Showing posts with label SNL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SNL. Show all posts

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Nice Summer Dress

 On Saturday Night Live last week, as I was nearly dozing off during the latter parts of the show, I was surprised to see a figure obviously in a full  dress on stage before the show cut away to a commercial break.

I was surprised to see the show's musical guest "Kid Cudi" in the dress and ready to perform as the break was over.  Reaction was swift, This is from the "Guardian" :

"The dress marked the anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s death, with Cudi saying that it was a tribute to the Nirvana frontman who had worn a similar dress on the cover of the Face magazine in 1993. While social media users praised the way Kid Cudi channeled Cobain’s gender non-conforming approach to fashion, they also pointed out a double standard.

On Instagram, model and activist Munroe Bergdorf wrote: “as fab as it is to see cis gender straight men embracing femininity through fashion … let’s remember that they also won’t face nearly as much hatred or the physical danger that visibly queer folk will when they do the exact same thing.”

In the comments, one user wrote "it feels insulting that cis hetro men get praised for what trans people get bullied and killed for. For them it’s a trend, a costume … for trans people it’s life and death.” Some 13 transgender people have been murdered in 2021 so far according to the Human Rights Campaign, which is a 333% increase from 2020 when three transgender people were killed."

Indeed the double standard runs deep. 

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Short Sunday

Not much to write about today. Busy day coming up trying to see if an older "gangster moll" costume of Liz's still fits me. If it does, I may have to get a new pair of fishnets, Fedora hat and wear the costume to this years' Cincinnati Witches Ball. The whole event should be great fun with this years theme "The Mad Hatter." Free music and food treats with admission, pirates, belly dancers and so much more!

Those of you who are Saturday Night Live fans probably saw last night the show caught up with Harvey Weinstein. He was harpooned on the "Weekend News Update" segment after a weak attempt earlier in the show. Sadly it seems, men such as Weinstein see it as their duty to provide a very tragic and distasteful right of passage for some/most women. The process is just not limited to cis-women as even I was cornered one night at a cross dresser-transgender party by an "admirer." He was much bigger than I and had managed to maneuver me into a corner before my deceased wife came in to protect me. Lesson learned!

Past that, the Cincinnati Bengals won't lose (because they don't play today) and my "The Ohio State Buckeyes"  continued their march towards a terrific game in a couple of weeks against Penn State and Connie, how many undefeated teams are left in Washington State?

Enough football already! (If there is such a thing.) I must get on with my Sunday. I hope you all are getting along OK and my thoughts go out to all the victims of the California wildfires. May the force be with you all!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Man in Black and SNL

We received a great thought provoking post from Pat concerning our Jason Aldean/Saturday Night Live recent show:

"While Petty's song "Don't Back Down" is the definitive version and Aldean did a great cover on SNL I am partial to the Johnny Cash version of the song. Very strong.

I do not think that SNL hits all the notes. They only hit those that are left wing. There was no mention about Harvey Weinstein's 30+ years of making young women victims of his depraved arrogance. This is the man that Meryl Streep called 'God'. This is the man that has given millions of dollars to the Democrat party including major gifts to Obama, the Clintons, Schumer, Queen Nancy, Gillibrand, Cuomo, etc. Perhaps one of the most powerful people out there and not a peep from SNL.

Connie raises good points. You cannot push on a string. You can only lead a horse to cannot make them drink. You cannot legislate interpersonal feelings. People need to meet us and come to appreciate us as the people that we are. We cannot simply call all people haters like that in house attorney corporate VP for strategy at CBS did after the horrific shootings in Vegas by referring to a good part of the citizens as "Repugs"..short for repugnant and then saying she had no sympathy for the people killed at the concert because in her view they were mostly Republicans. It is attitudes like this from the left wing power elite that get regurgitated and spread around.

I follow lots of different news and it would seem but for the left following the Alinsky/Clinton/Obama playbook of calling those who do not support their power as haters the amount of hate in this country would be toned down. Just look back at the Democrat supporter who shot Steve Scalise and other Republicans at a baseball practice for the sole reason that they were Republicans. He was able to get of 70 rounds without an automatic weapon or bump stock.

My views

Pat, I don't think anyone would ever expect SNL to jump on the Republican bandwagon anytime soon. It would not surprise me to see them take on Harvey Weinstein soon though. As far as Johnny Cash goes, I agree most if not all of his music was strong!

No matter which side of the aisle you sympathize with, there is no room for comments such as the "CBS" VP made and I believe she lost her job over her ignorance.

