Saturday, March 26, 2011

Can't Fool Transgender Folk!

From "" in Mobile, Alabama. "A fundraiser for Relay for Life Mobile County South, attracted 11 men willing to dress up in women’s clothing and strut their stuff at American Legion Post No. 250 on March 19. Chairperson Pat Creel said the judges chose Butch (aka “Candy”) Guimond, a “retired sailor” from Fowl River, as the fairest of them all. The winners donated their financial prizes to Relay for Life, bringing the total donation for American Cancer Society to $2,500. “We even got one man to sign up as a contestant for next year,” Creel said."
All right, the guy who signed up for next year has all year to "practice" in front of family and friends! Smart move!
It brings back memories of some of the old "Playboy" cartoons.  A beautiful woman was admiring herself in the mirror.  There was an old guy behind her saying something to the effect of "O.K.Junior, how long are you going to practice for the play!"

Stare Down! At the Transgender Corral!

"The Corall"
In a bathroom. A ladies bathroom of course.
A restroom "pass" is a precious thing to me! In order to keep it, the fewer women I have to meet up with the better.  I always try to sit where I can keep an eye out for whose coming and going to have the least traffic.
Knock on wood, life recently has been pretty good. My "C&C" (comfort and confidence) level is quite possibly is at it's all time high. A restroom incident wouldn't be desirable!
Last night wasn't so much an incident but more of a happening with no real idea of the outcome.
As I entered the "corral" there were two or three younger women hanging out and talking about guys of course and I had to walk between two of them to get to a stall,  They looked at me closely but never really said a word about gender. Which is usually the case with their generation.
They left quickly, leaving the room to myself and another woman. She finished first and I was trying to time my departure from the stall when she was leaving the room. Hearing the paper towels being pulled is my cue. Not fool proof but close.
Last night was different.
As I left the stall, she turned to look at me.  The second or two that we locked eyes seemed like an hour.I normally look away or say hello. Last night I didn't. I just locked eyes with her This time it wasn't my "deer in the headlights" look. It was more like the gunfight at the "O.K. Corral". "Go ahead and draw your weapon lady! Well she did.
She said "they are out of paper towels in here. I wanted to warn you." Really? That's it? I shook off my surprise thanked her and she headed out the door.
Of course my mind wouldn't let it go. She was sitting only couple seats down from me at the bar with a small mixed group. No one even gave me a second look when I came back to my seat.
So once again I wondered what really happened in that second.
She was close to my age and was dressed up and made up which is rare. Our hair color was about the same and I was wearing younger casual clothes.  She could have thought a woman my age needs to cut that hair. My clothes weren't that radical. She was wearing some sort of bright patterned jacket with black slacks. I'm sure we both thought we would not be caught dead in each others clothes.
The only scenario I can think of is my makeup. With the long straight  black hair and olive makeup and if I do my eyes and cheekbones's almost a native american look. Maybe she was a "Cowboys and Indians" fan. Last night was just a throw down night in the bathroom? Or maybe she just thought I was a bitch!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Transgender Stuff!

Transgendered dogs? Yes.
Of the hundreds of dog breeds in the world, experts say only about 18
have ever been reported with sex reversal. But researchers in Spain
this week said they can add a new breed to to the list: the French

According to CEU-Cardenal Herrera University in Valencia, specialists
discovered that a "female" French Bulldog, Tana, actually had the
internal organs of a male during the three-month-old puppy's first
visit to the veterinarian. Alerted by an enlarged clitoris, they
conducted a series of tests and discovered that "she" had cryptorchid
(or undescended) testicles.

From Yale comes a new musical called "Trannequin" follow the link all you Yale alums!

Staying on the east coast, "The Baltimore Sun" reports Director John Waters said his late friend and muse Divine was so obsessed with Elizabeth Taylor that he even wanted to be her.  So much so he dressed as her
 to go on a date with a female.
So who didn't want to be her? At least look like her?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Religious Frock?

From the "The Telegraph" in the UK.
An English priest who was photographed in hooker drag at a charity
event has resigned from his congregation following what his sister
refers to as a “witch hunt.”

Upon arriving at the “tarts and vicars” event near his church in
Tyneside, England, wearing shiny gold tights, a black dress, and pink
high heels, the Reverend Martin Wray says he was received warmly. But
after a photo of him in the get-up was published in a local newspaper,
parishioners filed complaints about how Rev. Wray was representing the
I don't know. Could it have been the pink heels?

