonablynoble:

"As much as I've always included my spouse in my transition, it is an inherently narcissistic process. We spend so much time not focusing on ourselves that by the time we do this, we are wholly fascinated by our selves. It's hard to avoid navel gazing. At the same time, there are other people in my life and I have always been mindful about how my healing has both been a positive and negative for them. This is a healing process and it can, ultimately, make things better for everyone around us."

I'm agreeing with both and using my past and current relationships as a guideline. For whatever reason, misguided or not I told my second wife of 25 years I was a transvestite or cross dresser before we were married. So I didn't tell the truth.  As I think about it, if you put me under oath I would swear to the fact I knew there was probably something deeper going on with my gender identification but I was prepared to do my best to not follow it.

On the other hand, my current female lover is sure total love transcends gender and I'm fairly certain holds my deceased wife's views against her in someways. But it's not that easy and as wonderful as she is, I remind her she "caught up" with me after a ton of life experience and she is lucky. I knew who I was when we met.  Because as both of the ladies above mentioned, the cross dressing  through identifying as transgender or transsexual is, a hugely selfish process. Certainly,  for obvious reasons, we are fascinated by ourselves. I was no different.

The negative as Reasonably said "We spend so much time not focusing on ourselves that by the time we do this, we are wholly fascinated by our selves."  So,  if we can't or don't share ourselves with others- we are only a reflection in the mirror and doomed to a damned lonely existence. As you can see on Flickr or any number of other picture sites so many of us never get out of the mirror or the camera. Those who finally make it into the "real" world are naturally stunted. Not unlike the boy who was raised by wolves. My "anti mirror" friend examples are Drake and Stana who positively light up the room with their chance to live as their real gender.

In recent years as I jumped from my mirror into the world, I acquired a pedestal. You may have read me refer to it here. Sure, experiences such as developing a circle of friends, HRT  and the such are fantastic. BUT none of it makes me any better-or worse in the trans community.  I certainly have to constantly reevaluate where my life is, where I would love it to go and how precarious my "pedestal" really is. It's STILL  just as easy for me to be a victim as the frustrated cross dresser in the closet or the bitter transsexual who discovers SRS wasn't what she really wanted.

Of course I'm not smart enough to come up with an answer. I have been fortunate to have known all sort of peeps who revolve in and out of our culture from a long time friend who will go to any extent to rationalize purging his cross dressing "habit" 25 years ago because of wife and money to unhappy transsexuals to everyone in between.

Every once in a while though someone like Helen Boyd and Betty are able to put a little more perspective to the issue.

I am smart enough to know surgery is the end result to a successful gender transition not the beginning.

Well, this post has gone on so long I should be passing out cookies and milk to all of you here in Cyrsti's Condo.

Maybe I should consider a post called "The Transsexual as a Victim" when I really want to get ganged up on!!!!

Turning Your Gender Corner

  Image from the JJ Hart Archives. As I made my way towards coming out of my closet and living as a transgender woman, I found I had many co...