Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The "T" Word

As you have probably guessed, I may be just a bit of a cynic.
Every once in a while I see a complete lack of humor in the transgender community.
Believe me, I'm with all of you. I too have experienced the struggles and discrimination we face.  It's hurtful and  tragic...but...

A new comedy set for Sydney Opera House is under fire from transpeople who view the word “tranny” as just as offensive as “faggot” or the n-word.

I guess I'm looking at a double standard here. No I hate being called a "tranny" or even a "drag queen". In this instance this reference though is just too good to pass up!

Just get your best friend to be the dog ,  retrieve that red curly wig from your closet and  you could win a Halloween costume contest!

Monday, September 24, 2012


Halloween continues to sneak up on us and here is a place for you to look for unique costume ideas.
It's called Etsy I'm passing along a plus sized costume section here.

On cable or satellite television:

Coming up this weekend in my part of the world, The National Geographic Channel is promoting a Transgender Episode on it's Taboo Series this weekend. It's called Changing Genders and to be truthful with you seems to be a bit on the sensational side. The couple above are a trans man and trans woman which is innocent enough.  BUT!
Another featured person on the show is Chris Tina, a trans body builder pictured above. Good for her to pursue her dream-bad for us to have her representing the rest of us in anyway. Another part of the preview I saw (which I hope I'm over reacting to) was a rather drag queen looking person or persons. Who we know aren't interested in changing genders at all.

At any rate, we will see Sunday, September 30th at 10:00 pm Eastern Time. (US)

Trans Surfing

Over the course of Cyrsti's Condo's I have tried to pass along milestones which have shaped my transgender world.
From our dusty archives I pulled this post from a couple years ago:

"I had a great time last night with two women (genetic).  I was invited to a "girl's night out" for lite dinner and drink. Both of them are in their mid 20's and quite attractive. My best case was to be mistaken for a mom or older sister. I didn't know the worst case was to become invisible!
 We had unknowingly made plans at an upscale pub/eatery at an outdoor mall in the area. The only problem was the mall was staging a free "Gin Blossom" concert at the same time and the place was PACKED. I know I don't present as female to all the folks all the time so I judge my success or failure on percentages. My unofficial tally was that I got busted by about 5 people out of 100. I'll take that!
 As soon as we left the bar and went to our table, I stopped worrying because I became invisible! My mother in law years ago had told me about something like this.
 My sister in law used to be really attractive and Mom said she rarely even got a glance when she was with her. I had never experienced such a thing. After all, last night was my first time out with two young attractive women. They had several guys stop by the table to chat and they never even looked my direction! In fact one guy never looked at either one of us. He only talked to the one friend at the table. Hell it didn't matter if I was transgender, pink or green! Actually, I'm not upset and the evening was a great success. I was fortunate to learn another little lesson on how the "other half" lives."

I wonder if either of them ever knew how much the evening meant to me!

Horror Scope

Venus DeMars
Here we go again! A trip to "astrology land" with our latest Cyrsti's Condo Horror Scope! It's another juicy one!

Libra (September 23-October 22): You can’t control your honey and this week they might get out of sorts. However, instead of wanting to hide under the furniture in shame, you may take pride in the fact that your baby can be so bold and so direct, despite the brutishness. Sure, you never like getting your feathers ruffled, but if you can preen together afterwards, all will be sweetly forgiven.

Get yours here!

From the Inside Out.

Aura and the state of gender has always fascinated me from the first time a person slipped up and called me mam when I was totally not (externally).
All that time, I thought I was doing an incredible job acting as an alpha male.
I'm a believer in the theory we all have a blend of both genders within us. Of course the blend shifts internally on occasion and intuitive people will pick up on it.
Recently, a good friend of mine and I went on one of my favorite tours with her- an historical restoration tour. Yes, I am a geek and I loved it!!!
In order to start the tour, you had to have one of those paper wrist bands similar to the ones you get at clubs or bars to prove you were carded (age).
There was a man passing out the wrist bands. I have written here in Cyrsti's Condo to some extent of my dealings with the male gender, so I was a little tentative as I held out my wrist.
He just gave me a little smile and said "Oh you want me to put it on for you...sure" I wasn't trying to be all girly or anything (I thought it was the way it worked)  but I think it came off that way to him and in return my inner girl responded. It was nice he did it for me.
So often we in transgender community dwell so hard on the external part of our beings, we totally overlook our inner selves.
Take that mirror of yours and look inside for a change!