Transgender Places to Visit

The first is an old site. It's a listing of some of the most successful accomplished transgendered women in the world.  "Lynn Conway" puts the site together and it's an excellent source of trans women who do more than look good!
 Truly amazing what these women have accomplished!
Another article comes from "Pride Source Michigan".  "Alex Kracisky" 19, works as an intern at Transgender Michigan as a part her service on the AmeriCorps HIV/AIDS Team Detroit.
She works with on line resources including an online resource called Trans Pages,  an index of Michigan businesses that are trans friendly." That includes places like doctors offices, clothing stores, restaurants, hair stylists. It's incredibly needed because I remember early in my transition I didn't know who to go to or what to do. It was invaluable."
Alex represents a younger generation transwoman's attempt to change the world.
We all can and have benefited by the courage of these women!

Reach Out!

Every once in a while I get a blast of new contact requests on "Yahoo" and "Flicker"
Some I respond to, some I don't and many I don't understand.
I have waded through the "avatars" and now I have more exclamation points than all the elementary school alphabets in Ohio.
I can understand the point of staying safe on the internet and creating layers of exclamation points to conceal your identity...really I can.
I guess what I don't understand is the total silence I normally get from the "point". I'm ready for something exciting!
Ok, in reality I'm looking for anything. "Hey girl, you look amazing!" Or even "Did your Mom dress you funny because you haven't learned anything!"
Maybe I'm being stalked? Will I turn around this weekend and see an exclamation mark following me down the street?
No I won't because the "point" is in the closet. Been there, done it and was fortunate enough to get out.  Even in my deepest and darkest days, I was able to peak out and meet someone.
Good luck all you "points"! I'm rooting for you!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Do You Feel?

When you wake up, Before you get your coffee. You make your way to the bathroom and the mirror.
I'm fond of telling others, it's at this point if something on my body doesn't hurt...then I'm dead.
Recently I ran across another description of my life.  "Gender Fluid" is the descriptor and it really works for me on some mornings. Those are the mornings when I start the day as a man and end as a woman.
The situation is definately not where I want to be right now. On the other hand, my gender status is similar to my joint's  aches and pains.  If I didn't have it...I could be dead!

Monday, March 21, 2011


I don't want to be famous! I didn't set out on this very difficult path to be in the white hot spot light. I'm a bit dramatic, I know!
A couple of nights ago I did find out I have made some sort of social arrival.
At my favorite pub (I'm always boring you with) they hired a new male server. He really tries to speak to me and even introduced himself.
At my advanced age I can't remember my name, let alone anybody else's, 
To be polite,I asked the bartender what his name was.  I quickly added I felt bad because he knew my name and I didn't know his.
Without hesitation she said "every one knows are famous."
There are many ways to interpret that.
I guess famous is nice. The crew and managers are very nice to me and fortunately I present well enough to cause very little extra attention. It's our own little secret.
I work very hard to maintain my "status" and live in fear of a restroom complaint.
One side of me wants to rejoice. To those people I'm a positive transgendered role model.
The questioning side of me wants to ask why? If I presented better, they would have never known (like most of the clientele).
Maybe it is all karma. If a "stealth" life is in my future, I would have to trade in my "famous" existence. Hopefully others can benefit!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Transgender Flirting?

What happens mentally or chemically when we flirt? Could we or should we even consider flirting?
Oddly, I think if you are a drop dead gorgeous transgendered girl maybe you shouldn't. A sexual surprise to more than a few guys is not pleasant and they retaliate.
Since I'm not in that category and in the more mature age category (lol), why not have a little fun if I can.
My prime example was the married man across the bar I mentioned in a previous post. The "not so sly" eye game we played could be viewed as a form of flirting. Who knows what he really thought? Anything from why is that guy dressed like that to what is she doing all by herself? Most certainly, he was in town and wife wasn't so the mental wheels were turning in his head.
All of this is just another gender category I'm almost completely inexperienced with. Research is always good and this is some of what I found. "Learn to Flirt Like A Pro" from "Your Tango" was a great start. One of many informative ideas was the " flirty dressing style", which in that case was: low-cut jeans and cowboy boots. If you feel really powerful in cowboy boots, you're going to do your best flirting if you feel confident.
My "guy self" experience tells me  that most women are very calculating in most situations and flirting is one of those. I need the tools to "calculate!"  I just don't have the experience (yet) to process it from a girl's perspective.
As I have learned, any knowledge can serve me well when unexpected situations arise! Get to it Girl!

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...