As far as gun control goes, the only thing I have ever said consistently is, the crazies will always find a way to procure weapons. Just don't make it easier to do it! 

Thanks for the comment. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


I hope I didn't ruin anybody's viewing experience on the "Gender Revolution", Katie Couric's transgender special on the National Geographic channel! Perhaps I should have put a spoiler alert except for Australia:

  1. I found it interesting to find that the documentary was shown in Australia a bit over a week BEFORE it was shown in America.

  2. I suppose that no spoiler alert was necessary for most of the trans world, then. I recorded it for viewing tonight, yet I was anticipating the SOS. Still, I watch these things just to see what the average person may have the opportunity to learn. There is a need to counteract the Jerry Springer-type shows, anyway.

  3. Brenda, I have no idea of why the showing times would be that different, unless the shows were different and tailored specifically to Australians which would make sense to me. Maybe Jeni can comment on it (she is from Australia?)
  4. Connie, as I mentioned before, this show could have major implications if it went further than "just speaking to the choir."
  5. Finally, have you all heard the rumors of Saturday Night Live (45's fave show)  perhaps trying to line up Rosie O'Donnell to impersonate scary right winger Steve Bannon and Dennis Leary to play "alternate fact" guru Kellyanne Conway?  Only in America! (45 is Trumper)
  6. I wish I could have used the "alternate fact" line on my parents when I was trying to work my way around the many tough spots I was in growing up!  

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Big "A"?

Do you remember Julia Sweeney's character Pat - the highly androgynous character on Saturday night live?

Well I don't know if I'm putting too much into just being called Pat at the grocery store or getting more looks than if I was dressed totally feminine? When I wasn't.

I have written a number of times here of how sometimes my androgyny catches me off guard as it did today. Of course I am sure it had nothing to do with my 6 inch highlighted pony tail flowing out of the back of my hat?

But "Pat"? Really?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fantasy 101

Ok girl and guyfriends, I know the word "fantasy" invokes delicious thoughts!
Sorry, kids I'm going to bring you down a bit and jump back to the "SNL" and "Craig Ferguson" shows.
The "big guys" pick what goes on of course but who wrote the garbage that slammed us?
My fantasy is to sit face to face, eyeball to eyeball with the people that write this slop.
I assume they are in NYC's "ivory tower. I lived there for awhile and the average New Yorker had very little idea of the rest of the nation that existed between the coasts. Maybe all they know is the old "Club Kids" scene or any of the "Drag Queens" in New York.  Maybe they even have met "RuPaul"! Which means they know nothing at all of us as a group. Perhaps they even saw one of the old "Church Lady" skits years ago when SNL was funny.
Maybe they missed the point that the "Church Lady" was poking fun at a particular kind of woman, not a group per se.  We all knew "Dana Carvey" was a man but he was playing a woman. Not a transgendered woman.
The SNL writers totally and completely missed all of this.  Ferguson's drivel was just that...nasty like the rest of his show designed for the substance challenged late night masses.
My other fear is that I would meet a stone cold bitch and all logical conversation would be lost! As a group we would be certainly farther behind!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Saturday Night Dead?

By now, I'm sure you have heard of the fuss concerning a skit "Saturday Night Live" produced called "Estro Maxx". Here's the way it's playing out.
Media watchdog the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
is calling on members to protest NBC skit comedy show Saturday Night
for airing a “dangerous and blatantly anti-transgender segment.”
In the skit, men dressed as women hail advanced estrogen replacement
Estro-Maxx for making their modern lives easier.
Dangerous? I'm not so sure. Anti transgender? Certainly in that it makes us look like a bunch of clowns. Isn't that premise SNL has always survived on?
Maybe that's why I'm not outraged. Consider the source?
Today I had a very in depth discussion with a close transgender friend.who could not understand why I was not outraged?
I agreed with her every point. The whole skit was a ridiculous cheap shot at our culture and at us as individuals. All of this would come back to hurt us as a culture.
It would if something like this was on "60 Minutes". The last I noticed SNL was not a platform for social issues. Just one for social satire.
On the other hand "GLAAD" is doing it's job by vigorously protesting "SNL". We need a constant "watch dog".
In the mean time, I'm sure "SNL" has enjoyed the firestorm of publicity.

Real Life Impostors

JJ Hart at Key Largo.  At various times in my life, I have suffered from impostor's syndrome when I was out with other women celebrating...