Friday, February 4, 2011

Really Split Ends!

An ancient story returns once again, "Mona Lisa" was a male. Several sites have reported "Mona" was modeled after a possible Leonardo da Vinci love interest.
The claim came from Silvano Vinceti, chairman of the Italian national committee for cultural heritage. He went on to say  the Florence-born Renaissance artist's male apprentice and possible lover Salai was the main inspiration for the picture.
Nothing new here. We always knew the most intriguing women are guys!
On the flip side, have you heard of the Justin Bieber web site? Well not quite. This site is "Lesbians who look like "The Bieb's"
Here's your challenge "gf's"  A trans male who dresses as a lesbian to look like Justin Bieber. Then again, who would want too?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Saturday Night Dead?

By now, I'm sure you have heard of the fuss concerning a skit "Saturday Night Live" produced called "Estro Maxx". Here's the way it's playing out.
Media watchdog the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
is calling on members to protest NBC skit comedy show Saturday Night
for airing a “dangerous and blatantly anti-transgender segment.”
In the skit, men dressed as women hail advanced estrogen replacement
Estro-Maxx for making their modern lives easier.
Dangerous? I'm not so sure. Anti transgender? Certainly in that it makes us look like a bunch of clowns. Isn't that premise SNL has always survived on?
Maybe that's why I'm not outraged. Consider the source?
Today I had a very in depth discussion with a close transgender friend.who could not understand why I was not outraged?
I agreed with her every point. The whole skit was a ridiculous cheap shot at our culture and at us as individuals. All of this would come back to hurt us as a culture.
It would if something like this was on "60 Minutes". The last I noticed SNL was not a platform for social issues. Just one for social satire.
On the other hand "GLAAD" is doing it's job by vigorously protesting "SNL". We need a constant "watch dog".
In the mean time, I'm sure "SNL" has enjoyed the firestorm of publicity.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In the T-News!

One new story and one old on the show!
The old one is the Thai airline recruiting transgender flight attendants.
The two attendants to the left of the picture are showing their "Id's" telling the world they are transgendered. Supposedly for immigration purposes.The other two were not identified showing once again the blurring of the genders in Thailand! Real or trans?

The second story features transgender model "Lea T".
Not to be undone by "feman" Pejic and his cover picture with "Kate Moss", Love Magazine's second cover of the year features "Lea".
It is worth mentioning "Lea" is transgender and "Pejic" is not . That we know!

Finally, from the old pix archives. I'm posting a "blond" shot from my past.  Don't really know why I've felt the need to do this lately!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Winter Blahs?

I'm still in my "dark state of mind". Still in love with my dark hair.
In my part of the world we finally saw the sun for the first time in a week or so and that's before we hit a major ice storm tonight. Maybe my darkness just fits the environment  like a chameleon?
Who knows or really cares. The picture to the right is from last summer during my last "dark" love affair. The feel of the hair on my bare shoulders and back was delightful so I didn't mind going darker when most were gong lighter.
All went well Saturday night. Did a closet inspection and came up with some pieces that worked well as a whole.  Even located a gray top that matched my gray boots. (Finally!)
My regular hangout was very crowded but I got barely a look as I got to a seat. Some looks are good but I'll take "stealth" as an affirmation of my "girlness". It's just another version of "don't ask, don't tell". If you think I'm not trans, I won't tell!
I guessed woman...wrong!
Karma then pulled up a stool beside me. Perhaps you remember me telling the story of the base senior master sergeant having a regular "katoey" friend when I was in the military in Thailand. A major airbase is located near where I go for shopping, sports, food and adult beverages. We have a small group of "regulars" in the pub where most of the clientele turns over nightly.  I had seen this man several times but never in uniform. Saturday he was wearing his dress air force blues and yes he is a senior master sergeant and yes he did say a few words to me for the first time.  Karma had to be the reason!
If you follow the "katoey" link above, there is a very fun test. You have 8 chances to choose woman or katoey. I won't tell you my final score!
Finally, "yes I did go there" and posted a picture of both of us at the same time! That truly puts me in a dark state of mind! Lol!!!!

Weiniang Uprising in China?

