Monday, June 2, 2014

Blushing? Brides?


T-Brides of the Month for 2010-2011Many cross dressers and transgender girls dream of the day they can achieve one of the ultimate moments in a woman's life- the wedding day.

All of the wonderful traditions topped off by the special dress-before the bride has to step into the reality world of being a wife.

As with anything else feminine, many of us in our world can only dream of what the experience would be like.  Others though, are able to take the dream a little farther!

Another pretty bride on her big day! So lovely!

No Rest for the Wicked?

Back home on this Monday trying to rest, recoup and catch up on life after a weekend at the Trans Ohio Symposium. Of course I have tons of ideas to pass along to all of you, but I'm going to try to focus them in a way which makes sense for all of us.  I know that idea sounds like a common sense one, unless you know me and how my noggin works.

If I had to come up with two words to describe the weekend, I would use Diverse and Inspirational.  This year I saw and met more transgender women of color and age than last year.  Several times I was immensely inspired by both groups and several transgender men I met.

The whole event caused me to rethink many preconceived ideas one builds up from very little personal interaction with others out side of my circle of friends and the internet.

Along the way, I will pass along the "best of the best", including meeting by accident "Andy" a ten year old  transgender boy.  My partner Liz and I first noticed him as we were standing in line for lunch on Saturday. Our only real interest at first was he was wearing a protective "boot" on one foot similar to Liz's. (Helping a broken ankle to mend.)  Being off in my own little world like I usually am, I just thought he was the genetic son of one the therapists who attended the Symposium.  He wasn't.  We watched as this little white kid wearing a railroad hat pulled out a small action doll of color in action figure fatigues.  Wow-talk about diverse.  As it ended up, Liz and I ended up eating lunch beside Andy and his Mom at lunch. It turns out next year, she is putting Andy into a mainstream public school and is naturally very concerned.

During the lunch itself, our keynote speaker was Kye Allums, who you may remember as the first transgender male athlete to play on a major college basketball team.  We will have more on his speech later as well as how I plan to change completely my workshop next year.

In the meantime, the picture of me above is taken from the third floor student union balcony of The Ohio State University in my knitted top Liz made me.  I am making the sign of the "O" saluting the OSU Buckeyes!  Go Bux!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Busy Weekend!

The way it is looking around here in Cyrsti's Condo,
It's possible the Sunday Edition this week will be delayed due to attending Trans Ohio and a couple other factors.

So, if you don't hear the Ker Plunk! in the morning on your computer, don't call the circulation department!
It's on the way!

Plus I have "lotz-o-mail" from you kids to catch up on!


Cyrsti's Condo "What If?"

Jim!!! I know you are in your room. Get out here, it's time to go to the game! .

Trans Ohio Uno

If you hang around Cyrsti's Condo much, you have read me write about the Trans Ohio Symposium going on about 50 miles from me in Columbus, this weekend.

Since Liz and I volunteered to help today, we were allowed to "sit in" on any of the workshops we could.  Both proved to be extremely interesting.

The first was presented by Kristen Precht-Byrd, who is an Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics at Kent State University here in Ohio.  Among other things, she is working on "Tendencies in Gendered Communication."  Or, in other words, the tendencies  of how cis women and cis men tend to communicate in different ways. Some no real surprise- such as emotions.  Of course, cis women are the highest and cis men are the lowest of the genders apt to use emotional words.  But then, the professor began showing us studies of how transgender men and transgender women do or should use these tendencies to further each's personal transition to their non birth gender.

I'm not going to get too technical here and here is her email for more information: 

On the other hand,  what I found extremely interesting was how across the board- trans men did not fit easily into many categories.  According to Professor Precht-Byrd (who is married to a transgender man) , she is still researching if there is an answer of why trans guys on occasion seemingly fall right in line with their cis-guy counterparts in areas such as emotions and negative judgement.  On the other hand, they seem to retain their feminine heritage and rank right with cis-women in other key areas. By the way, there were several trans guys in the room who remained true to their gender-by not saying much about their thoughts on the matter.  Sound familiar?

For once it seems, we trans women may have an easier tendency of shedding more of our male pasts than our trans guy counterparts. After we learn to communicate in the world as feminine critters.

