Friday, April 19, 2013

Monday Night Highlights?

This morning I played role reversal sports with my girlfriend.  We were exchanging a few morning texts and she was trying to tell me which prime time games the Bengals were playing this upcoming season. However I was as insistent asking her ideas about highlighting my hair.  This coming week is salon hair visit before the Trans Ohio Symposium. The highlighting process is a little more expensive so I was wondering if I had to repeat the whole process on every visit. (No)

She asked was I feeling especially girly this morning since she was talking football and I was talking hair.

Actually I was.  Many of you loyal readers to Cyrsti's Condo know I identify transgender and not transsexual because I don't feel the pressing need for SRS.  Ideally I suppose you could label me as gender fluid too as some days I do feel more girly than others.

Looking back on a rather long and interesting life on the gender frontier, the more things change the more they stay the same. HRT or not, I think I was always very much the same person.  I just crushed the idea of thinking of "girl stuff" before "boy stuff". I dislike dealing in stereotypes but damn I still love my sports but I love them even more when my "girl fluid" is high.

Classic Cross Dressing Clip

Remembering an episode of dual cross dressing on the old "Boy Meets World" television series:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Cross Dressing Geometry

Two hundred ninety years ago when I was in high school working very hard not to flunk geometry, I thought  just what the hell would I use it for anyhow? My Dad pointed out some sort of geometric knowledge of angles may work to improve my worse than terrible pool game.  I hated pool and still didn't care. I was motivated somewhat by my Mom who said flunk it and goodbye college and hello Army. So I managed a C-.

Years later, I finally found a use for geometry in....body styles and fashion! I may have paid more attention in class if someone had explained my body was the "inverted triangle" type and to shop accordingly as a girl.

We have discussed the inverted triangle here in Cyrsti's Condo. The majority of transgender women and cross dressers probably have this body shape.

To refresh all of you who have short memory spans like me, here's a definition from my new fave fashion site "Fabulous After 40" :

"If your body resembles an inverted-triangle it means you have broad shoulders, narrow hips, an undefined waist and a large bust in proportion to the rest of your body. You kind of always look like you are wearing shoulder pads when you are not , or a better way to say it is you have a swimmer’s shape."

For more really great hints to put your best girl-self forward, go here and in the meantime we will finish up with this great tip from the "Fab" :

"As I (Deborah) mentioned earlier a gal with this figure type has a large bust in proportion to the rest of her body. While that’s pretty sexy when you’re young, after 40 when everything starts to sag and bulk up you can look really top heavy and matronly. So my tip to you get a great bra that hikes your breasts up and off your tummy. Your bust should sit halfway between your shoulders and your elbow. The perkier you look, the more youthful you will look."

Great stuff...right? All you "Dolly Parton" wannabe's still have a shot if you do it right!

Please don't stare in the mirror and hate yourself and definitely,  do not be a victim and think you can't improve your feminine image! Remember sites such "Fabulous After 40" can help you dramatically... if you adapt their knowledge to yourself.

 I'm very sure they have no idea their knowledge speaks to the very core of who we are and how we are struggling to present ourselves to the world. But then again our fashion goals are the same as any other genetic woman.

More than likely those stylish women you admire so much are have already read and benefited from this information! Now where's that damn geometry book. I'm sure I can raise my grade to a "C"!

Just When You Thought

Well maybe you didn't think but I thought I was getting too serious about my transgender life....soooo why not pass along a little fun on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Cool to be Trans?

As a culture I wonder sometimes if we will ever reach the cultural pizzazz of the gay culture or are we doomed to be boring. Will there ever be the equivalent of the Trans Housewives of Columbus, Ohio on the thousand channels of boring television?
Before you all want to medicate me again, let me give you some examples of where this is coming from.

When I was beginning to really explore the world, I did run into the occasional "trans-groupie". Normally this person was a young 20 something female. She just had to talk to me. It's not important to explore the whys now, I can only say the phenomenon doesn't happen with me much anymore. I'm just a trans girl in the world.

On occasion I have mentioned the "Bravo" television network which has to be the "gayest" effort since "Logo" The network has more than it's fair share of male gay shows as well as the occasional lesbian effort mixed in (Tabitha).  As I always do, I was wondering where the transgender show was? Then I knew-we weren't getting discriminated against-we are boring!

Our lives are different and compelling.  We are fighting to be accepted and to be extended basic human liberties.  We are fighting to build or maintain quality lives. Our suicide rate is ridiculously high and we can't get a job. Worse still, some people think it's OK to hurt us physically.

