Thursday, December 19, 2013

Would You Bring You Home for Christmas?

Over the years here in Cyrsti's Condo, we have discussed the role of admirers (men who are attracted to transgender women for whatever reason) and even why more men aren't. When and if you can toss out the sexual aspect of a man with a transgender woman, the possibilities are endless.  Without going into a whole lot of detail, at the least we bring a totally different perspective into a man's life.  I have known many men over the span of my life who never totally got along with women.  Didn't trust them, couldn't communicate with them, their life was a gender stand off until many just said "to hell with it" and split up later in life.

Many of you have read me refer to an old cross dressing friend from the 1980's I'm still in touch with. We have debated this topic in depth on several occasions, especially around the holidays. We follow the exploits of several transgender or cross dresser women out on dates with their boyfriends and comment.  He is more conservative than I and thinks the video's are nothing more than a validation ploy to make the less than attractive woman seem more successful in the world.  On the other hand, I told him I don't see why more men don't date transgender women.  We offer much more than looks and many of us believe in the fading traditional feminine roles men covet,  but we are extremely difficult to find.

His final word always is "would you as a guy bring  you as a woman home to your family over the years." Good point!  I always hate it when someone puts me into a discussion corner but he is right. Every fiber of my being wants to stand up and say sure when truthfully I know I wouldn't.  But that's OK.  If I was dating a guy, I would understand. When and if he ever thought meeting the family was important to him, I would go as I went to my girlfriends holidays.

Being the woman I am though, I did have to have the last word.  I told him, with my male background I would understand why a guy would feel that way.  That alone, gives me more than a slight edge on most genetic women.

Cyrsti's Condo "Woman of the Day"

Considered as the "Legend" of Eastern Media Group, Regine Wu, or Li Jing in Chinese, was born on October 25, 1962 in Taiwan. Born as a boy named Wu Zhongming, she underwent surgery and became a girl when she was 22 years old. Differing with other transsexual entertainers, Wu has always denied she had a sex change operation, claiming that she was born as a hermaphrodite with organs of both sexes and the ability to give birth. Regine Wu,one of the 'Top 10 transsexual entertainers in Asia'by

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I'm Such a Boob!

I have written here in Cyrsti's Condo too much lately about my bra shopping trip recently.  What I didn't mention was how I planned to "fill" my purchase.

Last night, Liz and I were planning to go see her Dad, grocery shop and run a few other errands. I have a low cut long black sweater I was planning to wear, so I figured it was time to "play" with my new bra. It's a "C" cup and I'm only a full "A" with the effects of HRT.  The "B" turned out to be a bitch to fill.  With the bra, I also bought a pair of small inserts to fill out my "C" bra which turned out to not be enough to work.

At my size, I need a full "C" or "D" to fill out my fashion needs plus I feel breasts are one of the top three tools to a successful presentation.  I don't have a visible Adam's Apple to speak of (no pun intended) but do have a short thick neck.  I need a "V" neck top to add a longer line to my upper torso look.  Any cleavage I can add helps me present feminine with less problems plus if a person is in the middle reading me as a transgender woman, breasts may put me over the top but I digress.

I still needed "fill" to go to a full "C".  I didn't want to resort to going back to my "D" silicone breast forms but I did.  Turned out to be a good move.  The only thing I sacrificed was my pride.  My new bra was an under wire push up model so between my natural breast growth and the inserts, I was easily able to achieve a realistic breast look. Specifically when I bent over at all.  I was happy, my girls weren't all mine of course but anymore more, who knows how many genetic women aren't playing the same game?

Once again I wondered "what took me so long, you boob!"

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl of the Day"

Kamolrose Thunphirom  a transsexual model from Thailand stops by the "Condo".

Kamolrose Thunphirom is a transsexual model from Thailand

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"Tula" Bond Transgender Woman Classic

Back in the day, there were talk shows  (even Springer and Maury) which took a fairly serious look at the world and the people in it.  One was Caroline Cossey (Tula) the beautiful transgender model and actress who made an appearance as a Bond "007" girl.  This video on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen goes into her life after she was "outed"

"Power Play"

It's no big secret or revelation the genders operate on a vastly different playing level when power is involved. Men migrate to teams and alpha males, women towards cliques and a passive aggressive life. Each are very effective in their own ways but often cause serious problems between the binary genders. As far as we transgender folks go of course, we have a whole different set of "power settings".

