Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo - "Star Gazing."

It's time again kids (as we do every week) to look at our Friskyscopes! If you are a Libra, as I am- get ready to NOT be a meek and quiet little baby girl this week:

(September 23-October 22): Stop the complaining and the wondering why, because this is a time when positive ideas and thoughts can propel you ahead. Don’t be shy about using force in how you present yourself, because you can’t be too aggressive now — especially verbally. While you still will be in just-about-arm’s reach of your goal, be proud of the progress you will make this week.

Cool!!!! Now that is my kind of "scope" and now here is my "guest" sign of the week. It was a tough decision this week picking you Capricorns! :

(December 22-January 19): You’re going to hear a lot of sob stories and excuses now. Prepare for the wave of bullshit to come in like a tsunami. However, since you know it is on its way, you will be prepared to view it all as a comedy and be amused at the many ways people try to shock you and wrongly assume you are more naive than you appear.

For more-go here!~

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Our feature cover today is the Vietnamese Mtf transgender woman Khanh-Chi-Lam!

Cyrsti's Condo Potty Ads

Back in the day, there was a decal of some sort which fit on the back of your potty lid of a wonderfully derelict old man with a bib, knife and fork staring down into the toilet-presumably waiting for a meal.  I am not talking about that guy.

What I am talking about is the picture of an ad I saw in a women's restroom of a busy sports bar Saturday night.  Excuse the quality because I was trying to go and get out.  The subject matter is women and their testosterone.  Look, I know both human binary sexes need "T", I had just never seen the "cure" advertised for women like that.

Maybe the "side effects" are in the "fine print" we don't see? Something like when you begin to start to shave your mustache every morning, develop a lower voice than your hubby and bigger bi-ceps. Discontinue use?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Here I "Is!"

Math has never been one of my strength's but it seems to me I have spent a couple of days away from Cyrsti's Condo which may have been a record for me since I started the Condo.

The simple answer to why is, life got in the way.  I headed down to Cincinnati to spend the weekend with Liz and my car had yet another malfunction- this time with the brakes. Over the past three months it has decided it has wanted nothing to do with holding fluids...oil, power steering and now brakes.  It's now getting past the point of diminishing returns.

Buying a car right now for me ranks right up there with digging my own grave, jumping into it and shoveling the dirt in on top of me- myself.

But (and I hate this saying) it is what it is.  Dammit!

On the bright side, I have plenty to chat about with all of you seeing as my life is nothing but a blog post anyhow.  Starting with this headline:

Martine Rothblatt, 59 — who founded the $5 billion pharmaceutical firm United Therapeutics and also co-founded Sirius — had sex reassignment surgery in 1994.
“I can’t claim that what I have achieved is equivalent to what a woman has achieved. For the first half of my life, I was male,” Rothblatt, who has four kids and is still married to her wife of more than 30 years, told New York Magazine.
Rothblatt made $38 million last year as head of United Therapeutics, which she launched to create medicine for her daughter, who suffers from primary pulmonary hypertension.
First of all I haven't even had the chance to read any of the reaction to this "Jerry Springer" style headline.  But, then again it did come from the "New York Post." 
After a good night's sleep I will get back to you with it in the morning! (Tuesday)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "First Timer's?"

Holmes community college in Goodman, MississippiClearly this "Holmes Community College" student in Goodman, Mississippi has never shaved all the hair off his body or rocked those heels ever before this womanless pageant?  (wink wink!)

Two Spirits

Every once once in a while, I happen across an article which goes into an ancient culture's belief in the "two spirits" gender identity.  In fact the acceptance of transgender people was common in many indigenous communities to the point they assumed the role of "shaman's"

My latest "discovery" comes from the New York Times and is called: Two Spirits in the Venezuelan Jungle By Jake Naughton  — Here is an excerpt:
Sanse, a 16-year-old tida wena, washed by the river.A chance encounter with an anthropologist in Caracas led Álvaro Laiz to Venezuela’s remote eastern edge, where an indigenous people known as the Warao have lived for millenniums. Mr. Laiz was intrigued when he heard about transgender women the Warao called “tida wena,” or, twisted women, because he had been working on a global project about transgender identities in nomadic and indigenous populations. “For me it’s about identity,” Mr. Laiz said. “The kind of things that make you the way you are.” Like other women, the tida wena tended to the home, cooked and cared for children and elders. They also participated in the harvest of important crops, like the ocumo chino, a starchy tuber. Historically, tida wena were sometimes the second or third wives of polygamous men. They also occasionally performed the role of shaman — the Warao are deeply rooted in the shamanist tradition — and tida wena in particular are thought to possess two spirits, bringing them closer to the ancestor spirits that roam the jungle.

When ever I read of the number of cultures who embraced  the "Twin Spirits" (it's estimated to be documented in 130 American Indian tribes alone)  individuals, I'm at once shocked, saddened and frustrated at the lack of understanding we face in the modern world.  Even more so when you consider the bitter in fighting in our own community.

