Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Gym Rat?

Lots 'o' stuff finding it's way onto my front burners these days again. Meeting my daughter in the morning for breakfast, then Thursday I have a mishmash of appointments at the VA which  involves an update on my name change.

So tonight I have to get my hair washed and my nails painted to not look like a total slob in front of my kid,

Something which is bugging me is my huge appetite I was supposed to gain weight the last time I went on the full HRT-but lost a bunch more. I think the weight loss 45 pounds came from my liver/iron problems,

So (since I am trying to eat the wall paper off the walls) I decided to join a health club with Liz, Yes-I did, My secondary goal is to maybe help this crummy hip I have, How am I ever going to learn belly dancing?

We will see. And, speaking of being seen, I am not going to try to make some big transgender women's locker room scene.Although the place makes a big  deal out of promoting it's a non judgmental gym. Either way, it's very close to our house so we can work out and then go eat wings! Kidding!

Finally, since we are keeping track around here; today was the first day my breasts began to be sore again,

A Bitch is not Just Made Overnight

One of the interesting parts of reading potential post material here in Cyrsti's Condo is how certain ideas just keep making big circles and coming back again..

The latest was a very well written post from somewhere explaining how transphobia was not always the fault of the person supposedly doing it. After all, as the person said (writing the article), the transgender woman was just being a bitch when the clerk waiting on her was trying to be nice.

Nothing new- a thousand years ago when I first made my foray's into the early cross dresser scene around here, a few friends and I used to talk about how badly some made the transition. No matter how good they looked.

Then again, the public at some point in time needs to realize a bastard in heels transitions easily into a bitch in heels. A shitty personality is just that, Pooh in make up,

Still though, an interesting well thought out point by the writer. I spend lots of my time in my own little world (it's warm and fuzzy) and I'm sure the public thinks I am a being a standoffish bitch myself. 

Bitch maybe-but standoffish??? No :) But then again I am innately very shy which I had conquered in my guy world and am trying to always do better at as a girl. Always seems there is something to do with this gender transition. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Do Not Pee on Me

I saw this today from a blog called our-trans-mission,
It's called "I Gotta Pee" 

by Cathy Serino.
It's definitely worth a read!

Below is a picture of a transgender man who makes Cathy's point-dramatically!!


The "Ego" of Gender

As I am truly blessed to be riding my little dosage into estrogen land again-I am going to channel one of my hero's- Neil deGrasse Tyson into another post. If you remember, I recently ran a review of his "Star Talk Show"  (on the 'Nat Geo' network) 

On the recent show, he mentioned his chair was a transgender woman: Rebecca Oppenheimer and he said ,I paraphrase 'what if there was no gender at all?'


I think eventually Neil deGrasse Tyson will be right, there will be no evident genders if the human race lasts that long. But, in the meantime, I am over thinking an idea about gender ego's. We all know men are considered to have to carry around the majority of the poundage where ego is concerned,,,,but-

When I set down with pen and paper and began to write what ego was gender specific, much was the same. The tough part was throwing out the old stereotypes like "What came first, the chrome Harley or the blonde on the back,"  Perhaps less emphatic though is what a woman thinks when she is "picking out" a mate. What are her friends going to think?  Or,her parents if she brings "Joe the Scud" home? 

Then what happens if life goes on all goes to hell and you did bring Joe home and married him? Well then it is time to take a seat at the foot of the "Victim Goddess."

Don't worry and grab a number though - by that time a substantial group of women and men will be right there with you. And, worse yet have no idea why.

As transgender women and men though (if we find our voices and are allowed to speak) should be allowed to whisper a couple hints into the Goddess' ears of how it really is to dwell on both sides of the gender fence!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

KerPlunk! Listen closely, another Sunday edition has hit your virtual front porch. Clear and chilly here in Cincinnati and we are fortunate the Ohio River pretty much stayed in it's banks. It seems every week these days, someone is getting hammered by 'Momma Nature'.
Hope you are safe and sound and grab a cup o joe and lets gets started!

Page One-the Week that Was or Wasn't: During the week we 'leaped' into a New Year. Or should I say 'limped'. During the year we saw the glitzy  'out coming' of Caitlin Jenner with mixed feelings in the transgender community. Past Jenner though, the year seemed to be a step forward followed by a step backward. Fortunately, approximately five states have shot down ridiculous potty bills. 

