Friday, June 27, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Thalita Zampirolli
Yet another fascinating before and after Mtf transgender transition picture is our feature cover today. The

beautiful Thalita Zampirolli.


While we bitterly kick around issues such as who is "trans enough" and who is politically correct...the real world comes crashing through...very close to me...since I am from Ohio and live part time in Cincinnati.

From Trans Ohio:

We are a community that pushes forward even as our community continues to face onslaughts of negative press, slurs and excessively high rates of violence.  We have to. 
Tiff Edwards, a 28-year-old trans woman of color was found dead yesterday morning in the middle of a Cincinnati street.  She had been shot to death and her body was found by a city sanitation employee. 
Tiff is the fourth trans woman to be murdered in Ohio within the last 18 months.  “The brutality and violence we see being committed against trans communities of color is real. It’s happening in our own cities, in our own state. This violence needs to end. Trans lives matter,” Shane Morgan, said founder and chair of TransOhio.
Police aren't sharing much information about their investigation. We urge anyone in the Cincinnati community to contact the Cincinnati Police Department or call the Criminal Investigation Section at 352-3542 or CRIMESTOPPERS at 352-3040 or text “CINTIP” plus your message to CRIMES (274637).  Callers may remain anonymous and may receive compensation for their information. 
"While I didn't know Tiff or the circumstance surrounding her death, what I do know is that no human being deserves to die in such a violent way. Based on comments from social media she was well liked and will be missed but not forgotten. My prayers go out to her family and friends, may God comfort and keep them through this turbulent time," say Arykah Carter, TransOhio Board Member.
This violence must end.  Trans Lives Matter.  Not One More.
Not one more murder. Not one more death. Not one more.

We simply AREN'T disposable people!!!!


Last night I was fortunate in that I happened to be around my hometown and not Cincinnati and at the last minute my transgender friend told me of a meeting we should go to.

I live in one of the 23 or so Springfield's in the United States and not a place anyone is going to mistake for a hotbed of liberal activity.  That's OK if you are talking about fiscal politics, not the social right wingers who of course base much of their anti TGLBQ beliefs squarely from the Bible.

The meeting last night was organized by Equality Ohio, who among other things is fighting for same sex marriage in Ohio (which we all know is just a legal battle away from happening) and a vastly more important anti-discrimination bill which is working it's way through the Ohio legislature again.  Predictably, it always makes it through the senate and is shot down in the house of representatives and like in other places, it's a Democrat versus Republican issue.  Unfortunately now, the Tea Party is beginning to rear it's ugly head here too.

I'm not going to get real political here but will simply say, personally I believe in the Tea Party's professed financial agenda but why in the hell did they feel the need to jump into a social agenda too?  Locally there is written proof of a letter to the NAACP pushing the idea of TGLBQ rights possibly infringing on any of the future rights of the black population.  Really?  The scary thing locally is our long time state house Republican Representative ally is stepping down and a very virulent Tea Party candidate is running for his seat.  They are like roaches in your tea-very hard to get out if they get in.  This guy has already said he refuses to hire any GLBT employees or deal with any outside contractors who do.

Predictably, the meeting was sparsely attended and I don't make a value judgement on that either-I know many just can't when their jobs and livelihoods are at stake-and they are around here.  I just happen to be at a juncture of my life where it is harder for the bigots to get after me.  The group last night was diverse though, attended by two trans women, several gay men, an equal amount of lesbians and ally's.  Plus, it was held in a church and the pastor attended.

What happened?  We were given actual paper work, forms and phone numbers to contact our politicians. I'm the first to admit, I'm pretty jaded from a life of abuses from this country's political system - which some days I find amazing still works at all.  BUT, when I was given the phone number to a very powerful politico in "Warshington" (local spelling) - Speaker of the House John Boehner, (yes I am in his district) I simply said, "I know you are a busy man but could you take a moment and reflect exactly why basic American freedoms are being withheld from a sizable portion of the population and what if they were your son or daughter?"