The entertainment flair of the gay community just isn't there and our stories are still too heavy for light viewing.  Change is happening as more and more of us decide to come out and be role models and not go stealth but still:

If one of us does hit the mainstream such as serious transsexual actress Laverne Cox (above) what entertainment chance does she have to overcome the ignorant flamer Rue Paul and his merry band of drag queens?

Bottom line is we have a very serious battle going on to define even where we pee. I guess the occasional wide eyed groupie asking where I bought my purse and the Bravo television show are going to have to wait.

Sex Safe Fashion

From the "Tuoitren" Vietnam News:

"Transsexual singer Huong Giang, who ended up in the top ten of the 2012 Vietnam Idol singing reality show, doesn’t mind donning a heavy dress made of 2,000 condoms as part of a community campaign to normalize condoms."

For the story, go here.

Check this Out

Perhaps you have read about or have seen this story which went viral:
" Thanks to being posted on Reddit, a Facebook post from a dad who sided with his son when the toddler asked for a copy of Disney's animated series about a princess, Sofia the First.

"The father, whose name has been redacted, recounts how he was standing in line at Walmart with his son when a display advertising Sofia the First caught the child's eye. After initially telling his son the family already had plenty of movies at home, a man in another line imposed some harsh gender-policing, telling the child, "You don't want to grow up like a mommy, you want to grow up to be like daddy." That's when the boy's dad stepped in, replying, "Actually, I just want him to grow up to be whatever he is supposed to be … and if that's a boy that likes princess movies, then great." The bystander, who the father simply labels "Moron," then gets outright explicit in warning the father that his son might turn out "funny" — you know, he might like boys. The dad's quippy response? "And I'd love him just as much … and he'd probably smell better as a teenager." Then an elderly woman in line behind the family offers the icing on the cake."

Go here for the icing!

I think the flavor should be called "Mind your own business Moron, the future doesn't need you."

We Got Mail

Yesterday I received this comment from Pat  concerning the "Pedestal or the Heels" post here in Cyrsti's Condo. To give you a little background, I was writing about my experience with two other transgender friends in a small gay venue. Part of what I said:

"At the least our little group was educational to a largely uninformed gay populace".  The reply:

"You hit the nail on the head. Because the common acronym is LGBT there is an assumption that those represented by each of the letters understand the others. This is clearly not the case with "T" people. I do not live in "fool's paradise" so I do not delude myself into think that at 6'1" and 240 lbs that too many people confuse me with being a GG. As such I tend to not get out with the civilian population but I do feel safe at an ever growing number of primarily gay venues. I like to go and strike up conversations with people. This past Friday I went to a gay bar. I had an extended conversation with a very nice 70 year old man. He said that he has known he was gay since childhood but freely admitted that he knew nothing about cross dressers. He said that he was told that men who wear dresses are mostly gay. I had the chance to fill him in on the concept that there is a very broad and wide spectrum from the occasional closet dresser to the surgically completed TS. I mentioned to him that most CDs are hetero and that it is estimated that the incidence of CDs being gay may be similar to the percentage of gays in the over all population. Normally, when I go out to the bars I am the first to head home to bed but since this guy was 10 years my senior he took his leave before I did."
 "Sitting next to me on the other side were two women. They were together and had been partaking of adult beverages for a while. We had several nice conversations with much of my talk being to educate them about "T"s and the fallacy that 'one size fits all' does not pertain to "T" people with any more accuracy than it does to pantyhose. Simply stated, based on my own frequenting of LGBT venues, it seems that the gay population does not have any better understanding of 'T' people than the overall population at large. As such, I do consider my time spent in conversations at such venues to be a form of education."

Indeed a wonderful job of educating the public Pat! Can not say it enough that the rest of the LGB triangle knows little about us. You may exceed the GG size limits and you also exceed with your
courage and heart! Thanks!!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Is All Publicity Good Publicity?

Gertrude Kachenis
I wonder sometimes if these guys who compete in womanless beauty pageants know  their pictures bounce around the web and end up like places like Cyrsti's Condo and ton of other sites? For some I'm sure they are flattered while some may be embarrassed. In some cases that's a whole ton of make up and looks to live down with the guys!

Here's the question. Did the womanless pageant participant "practice" by cross dressing at home in the closet for years?   Of course for the most part we will never know.

The reason I brought this up is I found yet another womanless pageant coming from the deep south of the US. Go here for more.

Hey Gertrude! If you are reading this gf, I will never tell!

Halloween and Gender Breakthroughs

Halloween Image from the JJ Hart Archives.  Back again we go to Halloween and the effects it had on me as I developed into a novice transgen...