Showing posts with label long hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label long hair. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Long Hair and the Trans Girl

As recently as my last post here in Cyrsti's Condo, I am never shy about mentioning my hair.  I am a believer in nature giving and taking away. In my case, nature was in a giving mood with my big bones and torso but just happened to slip in potentially wild big hair. The take away though is the idea of older women not looking stylish in longer hair. Among other things it's called the 16/60 and is used to describe a woman who looks 16 from behind and 60 from in front.  Yikes!!!! I don't look a day over 59!

As luck would have it though, as in everything there are exceptions to every rule. In my case I read the exception in the Fabulous after 40 site:

"If you have thick hair with a natural looking color, and you are not too thin in the face, then you can wear your hair pretty long. How long? The best hairstyles for long hair over 40 are ones that fall no further than mid-back, or your hair will look unkempt. (but I think this is true no matter what your age.) The reason I think you need a little fullness to your face to pull off this look successfully is because long hair will draw the eye down, making your face look longer and thinner.

Although you might think that looking thinner is more desirable, as we age it really isn’t. A long and thin aging face will just look tired and haggard, and length will also draw attention to fine lines and wrinkles. My advice to women over 40 with long hair and a thin face is to a) switch to short hair or b) try a shoulder length style with layers and softness around your face. These two styles will be much more flattering. And remember, showing a little bit of your ear will draw the eye up, lifting everything up and showing off great cheekbones. It’s kind of like having a face lift."

It turns out, I can say yes to all three plus it would break my heart to say "no" after all these years. I guess karma cut me a break for sentencing me to the wait for my own hair. (Have to blame someone)

Plus certainly this information is also good for flattering wig styles we all can wear.

If we all do this right, we can look as good as Courtney Cox in the example picture above!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Pulling the Pony's Tail

Yesterday as I was busily measuring myself for a bra here in Cyrsti's Condo,   I was actually able to figure a length on my pony tail.

One of the reasons I decided to do it  yesterday was I became positively entranced with brushing my pony tail off my back. Another transgender hormonal treat I never thought I would experience years ago. the nice part is I just hope my hair stays a wonderful new toy to me.

Measuring the length of my toy however wasn't easy for a less than coordinated person such as me.  I had to hold a mirror, look into another and hold the tape measure. I finally came to a four inch plus long pony tail. After all that work, I decided to play with a new hair style which included the pony tail. I shaped strands of hair around my face and basically kept my bangs the way they were; straight forward over my forehead. The goal of course is covering those pesky age wrinkles. I think my style was new and presentable and looked good with a pair of large silver earrings.

Before you are screaming about pictures -  my problem playing with my hair is duplicating a style. If I can do it again I promise I will send along a picture.

The nice part is the overall length of my hair is down to the middle of my shoulder blades and I am totally looking ahead to warmer weather. Perhaps not the furnace of my first summer on HRT but not the freezer of this winter. At any rate, I'm looking forward to being able to experiment with summer hair which is pulled back. As I have been told, I have thick hair so the goal is to be able to play with it in ways I haven't even figured out yet.

All you rural girls certainly know there is a certain risk to pulling a pony's tail. In this case it all has seemed to be worth the risk.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The "Three P's"

Every once in awhile these stray thoughts run through my noggin and I have to put them down in words before they go into the huge never-never land of my brain.
I don't get into the topic of presentation much here at all for various reasons. 
I believe one person's successful presentation is another's dismal failure number one and number two most of us follow a progression of moving past presentation into perception. We are who we are.
That is not to say you should ignore the basic styles and fashion of the gender we are moving into. After all that can be the fun part!
When you totally perceive yourself to be your gender of choice then you are home free with most of the public. They know it's not just dressing up for you if you are wearing your new heels or that new tie (for you trans guys).
Male India actor with a great example of softening the male triangle.  Long straight hair  over the shoulders and of course the breasts which become the focal point of the look.
Another "P" word which pushed it's way to the surface this morning was proportion. Even though I'm far from being a small humanoid, a dear friend has always pushed the proportion word on me. She pointed out that my big parts just seemed to fit together. I've always believed (as evidenced by the zillions of on line cross dresser pix and video's) that many men have really good looking female legs. Of course the cross dressers get fixated on them and forget their bodies are like a triangle-with the point at the bottom and the top across those broad shoulders most of us have. We know there are many ways to fix proportion from do it yourself foam to purchased fixes to hormones.
The final "P" I'm tossing into this post is power. 
Your inner belief in yourself gives you a power of being which people sense. That purpose will take you far.
All right dammit, enough of playing with the "P's". So I did more than three-never said I could count! You get the point! (Sorry)

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...