Lots 'o' stuff finding it's way onto my front burners these days again. Meeting my daughter in the morning for breakfast, then Thursday I have a mishmash of appointments at the VA which involves an update on my name change.
So tonight I have to get my hair washed and my nails painted to not look like a total slob in front of my kid,
Something which is bugging me is my huge appetite I was supposed to gain weight the last time I went on the full HRT-but lost a bunch more. I think the weight loss 45 pounds came from my liver/iron problems,
So (since I am trying to eat the wall paper off the walls) I decided to join a health club with Liz, Yes-I did, My secondary goal is to maybe help this crummy hip I have, How am I ever going to learn belly dancing?
We will see. And, speaking of being seen, I am not going to try to make some big transgender women's locker room scene.Although the place makes a big deal out of promoting it's a non judgmental gym. Either way, it's very close to our house so we can work out and then go eat wings! Kidding!
Finally, since we are keeping track around here; today was the first day my breasts began to be sore again,
“If you were born a man, then you are obliged to use the males’ restroom,” Tomes told the Tribune on Christmas Eve.
The misdemeanor charge wouldn’t apply to students, juveniles, or facilities in private residences.
Or to Tomes when he crossdresses and goes out on Saturday nights.
The good news is, Similar bills aimed at restricting transgender peoples’ access to public restrooms failed to pass in Kentucky, Florida, Nevada and Texas this year. Kentucky is even closer to me than Indiana.