Page Two-Yesterday's Coffee Opinion: As we enter into the last year of Barack Obama's presidency, I very selfishly see a lot he could still do. Primarily, transgender military troops getting the right to serve. As Europe threatens to blow up over it's problems, we Americans continue to grow farther apart on issues such as gun control etc. I guess, just being transgender is a small deal - but it's not. My blood literally runs cold when I hear what most all the Republican candidates would do with any and/or all LGBT women or men. The scary thing is you almost have to go to a 'second tier' Republican candidate such as Governor Kasich from Ohio who takes a moderate stance. If I am missing others, I know our regular visitor Pat will let me know.

Page Three-The Back Page: It's going to be 'see ya!' for this week. Thanks for following Cyrsti's Condo through 2015 and best wishes for 2016!!!

Luv ya all!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Can't See My Behind-Got to Look Ahead

I have never really been one to make convenient New Years resolutions which in a week or a month just sort of dissipate. This year though, I have certain life activities which are 'on going.' Just another way of saying I want to 'git r done' before I die.

Lets take HRT for example- I restarted my estrogen patches on New Years Eve. Not well I might add, as the patches wouldn't stick without a band-aid.  No problem, just call me the Teflon Trans Girl.

And,  even more important is my continuing "gender marker" work I will have to pursue again as early as Monday. As of right now, the holiday's have slowed most of everything. (naturally)

Of course, there is always more! 

Just before New Years the Hamilton County/Cincinnati public library announced a service which is just appearing across the country-a chance for you to hard copy print your e book at cost. I can't wait to try it with my "Stilettos on Thin Ice" book. I simply have not had the money to self publish. My problem is I have a deep paranoia with meeting "Stilettos" in person.

Finally, my only real resolutions are to get started on a new book (from Cyrsti's Condo archive posts) and to get into Yoga. Then maybe I could see my own behind?

(Yoga example here shown here by the 'Aflac Duck')

The problem is the duck has more coordination!

Indiana Hates Me???

Jjoktacozqw7vegs9grkBigots are nothing-if not persistent. This time it's an Indiana  Indiana state Sen. Jim Tomes (R) who proposed a bill that would make it a crime for transgender people to use public sex-specific restrooms that don’t conform to their gender at birth.

“If you were born a man, then you are obliged to use the males’ restroom,” Tomes told the Tribune on Christmas Eve.

The misdemeanor charge wouldn’t apply to students, juveniles, or facilities in private residences.

Or to Tomes when he crossdresses and goes out on Saturday nights.

This important to me because I live just across the border from Indiana in Cincinnati. I will need to plan to never drink anything before I go. Thanks 'Jimbo"!!!

The good news is, Similar bills aimed at restricting transgender peoples’ access to public restrooms failed to pass in Kentucky, Florida, Nevada and Texas this year. Kentucky is even closer to me than Indiana.

Friday, January 1, 2016

She's a Man? or a Ghost?

As I wrote, Liz and I went to the Sinatra tribute concert last night at the Cincinnati Music Hall. The music hall by the way, was built on top of an old potters cemetery and is roundly rumored to be haunted.

Then, we went to dinner at a venue we have been to several times The Moerline Lager House for vittles.

The view above was taken from our table. 

When we got to the Music Hall and were making our way to our seats, we passed a 70 ish couple in the crowd. The woman in particular, began to give me the side looks I so hate. I mean just come out and say it. But I heard her say it to hubby - "that's a man."

The whole moment reminded me of an idea I had years ago; print a set of business cards that say "Yes I am a transgender woman!" Then on the back put a disclaimer "Legally approved-won't bite." I am sure the old bitch would have cherished her card!!!

In the meantime, I hope you had a great/safe New Years Day!

Got a Dime Buddy?

New Years 2016 is upon us.

I have never purported to have as much wisdom as many to bounce through this life.

One fact I DO live by is...when I feel lonely and down and out....

"Any day your life can turn on a dime-you just have to find the dime."

If you need a dime, you can have mine!!!!

And Then he Was Gone

  JJ Hart at Club Diversity Columbus, Ohio It took me nearly a half a century to rid myself of my male self and begin living as my authentic...