Sunday, October 26, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

"Ker Plunk!" It's time for another Sunday Edtion here in the Condo hitting your virtual front porch.  It's yet another beautiful fall morning here in Ohio

Page 1.- The Week That Was-or Wasn't. As I have written, for all intents and purposes, my Halloween for this year has come and gone.  While there are a few "activities" all next week, I'm not so sure if I could survive attending!  As promised there are a few "glimpses" into my escort "Ziggy" and I's attire at the Columbus, Ohio "Highball" Halloween bash Friday night: Including this very "ghostly one!

Page 2.- Another Way to Come Out?  Don sent this story in from "Yahoo Parenting" and the Tampa Bay Times:  Mass emails and robocalls to parents are usually about school closings or conferences, but on Thursday, J.W. Mitchell High School principal Jim Michaels had a different sort of announcement: Robert Konrad, a social studies teacher at the Pasco County, Florida, school, was beginning a gender transition. “Mr. Konrad has begun the process of gender transition and is anticipating presenting as a female no later than August of 2015,” he wrote in an email, according to the Tampa Bay Times. “As you can imagine, this is a very private decision, but Mr. Konrad has indicated that he will respond to appropriate questions you may have about the transition process.” Definately not old school!

Page 3.- Time Marches On.  Last week we briefly touched on the subject of 14 year old transgender teen Jazz Jennings being named  to the "Time Magazine" list of the top 25 most influential teens.  On the other end of the time spectrum, I read a story recently I didn't know at all, or forgot. (maybe?) From the Own Network: 
Trans Woman Riding With Teddy Pendergrass Speaks Out
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Even today, there are a lot of theories surrounding Teddy Pendergrass’ car accident. All we really know was that the singer was riding with a transgender woman and was subsequently paralyzed from the accident. The people at OWN, tracked down Tenika Watson (left) , the woman who was riding with Pendergrass the day his life changed forever, told OWN’s cameras, “I never really got a chance to tell my side of things and it was important to me. Very important to me.” -

Follow the link for more!

The Back Page!  I have finished my first cup of "Joe" and it's time to get "Ziggy" (Liz) and crew moving to get out and enjoy this day!  Wherever you may be, I hope you can too!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sipping a "High Ball" in Columbus


Yes there will be pictures of us, so don't panic if you don't see them in this post.  My fun started when I just got to sit back and be "the talent" and watch my character- Madame La'Noe come to life. Perhaps even better was, when I saw what Liz put together for herself. "He" was to be the Madam's personal escort dressed in suit, tie, fedora, suspenders and of course a parasol for the Madam in case of sprinkles.  And, oh yes, a handle bar mustache.  You could have knocked me over with the feather from her Fedora.  (sample on left) That's it for now!  More to come!

A "High Ball" is a drink. is the name of the two day Halloween Party in Columbus, Ohio

Liz and I were active participants last night and probably I will have about four blog posts relating all of it . In the mean time, just to teeeeeese you just a bit-Columbus is an incredibly diverse city with a huge university (Ohio State), government (state capital) and a large GLBTQ  population.  Just the right ingredients for a potent tasty "High Ball.!"

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

Friday, October 24, 2014

The "Golden Age" of Transitioning?

As sometimes happens, it seems Momma Karma throws a glob of spaghetti up on the wall of the Cyrsti's Condo kitchen here, just to see it if will stick.  This time the "glob" was made up of different ideas about transitioning later in life. Of course there was the latest post about 14 year old trans woman Jazz Jennings who I know some "purists" would consider to be "true transsexual" - because she was in the right place, at the right time,  with the right family and transitioned.

On the other side are the trans folks like me and on occasion, I get tons of feedback on my lot in life as a transgender woman. In fact,  Pat wrote me a very complimentary email concerning my Frock Magazine articles called "Frock of Ages", they deal only with the trials and tribulations of a later in life MtF gender transition. Thanks Pat! Of course, here in the Condo, you all get a taste of my noggin which is constantly throwing all kinds of gobs of spaghetti against what ever wall it can find. Including but not exclusively discussing, jumping the gender fence while you still can. (Before the Grim Reaper catches me!)

I almost called this post Deja Vu (which come to think of it would make quite the eclectic name!) Basically, it means having the sensation you have experienced your present, in your past. Isn't Deja Vu even stronger for transgender women and men because we have experienced so much-from the other side of the gender fence. Surely, most are rather mundane, but an example of one which isn't could be going to a football game, or a music concert or even to the mechanic to get your car fixed?

I also keep going back to Paula Goodwin's comments (and I paraphrase) at our age, less and less is new. She is right of course until you view the world from the polar opposite gender.  As my partner Liz says "how many humans have a second chance to build a new person?"

There is no simple answer to the pointless questions about "true transsexuals" of course. Just because Jazz Jennings can build her life from the ground up is a testament to her family and many who came before her. Remember how not so long ago, gender dysphoria was officially treated as a mental illness?

At any rate, I am not going to sit here and write about any golden age of transition-except in your noggin.  I finished one of my Frock articles by writing (and I'm sure you all who have transitioned more than me will agree) if you choose to go down this path-you will know if you are right.  The true test comes when the newness wears off quicker than the makeup you are putting on every morning! Genetic or not, "more mature" women need more "upkeep!"

When you get to the point of "Deja Vu" being one of your feminine experiences.  You know your male self has finally left the building.  Just tell him to "leave the gold!"

All That Jazz!

Life has been moving so fast for me again, I have neglected to pass along the latest transgender person to venture out into the world, stay in the world and make a difference.  Her name is Jazz Jennings and she probably is not a stranger to you. If you didn't know though,  (from Yahoo News and Katie Couric)Now, at 14, Jazz has co-authored an illustrated memoir aimed at children called "I Am Jazz." The book chronicles the early years of Jazz's life, from her diagnosis to her struggles at school, and it's not just for kids in the LGBTQ community but for anyone who feels like they don't fit in. All of this comes just weeks after being named one of Time magazine's "25 Most Influential Teens of 2014."

Looking back, I can try hard and remember when I was 14 (maybe) and  how I would  have had no way to imagine now how wonderful and exciting it would be to get up, turn my computer on (huh? couldn't do that -they were as big as my room) and see one of Time Magazine's 25 top teens was transgender?
We will attempt to discuss the "golden age" of gender transition in a future post in Cyrsti's Condo!

Cyrsti's Condo "Vintage Pin Up"

Pleeeeeeenty.... ask... (Mena =)I just loved this and needed to pass it along to all of you here in the "Condo!"
Use your imagination!!
Thanks "Bobbie Jo Kaye"!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

My Bucket is Leaking?

Here are a couple well placed comments on the very loosely based Cyrsti's Condo post on personal "trans bucket lists":

Take every opportunity you can, when you get to where Stana and I are, you'll have a shorter list!

The older we get and the more things we do the less firsts there are left

Thanks ladies!  Holly, if by chance you are talking about you and Stana in the age department, I think I qualify! (65)
And Paula, you are completely right in that we "more mature" humans should have less firsts to do- but don't you think being transgender wipes the slate clean?  Plus, as I read a few of the comments in Femulate, I realized yet again what a fine line it is to be able to check many of the bucket list items at all. Let alone have the courage to do them!

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

Running but not Hiding

  Inage from JJ Hart at the Cincinnati Witches Ball. Over the years I considered myself the complete procrastinator. If I could put off anyt...