Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Turning Your Demons into Angels

 "Back in the day" when I was strongly considering making the big jump and starting to live as my authentic feminine transgender self, I considered the whole process as sliding down a slippery slope. One day, I would just go too far, make the leap and put my male self into the closet. The more I explored the world as a transgender woman, the more I wanted to. 

Looking back at the whole process now, I have a tendency to .look at it as an interaction between my personal angels and demons. I suppose it all goes back to when I was growing up and I considered my transgender leanings as being demons. 

Of course, finally all of the "demon" thoughts began to change. Rightfully so, my mean old male self became the demon to kept me out of the world for all those years. As my feminine self took over, she certainly wasn't an angel. She partied hard and for the most part had a good time. Perhaps she was making up for lost time. 

Each of us are individuals trying to make our own journeys as pleasant as possible. 

The quicker you are able to turn your male demons into female angels the better your life will be. Each of us has to seek out our own path to do it. 

Monday, July 12, 2021

Cyrsti's Condo Thought of the Day

 "We didn't have a choice to be transgender but we did have a choice to be survivors."

JJ Hart

Geena Rocero

Geena Rocero is a Filipino American supermodel, a transgender advocate, and founder of the media production company Gender Proud that speaks for justice, equality, and trans rights. Before Geena Rocero came out, the world knew her as just a successful model. Now she is the face of the LGBTQIA community rights movement.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

On the Road


As I mentioned, today is my youngest grandson's birthday (13th). Also, due to our new diet, we will be packing our own sugar and flour free lunch. Obviously too, we will not be partaking in any of the birthday cake or ice cream. Sooner more than later I will have to run around in the shower to get wet.

As I try in this post to try to tie up some loose ends, here is a comment/question from Connie:

There's no doubt that trans people can be as rude as anyone else. Was the quote said directly from the DJ, or was the T word just added by the accuser to up the ante? Not only can anyone be rude, anyone, including trans people, can be too easily offended, sometimes. I probably would never return to a place where I was called the T word, but I would apologize if what I had done was thought to be rude. I hope that there isn't a blow-up over it all."

To clarify, the guy has never come close enough to me to use the "T" word. So, I took for granted what I heard was second hand and by an individual who over the years (literally)  has seemingly done her best to snub the group, 

After all, transgender people are no different than the rest of the population, Some are good folk, some not so much.

The person involved in the whole event supposedly, has never gotten back with me. For all I know, the DJ denied ever saying it or even apologized.  

Saturday, July 10, 2021

But by the Grace

 Laura Jane Grace, born Thomas James Gabel, is a singer and guitarist of the American punk rock band Against Me!. In 2012, in a Rolling Stone interview Laura announced her plans to live openly as a transgender woman. After a long period of line-up changes and transformations, in 2014 the band released their sixth studio album, “Transgender Dysphoria Blues.”

Friday, July 9, 2021

Summer Time

 Around here we have not suffered from all the very hot temperatures common on the West coast, we still have had our share of 90 degree (F) days along the tropical humidity. As I have mentioned before, due to financial constraints we have no air conditioning.  So it's time to suck up the big girl panties and get over it. 

One of the few things I do like about summer is a change to wear my silky maxi dresses here is a picture on the left taken pre covid when my hair was much shorter and had not been allowed to return to it's natural shade.

Ironically, it's a surprise to me how many things do change and then again not. 

One thing that never changes around here though in Cincinnati, Ohio USA is the summer heat will be with us well into September. We did have a brief break today with a cold front which brought life back to nearly normal

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Coming Attractions

 Over the past week including a couple days coming up, I have been able to get out or at least attend events virtually. 

Friday night was the transgender - crossdresser support group social attended by twelve people including Liz and I. We have been going to the same place for years without a problem. To be truthful, the venue isn't the best on service or speed of cooking orders but everyone knows it. Even still, there are a few who make the visit uncomfortable. Overall, it isn't the easiest thing to do to reserve tables together for a group of our size.

Plus, I just was contacted yesterday concerning an alleged comment  from the DJ, about the "rude tran-ies" I figure there could be some truth to his bigotry because last week when Liz and I went to the same place by ourselves, he was glaring at us when he first arrived and we were sitting next to his karaoke set up. 

We will see if the problems will be raised by the person who told me or not. 

It's too bad because Liz and I had a great time with another transgender woman we know and her partner.

The virtual meeting is tonight. It's the monthly board meeting of Rainbow Elderly Alliance. I am sure we will have reports on Pride in Dayton, Ohio.

Finally, looking slightly ahead, Sunday is my youngest grandson's birthday and we will be making the trip up to the Dayton, Ohio suburbs for the party. It will be different because Liz and I are on a strict sugar/flour free diet we just started. So we have to pack and bring our own food. I will mention more about the diet in an upcoming post.

I leave you now with this thought:


Monday, July 5, 2021

An Actual Transgender Widow

 Connie (left) sent this comment in concerning her wife...a trans widow: 

"My wife is a trans widow. When asked how she's been able to handle my transition, she'll tell you that she had to, first, mourn the loss of the man she married. So did I, really. We've been married for 49 years, but it's not the same marriage that we had for the first 40. I know, however, that it would have ended altogether had I continued with the deceit that accompanied and facilitated my cross dressing. I was lying to her and to myself, because I was never really a cross dresser. Even after I came to realize that fact, I continued to live a double life (unsuccessfully, for the most part) for a number of years.

Unlike your situation, my wife was far more receptive to my transitioning than she was to my cross dressing. I'm so much more accessible, both physically and emotionally, than I was when I was sneaking out to "get my girl on." Furthermore, a night out led to my depression the next day. I would wake up the next morning still feeling every bit the woman I had been the night before, and I just couldn't bear the thought of facing the day as a man anymore. My wife recognized this, and she decided that she'd rather have a happier woman in her life than a depressed husband. However, she will never waver from her declaration to me that she made in the beginning: "I am not a Lesbian!".

As always, thanks for the comment! My wife used to say the same thing about being a lesbian. During one bitter fight, I was stupid enough to say she was protesting too much. She did not see the humor in it.

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...