Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Girls Night Out

On the Cyrsti's Condo big screen a YouTube video which is admittedly out of my generational reach. None the less interesting:


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Get Involved

Fighting for our right to PEE!
Most certainly you have heard of the insane right to pee bill in Arizona.  Basically, if this bill passes it would require a transgender woman or transgender man posses a new birth certificate or face arrest.
I am passing along a link to the Dyssonance blog. Blog author Toni D'orsay is basically at ground zero of the fight against this ridiculous bill. She has all the info including email and other social media links to contact legislators in Arizona:

Action Needed! Call or Write NOW: #noloo4u on twitter Contact these representatives in order to let them know that SB1045 seeks to make it impossible for women with pants and short haircuts, men with long hair and kilts, and anyone who doesn't meet the standards for what someone else thinks a man or woman should like or act like, including loving someone of the same sex, to use the restroom. This law seeks to make being transgender in public a wrong thing, and says that trans people are wrong, dangerous, and bad.

As I said, follow the link above for the actual connections.  I have sent my first email and plan to do more!

Erica Andrews Tribute

On the Cyrsti's Condo big screen, a tribute to the recently passed Erica Andrews from YouTube:

Helen and Betty

Perhaps if you are a regular here in Cyrsti's Condo, you have heard me mention Helen Boyd and blog         en Gender. Her most recent post certainly struck a personal chord with me as I am nearly in the same situation.  Here's an excerpt:

"It’s been a while since I’ve griped about the petty bullshit involved in being the partner of a trans person, hasn’t it? I recently posted a photo of me and my wife at the GLAAD awards, and many, many people have said lovely things about how we both look, which we’ve both appreciated. But I did notice – how could I not? – a pretty common refrain that goes something like this: “Your wife looks amazing and of course you do too” or, alternately, “your wife looks great and it goes without saying that you do too.” And you know what? Actually, it doesn’t. I understand the need for people to validate a trans woman’s attractiveness. I really do. But when (1) you married a man who is no longer a man, and/or (2) you’re in your 40s, and/or (3) you’re not a size 4, and/or (4) people consistently think that trans bodies are somehow publicly owned and so can and should be regularly commented on, it gets a little tiring to hear how remarkably gorgeous my wife is. I mean, I know that. I live with her and see her every day. I’m the one she shares makeup with, and hair products, and pajamas, so yes, I’m aware she’s a hottie, and a gender normative hottie at that."

And another:
Helen and Betty

"I mean, again, I get it. I’m the one who married her, right? I’m pretty clear that I married someone who was a hottie in one gender presentation who is now a hottie in another. I have no problem with anyone telling her that she’s attractive – none whatsoever. I married an actor, after all, and so have always been used to people finding my spouse attractive. What I don’t understand is why people tell ME she’s attractive, and she doesn’t understand it either. To be honest, it feels a little like “my best friend’s gay” or “I have a black friend” – as in, it sometimes comes off as a knee-jerk liberal reaction, laced with “isn’t it amazing your wife who was born a man is attractive as a woman?” And you know what? It’s not. So many beautiful women I’ve met are trans. In a crankier mood, I might even call this kind of compliment a micro aggression, because it others her, calls out her transness, and reminds me, too, that my partner is trans."

As you can tell Helen is a very outspoken, visible and intelligent spokesperson for a certain layer of the transgender community.  Go here to read more.

A Natural Comes Home

Many are born in the wrong body...very few have an easy time changing the problem.  On the Cyrsti's Condo big screen here is one who didn't:

Monday, March 25, 2013

Horror Scope

Up in the air, it's a bird, it's a plane! No it's star time and another "HorrorScope" here in Cyrsti's Condo :

(September 23-October 22): The promises you keep making to yourself, activate them now! Don’t bite off more than you can chew, so take smaller nibbles to get what you want done. If you do, then you will see that your goals aren’t so far out of reach, because just saying, “Yes,” will move you light years ahead.

My Mom always told me to take smaller bites so maybe this will work!!!!

Horror Scope is my title go to theFrisky for yours!
Part of the impossible dream for me is Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS). I just can't ever seem being able to afford it or on some days even wanting it. One who did is featured on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen,  from YouTube:

Tit for Tat

It doesn't take a genius to figure out the human obsession with breasts.  "The girls" are one of the basics of a woman's femininity and an attraction to others.

How funny is it when guys think I'm going HRT to just to grow my own breasts to play with. 

I won't deny breast development has not been a pleasant part of my exterior feminization. In many cases just the slightest touch is a constant reminder of where I am on my transgender journey. BUT on a much larger scale, the transformation of my skin and the thickening of my hair have been just as astounding. In fact, I should write a separate post just about my hair.

Plus, let's not forget my continued lack of climate control.  I went through the hottest summer of my life into my coldest winter. I wish I could blame it on the climate but I can't. It's real and it's me.

The main point is that all pieces of this gender puzzle are continuing to come together and the process feels so right. I can only hope this summer will be a little more "air cooled"!

A Close Shave

German cross dressing magic on YouTube from the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Staying in the Present as a Trans Woman

Outreach Image. JJ Hart, Cincinnati  Trans Wellness Conference  Throughout my life, I  have experienced difficulties with staying in the pre...