Friday, July 12, 2013

Trans Man Security

A television show who has a main transgender character has pretty much flown under the radar, at least to me.
It's called Small Town Security on the AMC Channel.

One of the characters on the show is a transgender man, Dennis Croft seen in the picture on the right. Dennis is the man on the left in uniform.

Like I said, I really missed all of this and this is one of my "better late than never" posts here in Cyrsti's Condo.

Regardless of how the quality of the show may be perceived, Dennis's public journey should not be minimized.

I'm also going to add a YouTube video on the big screen:

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Trans Travelin' to Thailand

Pattaya certainly wasn't like this in 1973 when the B-52's were flying over heading for Hanoi.

Traveling the Transgender World

On the Cyrsti's Condo big screen, "Transpinay Beauty Pageant" from the Philippines:

Beauty and the Brow

Surely one of the major road blocks we face in our feminine presentations are the eye brows. These days the gay and the metro sexual guys are paving the way for a better looking brow and less attention to it. For most of us though, just walking in to your barber shop and asking to have your brows waxed and shaped just isn't possible.

As I went through my "formative" cross dressing days, I decided to "gradually" pluck and trim my brows. A great plan until on occasion I got carried away and went a little farther with the process than I should. Luckily my glasses covered my increasingly feminine brows until they grew back. But they didn't. On the positive side my brows were a tremendous plus to my looks and eyes.  On the negative side I received a couple "suggestions" a mustache or beard would make me appear "more manly".

Of course I embraced the positive but have always viewed with great interest the extent drag queens work to cover their brows.  Good for the stage, not so much for a trip to the grocery store.

I know much depends on who you live with and how they feel about your transition (even into cross dressing).  But you too can try a "gradual" eyebrow shaping regimen.  Back in the day when I started my hair and brows were almost black and I began by "thinning" some of the hairs in the middle...then I began to shape the brow later.

Two words of warning. You need to be careful to match each side and never assume your eyebrows will grow back quickly!

My Angel at the VA

For those of you who are following my continuing saga/soap opera with my HRT and the Veteran's Administration, my "angel" came through again.
After only two phone calls to my patient advocate (angel) , she discovered the bureaucrats at my local VA Clinic had decided two paid visits to my endocrinologist were enough and turned down the third and any future ones.

She got that reversed and payment has now been approved for the one this past spring and the one coming up in September.  For some reason the powers to be have decided my transgender "condition" is temporary I guess so a few "Endo Doc" visits are all I need.

Maybe if I keep "poking the bear" I will irritate him enough to get me some in house treatment. Hopefully before he claws me.

FYI, if you are a transgender veteran and need any advice what so ever about my learning experience- please email me through the blog!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Matt to Maddy!

A whole lot of transitioning going on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Life on the Passive Aggressive Frontier

We could call this a Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"...  sent along by a friend:

Robert Heinlein made a good point when he said that women were just like men, only more so. Gentler, kinder, more intelligent, more vicious, etc...

Camping in the Girls Room

Last night a female friend of mine and I got together for a couple adult beverages and eats in a place we go to quite a bit.  We were enjoying our conversation until about an hour into it comes a group of at least 25.  Mixed in the group were five or six of the worst kind of adults-the ones who didn't seem to care about the kids who were basically 10-12 and probably 90% girls.

Well of course they abused the place and were extraordinarily loud which was bad enough until the girls commandeered the bathroom too. I tried to go potty and let a very unhappy woman go through the door ahead of me.  Of course all three stalls were full, plus another two girls sitting on the floor by the sink on their cell phones.  The woman ahead of me didn't hesitate and growled something to the effect of get the hell up off the floor. (I know for a fact she wasn't with the group.) Well, there was some scattering in the room, but no one left-except for me. I decided to hold it for awhile.

My friend and I sat and watched the comings and goings in and out of the restroom and never did see the girls leave.

Finally we paid and left and I found another place to stop and pee before a rather lengthy trip home.

Look, I know of the magical feminine bathroom mystique but bottom line is the older women in the group should have quit stuffing their faces with food and beer and taken care of the situation.

It's no wonder many of these people don't want a young transgender girl to use a girls bathroom. Maybe she would blow the whistle on the whole foolish mess.

I have said any number of times how surprised I am at how fast the majority of women use the bathroom and get out.

OK, I feel better now. Yes I did find another bathroom in time plus I was allowed to rant with all of you for a bit...thanks!!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Top Drag Queen in History!

I was watching the classic Seven Year Itch movie last night and realized I was watching one of the great drag queens of all time, Marilyn Monroe-of course!   Yes silly's I know (or think I do MM was genetic) But where was it written that drag queens have to be men?

Of course I am not the first to push this idea of the over the top female movie stars such as Marilyn being the ultimate drag queens- in that they represented a totally unachievable level of femininity to the greatest majority of genetic women.

Just between you and me though, I'm still jealous of the famous scene of Marilyn's iconic white dress being blown up over the subway grate in the sidewalk! Shown on your left.

Let's not forget to mention one of the female impersonators (Jimmie James) who used MM to build his career. Here he is on a 1987 Phil Donahue show on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...