Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Double Identity

Check this cute well done YouTube video on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:


Pulling the Pony's Tail

Yesterday as I was busily measuring myself for a bra here in Cyrsti's Condo,   I was actually able to figure a length on my pony tail.

One of the reasons I decided to do it  yesterday was I became positively entranced with brushing my pony tail off my back. Another transgender hormonal treat I never thought I would experience years ago. the nice part is I just hope my hair stays a wonderful new toy to me.

Measuring the length of my toy however wasn't easy for a less than coordinated person such as me.  I had to hold a mirror, look into another and hold the tape measure. I finally came to a four inch plus long pony tail. After all that work, I decided to play with a new hair style which included the pony tail. I shaped strands of hair around my face and basically kept my bangs the way they were; straight forward over my forehead. The goal of course is covering those pesky age wrinkles. I think my style was new and presentable and looked good with a pair of large silver earrings.

Before you are screaming about pictures -  my problem playing with my hair is duplicating a style. If I can do it again I promise I will send along a picture.

The nice part is the overall length of my hair is down to the middle of my shoulder blades and I am totally looking ahead to warmer weather. Perhaps not the furnace of my first summer on HRT but not the freezer of this winter. At any rate, I'm looking forward to being able to experiment with summer hair which is pulled back. As I have been told, I have thick hair so the goal is to be able to play with it in ways I haven't even figured out yet.

All you rural girls certainly know there is a certain risk to pulling a pony's tail. In this case it all has seemed to be worth the risk.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Busting a B

Finally it's becoming evident the hormones are beginning to gain more and more ground in my quest for bigger breasts.
Over the years my bras have been more of a "hit and miss" effort. much was determined by the size "d" breast forms I've owned for years.  Anyway you cut it, I'm a big girl and bigger breasts should come with the package to fill out my figure.
Now though it is time to actually measure my body and find what cup size I have developed to over the last 16 months or so on HRT. Here's a chart I used:

After I used a cloth tape measure and measured around my chest below my breasts and then around the fullest part of them and took the difference, it turned out to be just under 2 inches.

On the chart the difference in Your Standard Cup Size was:

AA.- 0" to 1/2" (1.3cm)
A.- 1/2"- 1" (2.6 cm)
B.- 2" (5.1 cm)
C.- 3"  (7.6 cm)  
D.-  4" (10.2 cm)

Naturally (no pun intended) I was happy with the results. I felt I was filling out a full "A" cup but never a "B" yet. As I have mentioned, supposedly my mother's genetics have a lot to do with this process. She was well endowed so I hope I can eventually develop to a full "C" on the hormones alone.
As with most women, I also have a Spring diet in my future and a plan to lighten my hair this summer with my stylist. Hopefully the warm months will be fun!!!!

"Horror Scope"

Let's pause for a second and gaze at the stars. Yes kids,  it's time for another "Horror Scope" here in Cyrsti's Condo!

 Libra:(September 23-October 22): Being motivated to deal with your responsibilities will come in small fits first, then sudden bursts and then it’ll die out. So, learn how to pace yourself, as it’s your ticket to paradise. You can have it all, but only if you stay efficient, focused and strong. Yes, every day will have an uphill climb, but there is a point to all of this and soon you will see the tip of its apex.

This "scope" is interesting in that I'm terrible at structure and finishing projects. Approximately a week ago I decided to put my oft mentioned book project my front burner again. It's a vintage me project. I have it written. I just have to structure it and finish.
Who knows? Maybe it is my ticket to paradise (or a free ticket to an Eddie Money concert). Staying efficient, focused and strong indeed may just prove the apex ( or the light at the end of the tunnel)  isn't the train!

"Horror Scope" is my term.  Go to theFrisky for your scope here.

Man Up

I am fortunate to call a couple trans men my friends and one of them has started performing as a "Drag King".