What's it mean to us? A chance not to obsess on sounding like legendary actress Lauren Bacall   the American film and stage actress and model, known for her distinctive husky voice and sultry looks. Don't me wrong, I would love to sound like her but more and more I relate to her emotions on the screen.

Today I used an example from the 1942 classic movie Casablanca I answered one of the workshop questions (to Liz) on how would  I respond to the sentence "We went to the movies."  Liz and I went to a big screen re-release of it last year in a Cincinnati theater. I said now,  the World War II tragic theme was not what I remember the most. When I went this time, the movie  emotionally overwhelmed me to the point of tears as I viewed it from the eyes of  Bacall and Ingrid Bergman.  I wasn't going to even bring it up to the group and just leaned over to whisper it to Liz and then I had too.

I still have a standing paranoia that people think I'm trying too hard with this woman thing.  Similar to being mistaken (or labeled) a drag queen/tra--ny.  I have no idea of how long this phase of my transition will take to disappear but in the meantime (after today) I have a better working knowledge of how the binary genders communicate and where trans women and trans men fit in.

Our second workshop of the day was to go into a totally different direction which I will pass along later! 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

I love Vanessa Lima's profile: A transsexual Persian/Mexican mix model!

Trans Ohio Symposium-Day One

Symposium is a big word.  The ancient Greek definition is actually different from what I thought it would be:
The Greek symposium was a key Hellenic social institution.
It was a forum for men of good family to debate, plot, boast, or simply to revel with others.  Hey, nothing wrong with that and I would be kidding you if I said none of that went on at the Trans Ohio Symposium which begins today (Friday).  The really big deal though, are the workshops provided.

I have found over the years, the best way to get your money's worth at a tour or a group event was to volunteer. By doing so, you can provide much needed assistance and learn more yourself.  Essentially it's a trade out (barter) -your precious time for your precious money.   At this time of my life, my time is a commodity I can trade, so Liz and I both signed up for day one today to help.

What is today? It's a day of presentations for what I call the "intelligentsia" (Latin this time for:is a social class of people engaged in complex mental labour aimed at disseminating culture.) People interested in such things can get college education credits from the sessions today as professional types dissect issues such as  transgender violence, prisoners, school students, partners, athletes and more.  Then tomorrow and Sunday-is the time for the "not so intelligentsia" such as me and others who are - discuss another whole range of subjects.

Wow! Such a weekend.  My problem is I have always been a conference "geek" and come away with too many things I believe I need to do to "conquer the world" I was always taught if you could come away with three and do them-that was an excellent return for your time. So knowledge and meeting Trans artist Pamela Ann Reed and Transgender veteran/activist Brynn Tannehill will be geeking moments for me. Finally, I will be interested to see how the mix of participants works out this year.  Last year the proportion seemed to be in favor of younger transgender men.  I feel much of our feminine population is still deeply closeted by need or is of the opinion of one of my friends that she is still a "tra--y" and only would go to party.

I tried to tell her, of course there will party time too-as in all great conferences but this one is so much more!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Keeping "A-Breast of the Situation"

I mentioned to my primary care physician during my last visit a couple weeks ago, the possibility of me needing a mammogram.

I had two reasons. The first was I have started to build some significant breast tissue I have had for a while and second-my maternal grand mother passed away in her 50's years ago from breast cancer.  He said he would do some research and make sure a specialist got back a hold of me with more information.

She did yesterday and I find out today what they think.  I wish I could record the call and pass it along to all of you.  The nurse did a masterful job of never quite saying exactly what the call was all about while at the same time giving me all the information.  The reason being, my gender markers are not changed at the VA where I get my care-she knew I was transgender and was leaving a message.  She knew I knew it but never really said it! Class.

New Cover!

If I didn't wait so long to grow my hair as long as it is, I would have pulled most of it out as I worked to get the finishing touches done on my "Stilettos on Thin Ice" book.

Thanks to Bobbie putting me in touch with the very patient and talented Sharon Wright of The Wright Impression design firm- she came up with a new cover which was well worth the wait!

Follow the link above to her site, plus we will feature her work later in another post!

I believe the change may delay other two or three days or so the book "going live" on Amazon and B&N.

How Far will You Go?

Image from UnSplash. I have always viewed my transgender journey as a series of upward steps. A few of the steps were short and easy to take...