I don't want to walk away from this post sounding too negative. On the other hand, if any of us thinks out and out discrimination against our community is not happening should have been there with us last night to hear a few of stories.  Too many of us think our freedoms are being fought for in far off lands by people in uniforms when in reality they are happening here and now.

I've said it before here in Cyrsti's Condo. You don't have to be "out" or a so called activist to make a difference when you vote.  In fact you can stay safely in the closet and do the right thing- vote for TGBLQ rights.

If you follow the links above, they contain contact info.

In Honor of the World Cup!

The country of Brazil is hosting this year's "World Cup" in soccer and our feature cover in Cyrsti's Condo is Brazilian beauty MtF transsexual model  Ariadna Arantes,  as transwoman and boy:

Ariadna Arantes, Brazilian transsexual model, as transwoman and boy

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sticky Labels

Hollybnh pretty much head the nail on the head with this comment on the Cyrsti's Condo- Vicky York post:

Why is it always necessary to classify a person? 

She's presenting herself as a very attractive women. I'll respect her desire to be herself in that light. And if I ever had the chance, and she were in her male guise, if she still does that, I'll understand that she probably has many responsibilities in her life. She will still be a person to me, and not a classification or label. 

In my 50 or so years being cross gender expressive. (Wanting to express a gender not socially common to my birth sex) I've seen a leaderboard of labels appear and each one of them does little to define an individual and strongly places them in some factious pecking order. That fact that a person expresses a gender to a degree. Should not need a label and only does so because society expects some normality in gender expression constructs. These constructs are unfair to an individuals self awareness and self expression.

Holly, I find it extremely difficult to be politically correct as I write this blog and maybe I shouldn't worry at all.  For the record, I find your "cross gender expressive" to be a wonderful term which I relate to a lot but I have always suspected others can't.

How ironic is it I would have to use three to five words to identify who I am-or how I describe everyone else to try to not get hammered.  Heck, I have even been trashed for calling us a transgender "culture".

The nice part is it all comes from those who are content to hide behind their computers and fire away. Face to face, peeps are way too timid to discuss me with me, even though I wish more would.

Finally Holly, I think to a large degree the younger generation is erasing the need for gender labels.

Loved your comment!!!

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

Think about this quote...we transgender women and men have a tendency to put all of this on the so called straight society and ignore the overwhelming bigotry which lies within our own.


I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!

SweetNow what? How long before the wife get's home?  Damn heels!!!  Should have been wearing Le Dame Footwear!
Better shoes = less embarrassing falls!

The Best Feminist?

I positively loved this post.  For one it hits home because of my relationship and two, because of how it's written (cynical-satirical style)  It's called "I Am the Best Feminist, for I am Dating a Trans Woman.- In Which I Act Like One of Those Obnoxious People Who Act Like They Deserve a Prize." by Ash Stewart. 

I am going to pass along only the first paragraph or so and leave you the link to read more if you care to:

Being a feminist is a struggle. It is a Sisyphean push to gain new, cutting-edge knowledge about oppressed groups that is never completed, all toward the noble goal of shoving your liberal cred in the face of other feminists to assert your superior unoppressiveness. But have no fear, my fellow feminists, for I have claimed the title of best feminist ever once and for all. You, my new subjects, can stop clawing at each other for meager ally points, since my total score is so ridiculous that no other shall come close for millennia and beyond.
But what, you must be wondering with bated breath, is this daring activism I have accomplished to earn such a glorious title? What have I done to become Super Mega Awesome Leader of Feminism for Life?
I am in love with a trans woman. 
Go here for more!

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

"With regard to other T people,  most women can handle and accept interactions as long as they are dealing with someone who is not their significant other. I think I have seen it referred to as NMH syndrome (NMH= Not my husband)."

Halloween and Gender Breakthroughs

Halloween Image from the JJ Hart Archives.  Back again we go to Halloween and the effects it had on me as I developed into a novice transgen...