Showing posts with label LGBTQ. gay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LGBTQ. gay. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Voting Day

Tuesday was election day here in Ohio. We only voted on our own party's candidates. Some of them at least. Ohio is mired in a court ordered voter district gerrymandering case. In this state the Republicans for years have attempted (and succeeded) in carving the state into often ridiculous districts which benefit the Republican candidate. An example continues to happen in a nearby congressional district to where we live in the metro Cincinnati area. The voting lines were drawn years ago to benefit a conservative Republikkan candidate and to insure the more liberal Democratic candidate lost. It worked but so far the state supreme court has ordered the conservative repug legislature to draw new districts. 

By now you may be asking what does this mean to the average transgender or even cross dressing person. Actually, it means quite a bit, especially in today's world where our rights are being threatened as never before. I am sure by now you have heard or read about the Supreme Courts' leaked document stating they were leaning towards striking down the Roe vs Wade anti abortion ruling. No matter how you feel about abortion, it doesn't take a visionary to figure out that after the conservatives have come after abortion, LGBT rights are next. All of a sudden, all of those comfortable cis gay or lesbian people need to rethink their stance on the Transgender in the often shredded LGBT alliance. We are much stronger together. 

If you are deep in your closet and need to make a statement in private, voting can still do it. Think of it this way, even though you are in the closet today does not mean you will be stuck there forever. Someday you may need the rights a conservative court or politician took away.

All right. Enough of my rant on voting. On the positive side, voting to me brings back extra memories of the first time I voted as my authentic self. In order to vote here in Ohio you need to present a state issued identification card with a picture. In my case a driver's license. I will never forget the pride I felt when I showed them my I.D. complete with my new legal name and gender changed to the magical "F" for female. 

It's been nearly five years ago since I was able to change most all of my legal markers here in Ohio except my birth certificate which I have been putting off. 

For any number of reasons, voting still gives me a huge sense of satisfaction. Hopefully I can help the LGBTQ cause anyway I can.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Stop and Smell...What???

Last night a friend and I went to another "Love Must Win Inc" get together across the river in Covington, Kentucky. The group consists of anyone seeking safe haven even for an evening , from LGBTQ peeps to kids being bullied to "cutters". 

Then last night the group presented Mitzi who in her small way is trying to make a huge difference in the world. Nearly single handily every week, her and her family pass out "gift" (survival) bags to as many homeless as they can here in Cincinnati. This is their motto.

It just so happens the location provided to the group is up on one of the most beautiful views of the Cincinnati skyline. As my friend last night and I were leaving (Liz had to work) we paused to say Wow!; and to think the presenter we just heard was speaking on passing out water, socks and warm clothing to people living under bridges.

I guess it follows if "super churches" are supporting gay/trans conversion therapy along with doing Easter Egg drops out of helicopters-there is no reason to use that money to really need it!

Ditching Good with Better as a Trans Girl

  Archive Image from Witches Ball Tom on Left. Ditching good with better has always been a difficult obstacle in my life.  I always blame my...