If you are interested in researching any of this, follow the link above, or search the subject on line.  It is very enlightening!

One person who I know has always researched the Twin Spirits subject in depth is a regular visitor to Cyrsti's Condo.  His name is Don and he is in the midst of medical issues. I hope you all can take a second to pass along some positive vibes to Don, from what ever spirit you worship.  Thanks!!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Homecoming Dance Fun

Who's the boy & who's the girl? Couples swap clothes & genders in awesomely awkward prom pix by JJ Levine and who feels more comfortable as a girl? :)
School is back in session around here in the Cyrsti's Condo part of the world.  The tradition is to have "Homecoming Dances" in the middle of football season. A chance for the students to get dressed up and party for the evening.  Including these two couples who were both actually cross dressed students in this picture from JJ Levine....

What is She Really Saying?

One of the comments here in Cyrsti's Condo I didn't have a chance to respond to yet came from Thomas Braylen:

A guy generally is a female actually is actually the tone of voice to fit. There are lots of operative products and services who have aided attain a great difficult wish. Any transsexual or a man or woman that has gone through sexual change surgical treatment is usually a brand new rising breed.

We have heard from Thomas before, but still don't know exactly where he is from which is why the translated version coming through to us, looks the way it does.  If Thomas is saying what I think he is, he brings up a huge point of how we sound in the world as transgender women or cross dressers.  

Indeed there are tons of "self help" voice coaches and guides on line and depending on where you live-trained speech therapists to help.

As far as I go, I do the best I can to cover the feminine vocal basics. I move my voice up in my diaphragm, stopping at a point well away from producing a falsetto voice and, that's about it. As I was just getting by vocally,  I became more aware of what I was saying and which gender I was saying it to.was becoming more important than how I sounded saying it.

Then there was the Trans Ohio Symposium class I attended last spring taught by Kent State University's Kristen Precht-Byrd.  She presented a fascinating look at "gender speak" (my term) - or- how the genders speak to each other. Her title is "Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics." and she essentially put down on paper what I was learning on the job.

These days, I'm having more and more people not noticing me at all, until I talk. It just doesn't rank high up my list of concerns. If I was younger and in a day to day job, I'm sure the pitch and sound of my feminine voice would be more of a factor to me. I'm just lucky it's not and I'm just lazy.

Finally Thomas, yes, the stories of transsexual women and men seem to be everywhere these days and all of that is very positive.  Even more positive is the Janet Mock's, Carmen Carerra's and Laverne Cox's of the world are redefining who we are as people , not just items of curiosity.  

Thursday, September 4, 2014

We "Gotz" Mail!

I was kicking around Cyrsti's Condo, wondering what to write about today, and a bunch of you stepped up and helped me with several fun and informative comments.  On certain days, my mind is on overdrive with ideas and others, it's very much on "sleep" mode!

In no particular order, I'm going to try to pass along the highlights of the comments and direct you back to the individual post for more.

The first comment comes from Cheri about my "Bitchy"  Quote of the Day:
I love this. That's how I feel today!
Thank you!
Hugs, Cheri

You are welcome!  I'm not sure if there comes a point in our transitions (especially if you take HRT) when the ability to be a bitch just comes with the territory.  Or, as my genetic friend Missy says, women are just mean away, so you have to be a bitch to survive!

Paula Goodwin commented on our Glamour, Goddesses and More post:

My boss asked me to pick him up a copy of Mayfair (quite soft porn, but would now definitely not be considered suitable for work!) I complied with his request, when I returned to the office I walked up to his desk handed it over after sheepishly pulling out my copy of Waterways World which I had hidden inside it. From that day on the girls in the office never let him forget what a *%$@#er they all thought he was! 

Thanks Paula, who by the way is heading on a vacation to Malta where she will need a swimming suit. That "fashion frontier" is obviously very unforgiving and I have given the idea quite a bit of "what if" thought on occasion. I do feel now, with HRT, i would have less to worry about in a swim suit-but still, it would be highly challenging.  Fortunately, I have never been much of a water person, so unless Liz would really want to go, I would never miss it!

This comment goes back a bit and involved the Pinterest picture I chose which for all the world looked like a young cross dresser in his college dorm room.  Back in the day, I actually went to two different colleges and one had a very active fraternity/sorority system.  Although I never did see them, it was rumored a couple of them did get together and a couple frat boys would be "chosen" for a sorority makeover.  Here was the comment from Mandy: 

Maybe I can sneak out this way without my friends seeing me? I did (go to college.) And I was (a fraternity member.) But I wasn't (asked to dress up.) Might have had something to do with the fact that I didn't live on campus...or more likely, they didn't think I'd be pretty enough?

Will never know for sure...

The young cross dresser on our left is neither Mandy or myself.  It's not hard to speculate what happened to him after his sorority "make over" and if the rest of his hazing involved going out with the rest of the girls that night!

I will have more comments soon in a future post!!!

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...