Recently it seems the Drag King culture is gaining publicity and I can see why after a few performances I have seen. As with drag queens I just don't believe a great majority of drag kings are trans.  So with all due respects to transgender men,  I'm  going to pass along an article from The Independent called "Man Up". Here's an excerpt written about Holly Williams Drag King adventure:

"The doorbell rings. I hesitate, then head down the stairs to answer it, taking them at a wide-legged stomp, a goatee sprouting a shade too darkly from my chin, a bulge between my legs. It's not the only thing bulging – when I answer the door to the unwitting postman, his eyes fairly stand out on stalks. "Er, flat two?" "Yep," I growl. "Mrs Holly Williams?" he asks, flustered. Confirming my identity with the barest grunt (it's 'Ms' actually, but I think he's got enough gender confusion to contend with without a lesson in semantics), I grapple the large package – quiet in the back! – with manful ease. Back in my flat, I fall about laughing, but I may have just made Lenna Cumberbatch a little bit proud. She's a drag king – a woman who performs masculinity – and she's been helping me find my alternative male persona, donning men's clothing, sticking hair on my face and socks down my pants, as well as teaching me how to walk, stand and speak. I don't think I convinced the postie, but by the end of an hour playing around, Cumberbatch does say, "I think you could pass".

I'm am just fascinated about why any woman would want to present male as I am sure genetic women are about us!

Read more here.

Carmen Carrera

Carmen is a fairly well known name in the transsexual community and even was featured on a "What Would you Do" show where she was abused as a transgender server to see how the public would react. Here's a 2013 YouTube video on the Cyrsti'sCondo vid viewer:

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday Morning Reset

Nearly all of my working life I have worked Sundays so now having a Sunday morning with essentially nothing to do is still special and I assume it always will be.  From my paper route to a radio DJ gig to many years in the restaurant business working Sunday was never an option.

These days, since I'm semi retired people think I'm kicking back and doing my nails. Ironically, I have had to set a day off up from posting vintage items I sell to my three shops, organizing my book and contributing to Cyrsti's Condo. 

What that means is I get a chance to reset on Sunday morning and step back and look at my life, my gender transition and plan into the future.

This morning in my part of the world, March ( per norm) is refusing to give any ground to Spring and the snow is flying. Plus I live in one of the old Midwest Ohio "rust belt" towns which is finally making a transition of it's own. I'm always interested in driving around and seeing the non preservable old and ugly giving way to inner urban land to be developed. I'm a history freak and I am not always sure new is good. In this sense it is.

If you are considering the transgender path, the same could be good for you.  I'm often asked about an inner transition from cross dresser to transgender or even transsexual. Of course there are the "easy out" crowd who think you are placed in the trans trilogy at birth and any deviation from CD to TG to TS is blasphemy. In my mind those individuals are as narrow minded and stuck in the past as the traditional gender binary  male and female believers are.  If you are similar to me, you have spent years trying to figure out just what you are. Moving dirt and building new ideas in your noggin.

So this Sunday reset for me is time to look at my gender reconstruction so far and glancing at the blue prints of the future. My problem is I have never been good at reading blueprints. I have been good at charging ahead to test the waters. Another test is coming towards the end of April when I do a workshop on "Transitioning Later in Life" at Trans Ohio in Columbus. I'm honored and humbled to have been chosen and the last thing I want to do is mess it up and I won't. As we all know though, there is a huge difference in the written and spoken word. So I'm a "jabberer" and have to be careful I'm making sense.  Plus, the last thing I want to do is be a role model instead of an example. I am an example of my personal transgender history and as you know I am not shy about communicating it. Learning anything from my experience is a huge positive. Following the same path to get there may not be.

In the meantime,I will have to rely on my "resets". I know my heavy moving is over and perhaps the reconstruction will go as long as I'm allowed to be on this Earth. I just hope I can chose the right paint colors.

From Russia with Love

View the remarkable man to woman transformation of Russian entertainer Timur Rodrigez on YouTube on the Cyrsti's condo video screen:

Quality not so good but the cross dressing presentation is stunning! Check the reaction of the judges!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

University of the Phillipines Beauty

An older look (2011) at a couple of the University of the Philippines Diliman male beauty contestants.  The annual Miss Engineering pageant could be compared as a womanless beauty pageant on steroids...or is that hormones? If you are not familiar follow the Femulate link  here in Cyrsti's Condo for more or go here.

How Far will You Go?

Image from UnSplash. I have always viewed my transgender journey as a series of upward steps. A few of the steps were short and easy to take...