You are saying what the heck is a "Weiniang" and why is it uprising?
One was captured for a picture and here she is! Her name is Liu Zhu and he is  a sophomore student from Sichuan Conservatory of Music. Liu became famous for his Weiniang style when he participated in the 2010 Super Boy series on Hunan Satellite TV.
The popularity of the "Weiniang" in Chinese society is not going without concern. Sound familiar?
An online "Weiniang" forum has now appeared on baidu. com, China's leading search engine, with over 4,200 registered members.
The recent surge in interest has some experts believing that Weiniang could impede on the healthy development of society.
This  "liberal" quote from "The People's Daily"  pretty much says it all. 
"If the society turns a blind eye to the Weiniang phenomenon, more and more young men will become more female, causing a lack of courage and spirit in enduring hardship," Hao Maishou, a professor at Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences, told the Tianjin-based Metro Express on Thursday.
A quote like that is exactly what we DON'T need!  I guess China has no genetic women that have courage and spirit to endure hardship?
That idea may not even fly with the radical right in this country. Can you imagine "Rush Limbaugh" or " Glen Beck" coming up with that?
At least then we wouldn't have to worry about hearing about them anymore. I'm sure there are enough women in this country with the courage and spirit to ruin their careers.Then the Weiniang uprising could actually benefit their sisters in the "states"!
Hopefully we could return the favor! 

Coming Out to Your Best Friend!

This is another article I wrote for "Hub Pages". In many ways this is my first work of fiction in that none of this ever happened to me exactly. I did come out years ago to a couple of my male friends without much drama. In those days I was very much an occasional crossdresser so life was much simpler? Maybe at my age I just can't remember!
Here's the post:

Do I laugh or cry?
You are a guy and your best friend has been hinting for months about how he is unhappy with his life. He is getting better at changing the conversation from sports to. "Did you see the show last night with the beautiful guy/girl?" Sooner or later, even you get the idea your best friend is trying to tell you something.
Finally (during a private moment) he blurts it out. "I want to be a woman." As you process what he just said, you think "so that is why he dressed as "Cher" last Halloween!"
Well it's all good... maybe. After all, he's still my friend and so what if he goes home on occasion and throws on a dress. There are worse things and I have won't see it. Then the finality of what he said strikes home. "I want to be a woman." Damn! What now? Why did he tell me?
"What now" depends on what kind of friend you are. How secure are you in your masculinity and then again..."What the hell is he thinking?"
At this point, is it time to either blow off the whole situation or even the friendship? How serious is he? After all he is sitting across from you drinking a beer with a five o clock shadow like so many times before. He can't be serious.
Then he says " this is so much more than wearing a dress on Halloween. I want to be a woman." Enough is enough. It's time for one of you to leave and the other to stay with a double shot of whiskey to ponder what just happened.
A week or two or three goes past without so much of a word from your transgendered friend. Finally she calls to sound out your feelings. She tells you she values your friendship. Past, present and future. There is nothing overtly sexual about this. She wants you as a friend and can they meet?
Sure, what's the harm. Same old spot. Same old beers, sports talk and 5 o'clock happy hour shadow. That's when it becomes complicated when his friend wants him to meet "her".
The dynamics are intimidating to say the least. For the sake of discussion, let's ignore all the sexual tension and let's forget how much courage and trust was needed to even attempt the connection.
Men are visual creatures and seeing his best friend as the opposite gender is traumatic for the vast majority of men. Just how is that vision working for him? That depends on many intangibles and one huge one. How does she look?
Let's say she doesn't present well. The less than attractive female image projected by his trans friend can cause immediate problems. Hey, she can't be serious.. This is some kind of joke and he will definitely grow out of it! My friend can never expect to even try to be a woman looking like that! A doubled edged sword to the transgendered friend who so desperately wants to be taken seriously.
Let's say she is gorgeous. Face, hair, legs and clothes just could make her the best looking woman in the room...with you. Another set of problems. You are reacting to him as a woman. What's going on with that? What does that make me? Why is your old drinking buddy teasing you with this? Where did those breasts come from anyhow?
If the truth be known, the middle point of the two scenarios is probably the most common. Your transgendered friend mustered a tremendous amount of courage to tell you at all. She put it all on the line to salvage any of a future friendship. Quite possibly the decision to live as her chosen (not birth) gender was a life or death decision.
You should be honored, frustrated, sad or mad. Your friend as you know him is never coming back. The well worn "still the same person..just looks different" doesn't work. Even when she wears jeans and and a sweat shirt to meet you, it will never be the same. She left the boys club.
Just remember, she didn't leave your club. It may take years for her transformation to become complete and just as long for your friendship to recover. Good luck!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

How to talk to a Transgender Girl!