Beck in November 2012Most of us are very familiar with the male power structure and "put up the good fight".  We went the "macho" route as we struggled to find our gender identity.  The best example is former Navy Seal transsexual woman  Kristen Beck (right) who really pursued a macho profession. (A reason so many service members are transgender)  I played the game well too.  I was a defensive end in football, served my time in the Army and generally was regarded as a macho guy. The problem was though I enjoyed interaction with women more than men and felt more natural. As with other things in my life, it took me years and a ton of thought to have ideas why.

Amazingly to me, I came up with a whole new consideration of my gender social preferences after I wrote the "Problem" post here in Cyrsti's Condo.

 If you identify as a cross dresser, transgender or transsexual, chances are you have always been more comfortable with women rather than men also.  I know there are many reasons we do but I began to wonder if gender power issues played a role?  We must feel more comfortable away from the macho lifestyle. I'm was naive though and found the feminine power set up was not the "peaches and cream" style most men think it is and acceptance wasn't an automatic just because I tossed on a wig and dress.

When I actually started to transition, women put me in a special category of sorts which fit my transgender status.  I was neither a genetic woman or a genetic man.  As such it took awhile to be included to the fullest but when I was, I learned quickly the women's passive aggressive power structure to it's fullest. But I can't tell you I have learned to react as a woman.  Relearning a basic male power system has not been an easy process and before all of this, I believed I liked the girls sandbox because they only talked about neat things such as clothes, makeup and family. Plus they were so nice! Ha!

The important part is I'm flourishing in the feminine system and I love the process. I find the passive aggressive nature is an art form. But more and more, if I have to play, somehow I know I was born to do it. Just don't look for me to do it directly- or to your face.  You are just going to have to figure it out on your own- later.

Fortunately, no one was mean to me at the party and I didn't have to play any power games. I just did my nails before I went and was ready!

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl of the Day"

Felipa TavaresSix -foot-tall FelipaTavares is among Brazil's small but growing ranks of transgender models — leggy, high-cheekboned sirens who were born men and are causing a splash in Brazil  and other  international fashion capitals around the world.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope"

Dammit! My stars are still in a rut with my scope: So, I'm not really happy to share this one with the rest of you Libra's.  But here it goes:

Libra (September 23-October 22): When it comes to romance, someone’s going to be a real stick in the mud —either you, your boo or both. Yes, moodiness will abound in a way that can get dark, so, it’d be in your best interest to stay in your own corner and keep it light. Get lost in a crowd, avoid places with privacy, or otherwise, a claustrophobic week it can be.

I can only say, I have a very difficult time getting lost in a crowd and I hope the mud I get stuck in isn't too deep and ruins my boots!

Of course, all of you have "scopes" too and you can go here to theFrisky to read them.


Two ladies commented on the Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition Post".  "Billie" commented the evening must have been wonderful, but asked where was the "problem" I mentioned.
The "problem" was simply one of "habit".  As I struggled to learn more and more of what this feminine life is really all about, it was tough.  Of course, the whole process of dressing yourself, moving correctly and interacting with the public was tough enough.  As difficult though, was having to accomplish the task in "bits and pieces".  I resorted to one to three days a week living as much feminine life as I could.  Naturally, I would lose much of what I learned when I lived as a guy again then started all over.

My problem now is, I have flashbacks to those days.  The rare times from my past when everything seemed to be "working" and I felt good as a woman, I really began to relax, enjoy myself and invariably slip back into male habits.  I had to constantly remind myself of which gender role I was occupying at the time.

I found myself "reminding myself" of the same habits at the party.  The problem is the process really disrupts me being me.  I know I'm relatively outgoing and I enjoy the process more as a woman.  For the most part, men still don't migrate towards me but women do and I enjoy the interaction.  Women of course are naturally curious and want to learn more about what makes me tick so the process works well.

The "problem" becomes when I start "thinking" about the process. When and if any of my male past slips through to my personality, so what?  He has been part of me for so long.  The transgender mix which defines me makes me what I am.

The incredible process I'm going through now, of course is tipping my gender scales more to the feminine side.  I should worry less and less about who I was but ironically now HRT has made worrying about less a bigger force in my life so worrying needlessly about problems such as this comes with the territory?

On a lighter side, Wendy commented about buying a bra as a guy and the register person calling for a "Wonder Bra" price check!  The ultimate in making an embarrassing situation worse!  Another little hint I learned yesterday was a bra made by the same company doesn't necessarily means it will fit the same!

Thanks ladies for the comments!

Turning Your Gender Corner

  Image from the JJ Hart Archives. As I made my way towards coming out of my closet and living as a transgender woman, I found I had many co...