Friday, February 3, 2012

The "Third" Gender?

I'm passing along a post I wrote on another site in response to a "third gender" question.
I really dislike labels and even adding a new one but here was my response:

"Back in the day" I really never considered myself as a member of a third gender.
I was merely a guy who enjoyed being a girl on occasion and was told I did it rather well.
As life progressed, I found I was much more than a guy in a dress.
I also found I didn't fit in all of the so called transgendered groups.
Discovered I was too much girl for the crossdressers and not enough girl for the transsexuals.  Overally interested men figured I was sexually promiscuous as some gay men or drag queens tend to be. Lesbian or straight women were for the most part just wary and stand offish.
In the midst of all these problems, it occurred to me I was a third gender.
I thought and acted more and more feminine. Innately I was attracted to a softer life with music and even developed a love for "chick flicks."
So here I was, starting estrogen and feeling female changes in my physical body but still remaining a biological male.
Of course ancient Native American cultures (as well as others) believed and even looked up to "dual gender" individuals.  Increasingly, I became more than an interested observer of the cultures-I believed in their gender ideas. Why? Because I was living the life of a Third Gender person more and more.
Casual acquaintances ask me why their opposite gender mates think a certain way and  I am developing a whole new circle of friends who respect me- for me. Curiously, I'm at the same place I always was in the transgendered community with many.
Perhaps it's all just too complex for them or me to understand!"

Brazil Supports Transgendered Subway Riders

The Brazilian state of São Paulo, in partnership with the
São Paulo City Metro (subway), have launched a campaign to combat
homophobia throughout their subway stations. The campaign entitled,
See beyond prejudice. Respect differences aims to increase respect
toward, and decrease discrimination against, LGBT people living in Sao
Paulo. The first stage of the project combats discrimination and
prejudice against transgender people, as well as dissemination of a
law that punishes homophobic behavior and discrimination within the
state of Sao Paulo.

All 58 subway stations are covered with the bright posters that
feature pictures of transgender women. The poster copy reads, “Look,
Look again, and see beyond prejudice. I am trans, I have the right to
be who I am.”

I wonder can transgendered people use the rest rooms too in "Sao Paulo" or is that an American paranoia?


You can teach an old dog new tricks!
Over the past month or so I have written concerning the physical part of my transgendered journey and tossed the social aspects into the background.
Interestingly, I am teaching myself new "trans" tricks.
As sure as I was of my "socialization" as a woman over the past couple of years or so, I found a whole new world again.
My latest "new trick" is to have a very definite confidence of who I am. What you see is what you get.
If you think I'm a "vision" of lovlieness I'm flattered. If you don't? Who cares?
I know I'm absolutely sure I do the best I can on presenting myself as a woman- who cares about her appearance. That knowledge alone is giving  me a certain level of confidence. Now the knowledge of future  hormonal changes will help me along even more.
For the longest time, I was happy of who I am. Now I'm becoming transgendered proud!

A "Loose" Woman?

When does being loose become a slight jiggle?
Years ago I saw a show about two young transgendered women. One of the trans women said she knew she was really on a female path when she went down a flight of steps and felt her breasts actually jiggle.
At this point I am not near to the "jiggle" point but I am at the loose point.
What I mean is I can feel a certain "overhang" I have never felt before in the breast area-what I perceive as the very beginning of a jiggle.
I am to the point where I can "cup" my breasts in my hands and feel a size increase. In addition I'm seeing a definite increase in the size of my "Areola" around increasingly sensitive nipples.
If the size and shape of my developing breasts are determined by my Mom's genetics, can I blame her for making me a "loose" woman?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Crossdressing On Indian TV

I came across a sizeable amount of crosdressing video clips from another site I'm on from Indian television.
All are interesting and impossible for me to understand completely but are good.
Of particular interest are the "Adam vs Madam" episodes.
In my opinion is episode #4 which I have highlighted.
The guy in this episode is one of the most attractive makeovers in the series. In the episode he is in a coffee shop dressed as a woman.  The camera's catch a real uncertainty in him which we have all felt as a woman in public.  The scene is about halfway through the video.

Yeh Pyaar Na Hoga Kam
Abeer dresses like Rashmi for a skit to enact her love with Madhav.

Sarabhai vs Sarabhai
Kishore and Monisha imagine Sahil as their cousin Chanda Rani.
Later, Nayeesha arrives from spain who looks exactly like Sahil.

Rang Badalti Odhani
this is just a male actor playing female role for one episode

[v] Adam v/s Madam
there were few contestants who were pretty     ****

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Future Promise!

I never thought it would be possible I would be writing this post.
I now have been on HRT for one month!
It has always been someone elses' story. Not mine.
But it's true, I have jumped off the cliff and am now headed to a physical life which matches my mental one.
I've come to month number one when it's time to put up or shut up as a girl.
As I've passed along, I am feeling basic changes in my emotional state and physical changes are beginning with my breasts.
My hormones were doubled about a week ago and I LOVE it!
Never ever do I wish to hope that times goes quickly and changes come immediately.
With transition in progress though, sometimes I do.
I'll keep you posted!!!!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just Say Yes to Transgender Military Service!

The new issue of OutServe Magazine, which is available online and at select military bases and outside of certain installations across the world, takes on what it calls ''The New DADT: Transgender Service.''
One of the six current or former service members who are transgender and profiled in the fifth issue of OutServe's publication, who goes by Bryan in the article to protect his identity, says, ''I want to speak out about it because I know a lot of people are not going to, and I feel like for anything to change … a group of people are going to have to step up to the plate and talk about it … like people did during the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal.

As a transgendered drafted vet I can not say enough how much I admire the courage of the volunteers in the U.S. military today who are pushing the system for acceptance!

The Next Transgendered Model From the UK?

Perhaps the next transsexual model will be from the UK.
Cambell Kenneford, 16, dreamed of being a female model - despite being
born a man. At the least, she has the "Andrej Pejic" style of body.
Now the student, from Leighton Buzzard in Bedfordshire, plans to get
gender realignment surgery following two years of hormone treatment
which has recently been approved by doctors.

"Andrej Pejic"
Previously the teen had suffered cruel taunts and violence at the
hands of classmates who called him 'gay.'

The heavily made-up teen now turns heads by dressing like film star
Lindsay Lohan.

Cambell said: 'I was bullied for years and called 'gay' but I always
knew it was something else

'I started painting my nails and growing my hair when I was 11. Now I
like girly outfits. I wear hot pants, high heels and tight tops all the

'Some people say I look a lot like Lindsay Lohan, which I love.'

Somehow I think "Cambell" may want to consider her resemblance to "Andrej" especially with a few of "Lohan's" jail pictures recently!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Cyrsti's Closet

This time, I really was in the closet and found an old friend!
The "friend" was a purse I hadn't worn with an outfit forever!
I just had spent an hour working on my own nails( which is a art form I am just attempting to master) so with the nails and the purse, I felt especially good about my overall look.
I was headed to my regular pub for a quick evening of video trivia. My outfit did not need to be anything very flashy.  Jeans and flats and a low cut top put me into the "blend" zone with the other women in the pub.
I'm still enamored with my blond hair and can't wait for mine to get long enough to experiment!
It was certainly fun to find an old friend in the closet!!!!!

Turning Your Gender Corner

  Image from the JJ Hart Archives. As I made my way towards coming out of my closet and living as a transgender woman, I found I had many co...