Showing posts with label Geena Rocero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geena Rocero. Show all posts

Monday, July 12, 2021

Geena Rocero

Geena Rocero is a Filipino American supermodel, a transgender advocate, and founder of the media production company Gender Proud that speaks for justice, equality, and trans rights. Before Geena Rocero came out, the world knew her as just a successful model. Now she is the face of the LGBTQIA community rights movement.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Geena Rocero

 From Wikipedia:

"Geena Rocero (below) (born 1983)[1] is a Filipino American supermodelTED speaker, and transgender advocate[2] based in New York City.[3] Rocero is the founder of Gender Proud, a media production company that tells stories of the transgender community worldwide to elevate justice and equality. Rocero has spoken about transgender rights at the United Nations Headquarters, the World Economic Forum, and the White House."

Thursday, August 15, 2019

More Ideas

Connie had a comment concerning my Cyrsti's Condo post about trying to establish yourself in a feminine sense before anyone else has a chance to do otherwise:

"Another way to firmly establish that you are "she" is to refer to yourself using feminine terms. You could say things like: I'm not your average housewife; I've been so busy, even Wonder Woman would be challenged; or I like to be helpful - but it's not like I consider myself to be a heroine or anything. I like to work into the conversation "femme fatale" when referring to myself (well, I could be one if I wanted to). ;-) "

Femme fatale would work beautifully as you water your flowers!

Or look at it this way, you could be like Geena Rocero ( Transgender Playmate) who makes her swimsuits out of natural materials.  Just an idea! 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Not Front Page Yet...

If you are able to locate the September 2014 issue of Glamour Magazine-do it!  Every time I open a Glamour I am fairly sure I get an extra dose of estrogen for the day. 
Flip back to page 257 and you will see a very smiling picture of model Geena Rocero. (left)  Everyone knew she was a model, but had no idea she was transgender. In this article she tells Susan Dominus why she risked her dream career to go public.

If Geena's feature wan't enough, Glamour went on to feature several other of the transgender women who have made headlines this year and called it "The Year of Transgender Power." Below you can check out my scanned version of it, but you may be able to go to "Glamour's" site linked above and find more.

At the risk of not sounding totally obvious, finding this sort of layout in this sort of magazine was simply wonderful!  We are coming a long way-baby!

Tomorow is Here and It Is Ugly

  Image from  Charlesdeluvio on UnSplash Back before the election and I was voicing my concerns about a tRumpt presidency, I received a comm...