Boys Will Be Girls

Several years ago a British show featured a "boy" band turned "girl" band.
Most of the transformations were unremarkable except for two.  Here they are!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Have a Blessed Day!

Recently I had the opportunity to listen and talk to one of those infamous phone information systems designed to decrease employment and dehumanize the world. You know-outsourcing humanity to a machine. What's better? A rude human or an unfeeling machine?
The machine I encountered was at least an an upscale one with options one through 1000. Fifteen options and five minutes into the call I tentively made my selection. Perhaps I would reach nirvana and reach that stern person who was probably still listing options such as "if you wish to reach the Sunday night cleaning crew push #905." I'm certain the feeling would be similar to winning that imaginary lottery I think about all the time.
Needlessly, I shouldn't have risked all that emotion because once again I heard the not so dulcet tones of yet another recorded voice. This voice directed me to give my life's history in 30 seconds. Perhaps I discovered the true home of "Big Brother". Surely all my name, rank and serial number information would be forwarded to a top secret spy service designed to track me down in a future roundup.
It was too late to turn back. If indeed I wanted to avail myself of "Oz", I had to survive this storm trooper whose job it was to screen the mortals who may want to seek his services. I had to respect how concise the voice was. She brought back fond memories of Army basic training drill sergeants as she said: "Don't call me, I will call you in maybe two business days. If you do call, remember I only work 8 to 3 with a lunch break between 11 and noon."
Giving credit where credit is due though, she did finish with a flourish: "Have a Blessed Day!"
Really? She should know I already did. I survived the phone torture!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Trans Design

Project Runway Season 8 finalist, Andy South, sat down for an interview exclusively with NewNowNext to talk about the new flagship store he’s opening in Honolulu’s Chinatown and opened up about her gender transition. Andy on Project Runway // Photo Courtesy Lifetime Turns the uber talented designer and fan favorite from the season that featured the likes of Mondo Guerro, Michael Costello, and Gretchen Jones (the eventual winner) started her gender reassignment therapy before going on the Lifetime show. But when shooting started, she set the hormone pills aside. Now that she’s home in Honolulu, successful with her budding designer career (her label — Andy South — is carried by Nieman Marcus), the 25 year-old, beloved Hawaii native has started living her life as Nong Ariyaphon Southiphong.

VA Update!

Most of you who are regulars here in Cyrsti's Condo know by now I'm a transgender vet and I have been dealing with the Veteran's Administration with my hormone therapy (HRT) for a year now.
Basically I can describe the process as an obstacle course. There are very real barriers in the system which unfortunately are uncharted for the most part to the trans vet and the VA itself.
Briefly, here's how it worked for me.
1.- Went to therapist and was approved to start HRT.
2.- My VA center (all are different) would fill my scripts but not write them. That turned out to be the most expensive part. My meds are generic and almost as cheap at a local pharmacy.
3.- I was encouraged to go to an outside MD who would prescribe and the VA would pick up the tab. (They didn't- no one bothered to tell me you had to be preapproved)
4.- My private outside MD switched practice and tossed me back to point zero and facing another 500 dollar bill.
5.- Knocked on every VA door I knew to lobby for pre approval for another outside MD.
6.- Found a person known as a "Patient Advocate". She was very supportive and told me I would get approved. The VA transgender directive states the system must provide hormonal support and that comes through an 'endocrinologist''  . Of course there wasn't one at my center but one was supposedly coming. Two months later, one came (part-time) and decided he wanted no part of me. That meant I had to be cleared to go outside the system.
7.- Paper work approval sent through system-wrong and had to be resubmitted.
8.- A total of three months later...APPROVAL! Dancing in the street? Not quite...

Now? Waiting on new private Doc's appointment.  I guess if it was easy, it wouldn't be worth it?

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...