It seems to me every blog post I have done since the ones when I went through changing my legal gender markers have been really serious.
But then again, don't they have to be? Take the restroom issues for example. For once we "T's" in the LGBT family jumped the line from last to first mainly on the back of using the restroom of our chosen gender. All of the sudden discrimination became very real in this country to more than racial minorities.
I believe what disturbs me (more than I already am) are in a couple Facebook groups I look at from time to time, the members are cluelessly going off on using the women's room at will. That's cool of course, but I wonder some day if they are not careful traveling in let's say North Carolina and they get busted.
You see, I can only get some sort of attachment to my Ohio birth certificate saying my gender has been changed, The only other fool proof way around the rest room problem is to pass-well, which some of us struggle to do.
Fortunately, some of the rightest rednecks are bitchin' about the "leftest corporate" bullies. It's about time and it's true.
But like the Facebook cuties who think unlimited rights (or even limited) are forever, all of this has a long way to go. Much farther than Jenner's Black Party Bus or blogs like mine. The governors in recent "battle ground states" have different stories which could set us back or forward. In Georgia, Governor Deal made the right call and shot down the LGBT discrimination bill in his state, but he is outgoing. In North Carolina though, Governor McCrory is in a more difficult spot, trying to frame the new North Carolina law in his favor while his Democratic general election opponent, state Attorney General Roy Cooper, does the same. Both rivals must placate their party bases — gay-rights supporting liberals for Cooper, social conservatives for McCrory — while appealing to the independents who hold sway in the closely divided state.
So, as you look for that run in your hose or reflection in the mirror, you may want to really consider what it means to be transgender, and is it more than just lactating?
LEXIE CANNES STATE OF TRANS — I (Lexie) put together this list of major NC businesses and organizations for everyone to contact and voice your concern about yesterday’s sneak attack by the North Carolina legislature and governor banning trans people from using bathrooms. Urge them to press the NC state Republicans legislators into repealing their unjust law.
Some companies make it harder to contact them than others.
American Airlines (large presence in NC) 1-877-390-3077 Email:
Bank of America — 1-800-432-1000, 1-888-550-6433 Email:
Carolina Panthers (NFL team) — 704-358-7000 Email:
Carolina Hornets (NBA team owned by Michael Jordan) 1-704-688-8600 FAX: 1-704-973-9411
Charlotte Chamber of Commerce — 1-704-378-1300, Email: Staff directory (click on staff name to email)
Disney (large presence in NC) — 1-818-560-1000, 1-855-553-4763
Dow Chemical (large presence in NC) — 1-989-636-1000, 1-800-636-331-6451 Fax: 1-989-832-1456 Email:
ESPN — (large presence in NC) 1-860-766-2000, Email: (for press media, but may still work)
Food Lion — 1-800-210-9569 Email:
Haines — (Michael Jordan is spokesperson) Email: and
Krispy Kreme — 1-800-457-4779 Email: or
Lowes — 1-800-445-6937 Email:
NBA (All Star game may be held in Charlotte) — 1-212-407-8000 Fax: 1-212-832-3861 Email:
NCAA — (College basketball tournaments in NC) — 1-317-917-6222, Fax: 1-317-917-6888
PayPal (plans hiring blitz) 1-888-221-1161
Sealy Corp (Mattresses) — 1-800-697-3259 Email:
This is a working document. Please post suggestions in the comments section below so I can update this page.
This method will work in North Carolina: Trans men should invade the ladies room at the capitol building and the governor’s office:
NC’s new anti-trans law:
Watch LEXIE CANNES right now: Or get the DVD:
Read Lexie Cannes in The Huffington Post:
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