Showing posts with label TV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TV. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A Big Night Tonight

PHOTO: Jazz Jennings, 14, and her family are sharing their story on a new TLC series called, "I Am Jazz."Plenty of action on the the American "Tube" tonight. (Wednesday EST) Do they call televisions a tube anymore or has the term gone the route of calling transvestites "TV's"? 

From ABC News:

"Like many teenage girls her age, Jazz Jennings spent time at the beach this summer and loves playing soccer with her friends, but she’s about to face a new challenge when she starts high school in the fall.
“I’m a little bit worried because I’m not sure if people are going to be fully accepting,” she said. “I’ve noticed that boys are less accepting than girls.”
Jazz is transgender, and at just 14 years old, she is staving off puberty and medically transitioning her body to female, the gender she identifies as, by taking estrogen and puberty blockers. All the while, like her peers, Jazz is trying to navigate typical teenage issues.
“It's hard for me to talk about boys with my friends sometimes,” Jazz said. “All they have to do is stuck their butt out and then a boy's like, ‘Text me.’ For me, it's not like that.”
AND! NASA has announced more and more of the historic pictures of the (planet??) tonight. Pluto tonight. And, all along I thought Pluto was a cartoon dog!!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Television "TV" Classic

I know, A bad take off on the old transvestite / T.V. pun but this classic video of beautiful female impersonator Micheal Andrews is anything but but bad and sure fire pick for the Cyrsti's Condo big screen. It's from one of the several "Mike Hammer" shows produced over the years. This one is with Stacy Keach:

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Happiness Is!

My appointment yesterday with my VA psychologist went extremely well. (I'm a transgender veteran.)
My hours with her have been incredibly pleasant and to give a few of you new visitors (Thanks!!!) a quick history: This process was the required start to my hormone journey (HRT) through the Veteran's Administration which started last October.
The particular "warm and fuzzies" came when she commented several times how far she could see the hormones have taken me and she could see how happy I was.
No matter how much fun vanity is on occasion, my real reason for the visit was to connect more dots within the VA to not have to go to an outside provider.  If I do have to go outside again, I feel the system should support me since no service is available in my center.
The good news was the center is expected to add an endoctrinist who can prescribe and monitor hormone therapy. I also learned of the in house "Advocate" who I'm going to contact today. She is the specific person I can explain my problems to and see if she comes up with a resolution.
My therapist also told me the whole center is undergoing transgender training.  In part it explains why the last time I called, the person I talked to knew immediately which direction to send me. No transfers-no!
So today it's back on the offensive with the Advocate.  Sounds like a TV show? (no pun attended)
I'll let you know!

What Came First?

  Image from Alexander Grey on UnSplash.  Today was "patch" day, when I changed out my gender affirming hormonal estradiol patches...