Monday, October 17, 2011

Transgender Mixer?

I have passed along several transgendered experiences from my trip to Newport. Interestingly enough, the Witches Ball itself was the "icing on the cake" so to speak.
The whole experience presented a first in a lifetime challenge. Of course I dressed casually for the drive down to Cincinnati. Jeans, flats, sweater and coat completed my outfit. Then I had to pack my decidedly more upscale outfit for the ball. Black mini, leather look thigh highs, see through top, dark curly hair and the 4" heels I'm still paying for physically! Then I had to pack another change of casual clothes for the trip back the next morning.
Lesson learned. I now have another insight to why women are always have more luggage!
The drive down took about an hour and a half with only one stop at a roadside rest for a soda.
The fun part started upon arriving when my friend and I headed to a close by complex of shops and restaurants overlooking the Ohio River and the Cincinnati skyline. We started with a cup of coffee and girl talk and then headed down to a walking bridge over the river. The day was beautiful
We enjoyed the river for awhile and headed for an interesting antique store we passed by. By this time it was time for a bite to eat before it was time to head back to the hotel and change for the ball.
Proving once again what a good friend she is, there was no protest as we found a sports bar who was showing my Ohio State Buckeyes.  Quite possibly my experience there was my best female time ever.  I was able to order for both of us at the bar find us a seat, eat and watch the game with her without so much of a side glance from anyone. Wow!
We ate, had a few drinks and it was time to head back and get dressed for the ball!
I will save that story for another post and tell you if anyone turned into a pumpkin at midnight!

More "Horror Scope"

Yes friends, it's time for another "horror scope" from "theFrisky":
"You’ve never been one to get too pushy and this isn’t the time to start. However, as another tries to get their way with you, don’t deflect in your normal way, by ignoring and proceeding. No, this time, it’ll take a sleight of hand to judo flip the opposition to your will. So, work your words with precision, as they can bring a powerful sorcery to the game being played now."
Have to say, this one is close again!

Transgender Spanish Actress

A quick look at gorgeous "Bibi Andersen"!

The Primal "Call of the Drums"!

We headed upstairs and followed the sounds of the "Doumbek Drums".  We found a seat on a long padded bench in a room that looked similar to an old English castle room.  I was looking for "King Arthur" in the dimly lit room with the dark wood and stained glass.
We cuddled and watched three belly dancers.  Two were particularly good at balancing big swords on their heads as they danced. As impressive as that was, the combination of the drums (a strong distinctive primal beat) and the sensuality of the women on the floor was really getting into this trans girl's heart and mind!
As time started to fade away more dancers just flowed into the room and actually filled the floor. I was blown away!
As luck would have it, my friend actually is in the process of taking belly dancing lessons and has discussed me joining in.  At first I thought the whole idea was rather far fetched but after seeing the women participate in the passion last night, I sure would love to try!
First off, "belly dancing" had very little to do in describing what I saw.
I witnessed a centuries old revival of the sensuality of women.  In some way the women were bonding with each other in dance; feeding off the sensuality of the others. The dance was yet another side of women I had never seen.
Of course the dream of joining the circle of dance in whatever form may be an impossible dream. Then again, most of what I do with my gender transition these days used to be an impossible dream.
I was incredibly fortunate to be at the right at the right place to experience a form of primal sensuality close up and in person...and the evening wasn't even over!

As Promised! Witches Ball Details!

To start with, the "Southgate House" in Newport, Kentucky (across the Ohio River from Cincinnati) was the ideal spot for the Witches Ball ,my Wiccan friend and I.
To start with, Southgate is a four story circa 1814 mansion (haunted).  Over the decades, the venue has been sliced and diced into a somewhat"long in the tooth" " frozen in time" music house.
As you enter the main front doors ( you see to the right) you go down a short hallway into a downstairs bar.  Behind it and down is a  ball room with a balcony 
The second floor has another bar and I presume the ghosts hang out on the third floor if they don't like the music.
OK, I certainly hope I haven't bored you too much! The fun part is coming!
Peeps wise, the Witches Ball basically is divided into age groups with different interests in music and costumes. Pirates and belly dancers are upstairs...the younger whatever crowd in the ballroom. 
My only problem with checking out all of the crowd was negotiating narrow flights of stairs in my 4" heels! But negotiate we did.
Increasingly it was clear the pirates and dancers were more to our tastes.
That my friends is the best part and I'm saving the details for the next post!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Transgender News Bits

Around the world we go!
From the "land down under:" come a story from Australia:
Another inmate is fighting for her right to live as her chosen gender behind bars.
"Krista Richards" (seen as Krista and Leslie to the right) is complaining of discrimination.
Reportedly, Krista has had a couple of "procedures" at the expense of our Australian taxpayers but has not gone through the complete sex change surgery.

The second story comes from England and a well known face "Andrej Pejic".
The news broke Pejic would be meeting Queen Elizabeth October 13th for a dinner party at Buckingham Palace.
This picture is one of the first of Pejic according to:

All Dressed Up and No Where To Go!

Malaika, A Chennai girl will be India's  first contestant in the Thailand, Miss International Queen Pageant 2011.  Born male, Malaika, 28, has been through four major surgeries and a series of medical treatments to transform into the dancer-model pictured on the left..
However, Malaika still does not have a sponsor. She said:
“The contest requires me to wear seven different costumes including a grand evening gown, a traditional dress and a swimsuit. I also have to bear the expenses of the travel and accommodation for the special make-up artist I need for the talent round. Unless I get a sponsor, I cannot participate".
Hopefully she will be successful finding a sponsor and becoming a positive transgendered influence in India.

Playing the Transgender System?

This story from the "San Diego LGBT Weekly" caught my eye for it's delicious touch of irony.
"It seems Transgender Human Rights Campaign board member Megan Stabler (pictured above) has married another woman in Texas by legally declaring her gender as male, a development that could be considered controversial (and perhaps hypocritical) because of Stabler’s national prominence, and because of her position at HRC as the only known trans person sitting on the board.
The lesbian couple could not legally marry in Texas as such. But by declaring male gender-identity, presumably by way of a birth certificate that reflected her gender at birth, their union is recognized by that largely far-right leaning state."
Sure the whole marriage could be seen as hypocritical. Then again, why not turn a system around and use a "loop hole" as a positvie in your life?
My bottom line reaction is judging from Megan's picture, it's the men of Texas who lost out to a woman...again.

Staying in the Present as a Trans Woman

Outreach Image. JJ Hart, Cincinnati  Trans Wellness Conference  Throughout my life, I  have experienced difficulties with staying in the pre...