"Trans" Got Your Tongue?

(another one of my "Hub Pages" posts)

Suddenly you find yourself beside or very close to a transgender person. Now what?
You want to say something but don't know where to start
The dynamics of starting a conversation are very complex! You've already figured we are not contagious or harmful. The hard part is over.
Three things could be in your mind. Number one, you are just curious. Why does a person want to change a perfectly good gender?
Number two, you want to expand your experiences. You want to add a transgender conversation into your life experiences. Unfortunately, this usually includes the process of telling all your friends! Hey! Guess what I did?
Number three, you assume the trans person is lonely. You are just being nice!
All three of these reasons are absolutely rational reasons! Curiosity is fine. Just try to be careful with really crazy questions. I do understand though you have no idea what a crazy question is. I'm patient!
Expanding your experiences is fine. Just don't make us the spectacle to do it. Don't be the first of your whole group to have enough courage to speak then go back and have the others "slink" up or worse yet "snicker" at us from across the room.
The assumption we are lonely is as false as the assumption we are all promiscuous. On the other hand a light conversation is usually always welcome.
My assumption is you are a genetic female if you are interacting with me at all. Men just have too many gender bridges to cross to approach us. If they do, the worst are the guys who want to call you "man" or "dude" and want to give you the knuckle buster male power handshake. Rare is the man who is secure enough in himself to converse with us. I'm really insecure with guys. First i have to find out if they know I'm trans and then try to figure out where they are going! I'm not one of the Trans Girl "male bashers" you hear so much about. It's just reality.
I can't speak for the rest of the transgender female community but I welcome approaches on several different levels.
I have no problem on explaining to you what I am. If I have the courage to express my true self and you have the courage to ask me... I will do my best to educate you.
I love to talk fashion with you and even guys and sports too! On the other hand if we appear to be unfriendly it is just that we are really shy and we have to wait for you to make the first move!
The approaches I hate are the "carnival" views and the "guy" bashing. Sure, I'm very different in many eyes but have some respect. I'm sure there are some skeletons dancing around in your closet. The difference is that this isn't my closet. It's my life.
As far you insecure guys go , please don't take it out on me. I know you have that pretty dress hidden at home. Hope it fits!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Whats in a name?

Every now and then discussion pops up about how we choose our names in our chosen gender.
The unique part of the process is that most of us make the choice on our own. Without parental or family input of any kind.
What happens when your child is choosing a name?
An interesting look into the process comes from a site called "Salon". A woman details the process her 11 year daughter and family went through choosing a new name.
From letting the child have total choice to a suggestion process, she covers it all!
Just imagine if you had the freedom to transition at an early age. Would you or could you have made a sound decision?
If I was in the situation with my family (which of course I wasn't), we could have taken several family directions with a name. It would have not been an option but "Jessie" would have been a great choice. It's softly feminine and has roots in the family history.
I have mentioned before that I would choose the name today. Ironically, the process would be almost as difficult as the transition form my male name to Cyrsti.
As world problems go this is a small one for me. Just imagine how big it would be for a family in the process?

The "Silent T"

We have discussed the "Silent T" many times in regards to the GBLT movement. Recently, I learned a whole new definition of the "T". 
The "Ohio University Post"  ran an article about "Cory Frederick" a FtM trans person who attends OU.
In route to his gender realignment, he realized he disappeared into society as a man. ""When I underwent surgery, I lost my visibility as a queer person," Frederick said. "Others can easily identify you when you look like them. ... But now they see me as just a man." A highly desirable consequence to the great majority of transgender people but not to Frederick.
How interesting and different!
"It's important to be visible," Grey said. "What media has represented
a trans person in a positive light? Zero."
To increase visibility, Grey created the performance art piece "Ask A
Tranny," where he stands in public and answers any and all questions
about being transgender.
"Hopefully this kind of visibility leads to greater understanding and
action," he said. "It takes a squeaky wheel to get the oil."
So much for the "Stealth" route for Frederick! Good for him and women such as "Femulate" founder "Stana" who actually lectures college level groups on our culture!
Pioneers indeed! Some day I would love to do the same!

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...