Showing posts with label boobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boobs. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "What If"

I know "back in the day" I used to see quite a few transvestites all dolled up in their "Hooter's" gear and ready to serve.  I have to say, more than a few did a respectable job with their "uniform's".  These days I don't see as many and that could be I'm not looking as hard-don't know.  But I did find one-sort of:

Allow me to preface this "what if" by saying none of these comments on the picture are from me and as always - I don't know if the person in the picture is a cross dresser, or a genetic girl.

I would add these comments though:  "Honey if I did get the job, what if I had to wait on my old drinking buddies?"
And the best one of all:  "If I do this honey, you know I get to keep all my tips!" Then, I can save for a boob job and call them "Tips for Tits!" (Sorry, couldn't resist!)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"That's So Male!"

This is a cute quick story here in Cyrsti's Condo from an experience I had last night.

One of my genetic girl friends invited me to meet her for a drink and who was I to turn her down?  The place we went to was having live trivia-which I am deceptively good at.  What I mean is, out of ten questions, I get two right, two close and the rest I have no clue. The people around me (if they aren't paying too much attention) then think I'm some sort of savant and want me on their team-the jokes on them!  Plus, I have the attention span of a five year old, so I as go into rounds two or three, my mind is bored and is in another dimension.

You aren't supposed to cheat at this trivia and Google the answers so you can win but that didn't stop my friend and another woman down the bar from doing it.  Naturally, to do this you need to find an answer in a timely manner.  For whatever reason, I knew the place we were in had sketchy WiFi reception to start with, which was slowing the cheaters down. In short order, my friend got frustrated and started pounding her phone into the bar.  Not long after that, the woman down the bar did the same thing.

I was amazed and said to my friend, "that was so male!"  (It was!)  She quickly turned to me and sputtered "how do you sit there with your hair and boobs and all and tell me that?"  I calmly said "because I have been there and can say it."  Conversation over.

I look at it this way, over the years I have been called a "transgender pretender" because of my lack of desire to "purge" all of my masculine past.  To me, pulling a gender card out from the bottom of the deck on occasion, is just pay back for all the hell I went through to get here.

Besides, as I told my friend (who has invited me to lesbian only events over the years), I could have never come close to the innate masculinity in many of those women!  What a wonderful diverse world we humans live in if we could understand and enjoy the show.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I'm Such a Boob!

I have written here in Cyrsti's Condo too much lately about my bra shopping trip recently.  What I didn't mention was how I planned to "fill" my purchase.

Last night, Liz and I were planning to go see her Dad, grocery shop and run a few other errands. I have a low cut long black sweater I was planning to wear, so I figured it was time to "play" with my new bra. It's a "C" cup and I'm only a full "A" with the effects of HRT.  The "B" turned out to be a bitch to fill.  With the bra, I also bought a pair of small inserts to fill out my "C" bra which turned out to not be enough to work.

At my size, I need a full "C" or "D" to fill out my fashion needs plus I feel breasts are one of the top three tools to a successful presentation.  I don't have a visible Adam's Apple to speak of (no pun intended) but do have a short thick neck.  I need a "V" neck top to add a longer line to my upper torso look.  Any cleavage I can add helps me present feminine with less problems plus if a person is in the middle reading me as a transgender woman, breasts may put me over the top but I digress.

I still needed "fill" to go to a full "C".  I didn't want to resort to going back to my "D" silicone breast forms but I did.  Turned out to be a good move.  The only thing I sacrificed was my pride.  My new bra was an under wire push up model so between my natural breast growth and the inserts, I was easily able to achieve a realistic breast look. Specifically when I bent over at all.  I was happy, my girls weren't all mine of course but anymore more, who knows how many genetic women aren't playing the same game?

Once again I wondered "what took me so long, you boob!"

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bra Ban Bucket List

Have you read the Milwaukee bra ban has been lifted and now the city is busting out? Or were they just a bunch of boobs anyhow?
OK, enough already! First, here is part of the story from Yahoo News:

"The Milwaukee bra ban has been lifted, which means these articles of underwear can hang from the rafters once again at a local bar. Bras were banned in Milwaukee, but this didn't mean the town was full of women bouncing along the sidewalk, the bra ban only pertained to a bar. This unique drinking establishment is a place where bras dangle off the ceiling as a tradition that has gone on for about a half of a century, according to the Inquistr on May 18, 2013. The Holler House, an establishment that's been in operation for about 100 years, began a tradition about 45 years ago, where women started filling up the ceiling with bras."

I can now rest easier! The bra ban was certainly one of my top topics to worry about along with the North Koreans and global warming.

Actually, I have been to a couple taverns where bra "tossing" was not banned. (Is that some sort of Constitutional Amendment in Ohio?) Women had the right to vote and to wear a bra in a bar? Wow! My take on it always was "damn, I wish I was the one tossing my bra". Or I really would love a set of breasts like hers for my own! Plus, I was checking out the collection of bras hanging from the ceiling to get an idea of what style I wanted to own. The guys I was drinking with were trying to figure out how to get a woman out of some of the bras and I was trying to figure out how to get into the bra.

Well, of course I didn't and had two problems-the first was having natural boobs and the know how to get the bra off under my top- which women seem to learn as a rite of adolescence. The effect would have definitely lessened if my silicone breast forms had hit the floor in the Holler House! OOPS! Then there would have been some "hollering"!

Well, years later HRT is beginning to solve problem #1 and problem #2 turned to be one of those feminine mystic issues which wasn't so difficult to master. Some would argue all the time I should have spent in a straight jacket would have prepared me for a Harry Houdini style escape from a bra.

Congratulations to all you transgender and transsexual women in Milwaukee. The right to wear or not wear your bra in a bar must be truly intoxicating (or is that the beer?). I just have to think though some of you girls can't wait to show off those breasts of yours under that tight T-shirt!

You know what the girls say "if you got it...flaunt it!" Someday I want to get to a point where I can take my frilly bra off at the bar somewhere and add it to the collection!

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...