Sunday, September 8, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Photography 101

As you know, I have a real problem with my pictures.  Don't like them, don't like taking them and only suffer through to show you all to an extent I'm not just sitting behind a computer in my Mom's basement just making all this up.  Most of this you couldn't make up anyhow and trust me, my Mom has been gone for awhile.

Today though,  the art form of photography magic has reached new heights and is available to peeps even like me.  If you know what you are doing or can afford to go to someone to help you, it's possible to compile fascinating, sexy and/or attractive pictures of yourself. I'm sure it's happened that more than one cross dresser has had a picture of that "sister" of his sitting on his desk in his office. I have a friend who didn't go exactly there but did have a picture of one of his very attractive cross dressing friends in his locker where he worked out. No one had a clue his friend was over six ft six in the picture...or a cross dresser.

I'm in the middle of the technology of images school of thought. Many photos I see are great! Two wonderful examples of skilled ladies who present fantastically in pictures are Stana at Femulate and Janie Black. Both are very skilled at presenting their natural femininity.   On the other hand there are tons of tasteless guys who seem to think tossing on a wig and lingerie and taking pictures is fine and worse yet  those who encourage them. Most of them remind me of the CD stereotype of a 40 something 250 pound squeezed into a mini skirt, tottering on four inch heels in your local mall.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with going out of your way to look better than you should in pictures. After all genetic women do it all the time. So to aid those of us who suffer from "photophobia", here is a instructional video on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen from Stepping

Cyrsti's Condo Passing Through Transitions

Transgender MtF...  before and after on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Friday, September 6, 2013

The High Maintenance Gender

The deeper my transition goes and the more experience I gain navigating the world as a transgender woman, a quote a woman told me years ago rings true: "We (women) are the high maintenance gender".

How true.  Every once in a while I  flashback to my cross dressing "princess" days. My wife told me "Guess what Princess, being a woman is so much more than heels, hose and a pretty dress." How much more? This question popped up in my email box this morning which pretty much said it all. . It read: " Cyrsti, What Do You Wear When No One Else Sees You?"

Hmmmn, when I tree falls alone in the woods and no one is there, does it still make a noise?

Actually, the question came from Ginger Burr and The Total Image Consultant site I subscribe to and did take the maintenance question to a different level, read on:

"If you're someone who works out of your home, or a busy mom whose days are filled with errands and car pools, finding your personal style and a wardrobe that makes your heart sing is just as important as for those in "corporate life." It really doesn't take any more time to dress in something you love that looks great on you than it does to throw on yoga pants and a t-shirt."

Really? I am pretty sure quite a few of the females I saw today and everyday missed the idea totally. On the other hand I understand the concept and always have worked on refining my inner style.

Certainly being a woman is high maintenance and many females miss the mark. Being a transgender woman often is higher maintenance and when we miss the mark, the world knows and there could be hell to pay.

By the way, I don't think the person who didn't see me cared what I was wearing when they didn't hear the tree in the woods!

Can you Make the Cut?

Recently, I have read a couple comments from transgender women here and there wondering about the decision they made to go through SRS.

Then I learned a few made the genital decision first and then were considering facial feminization surgery and/or breast work. I know it's just me but shouldn't the order of surgeries be reversed or at the least done at the same time, income permitting?

Many of you regulars around here in Cyrsti's Condo by now are thinking OMG, here comes Cyrsti's gender socialization soapbox. You are very perceptive! In this whole deal of what you cut and when it's beyond me when someone empties the savings and heads off to Thailand without socializing themselves in their new gender? Sure we all make mistakes but this possibly could be a huge one! Call me crazy (and many have) but thinking running off and changing your genitals may not be an end all to all your problems.

Here is what I think is happening with some of these SRS peeps.  Perhaps many experienced most of their socialization in gay venues or endless trips to the mall. They missed real world gender experiences in areas such as everyday communication and privilege shifts. Perhaps others (bless their heart) had understanding spouses who absorbed the transition shock.  In turn,  the transgender person was shielded from the reality of being on their own in the world.

I'm the last person to ever be accused of having any common sense but in my own transition,  it occurred to me a fairly gradual transition was not a bad idea.   I always figured if I didn't like the process I would have an escape. As it turned out  I found I loved the transition process for two primary reasons: socialization and appearance.

As far as socialization went,  I jumped into the deep end because I could.  Sure the experience wasn't all sweetness and light but I came through and learned the basic lessons of navigating the world as a transgender woman.   Now in the future if I decide SRS is to be a positive life choice for me, so be it.

Appearance is a bit more tricky. As  I have written,  appearance should not be a primary factor in anyone's transition but it does help.  Hormone femininization has provided positive benefits for me because I was and am only moderately presentable as a trans woman. I need every edge I can get.  HRT gave me edges in skin texture, breast development and hair growth on the noggin.

Of course,  no amount of HRT will ever change my thick torso and big male bones and I have found I am vain enough if I ever had the resources I would consider facial feminization surgery. Let me point out though that no amount of appearance can help who you are inside. You can be the prettiest CD in the room and never be mistaken for a woman- transgender, transsexual or not.

So there you go, I know you agree opinions are similar to that certain part of your body you sit on...everybody has one.  Maybe HRT is making mine bigger?

Tales of Us

Picking up those Bad Vibrations

I happened across a story about Aerosmith's Dude (Looks Like a Lady)...the real story in the Huffington Post.

Over the years I have been negatively conditioned to put "Dude" on my most hated list. One night years ago I was subjected to someone playing it four times in a row on a jukebox in a pub I was in as the manager laughed about it. Plus there were other times when the song "just happened" to be played in a venue or party I was at. These days fortunately I rarely hear "Dude" which has become a transphobic musical anthem in the hands of many.

To make matters even worse is how badly I get creeped out when I see Steven Tyler who obviously has always had a not so secret desire to be a cross dresser. For some reason he just gives me the same bad vibes I get when I see "Rude Paul".

Here is the link to the story and have a hot shower running for yourself after you read it!

Cyrsti's Condo Fall Fashion

From Fabulous after 40, here is a look on how to wear fall's "Punk Trend" when you're a grown up gal:

" On the fall and winter runways, rocker-inspired style reigned supreme at Michael Kors and Saint Laurent. Now Michelle Pfeiffer (left) has turned up in the Sept. issue of Ladies Home Journal sporting the look. All this adds up to one thing: Punk fashion is back in a big way."

As always most of us can never hope to look as good as Michelle but there are plenty of hints for your fall wardrobe by going here.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Transsexual won - Spain zero.

From Spain's The Local:

Charlotte Goiar has been embroiled in a six-year long struggle with Galicia's government in the hope of obtaining the necessary funds for a vaginoplasty. "I've not managed to be happy a single day of my life," Goiar told Spanish daily El PaĆ­s, speaking about the psychological problems that stem from her being trapped in a man's body. Aware of her condition from a very early age, she's found it hard to find work and fit in due to the anxiety and depression disorders she suffers from. Goiar may now have set a precedent for other Spanish people trapped in a body they feel is not theirs, having obtained the go-ahead for a state-paid €15,000 to €25,000 sex change operation.

Read more here .

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...