Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cyrsti's Things-Chasing My Tail!

I have received and have in my possession my first 30 day supply of estrogen and testosterone blockers.
I have them mailed to my daughters for security reasons, my mail slot at home is not big enough for the post office person to safely deliver them.
Once I got home with my precious cargo, I paused to reflect on how long it took me to get here. Then I thought how far I have to go. Sure it's a long trip, but never boring!
I have mentioned so many times (you are certainly tired of hearing of it) my guy job is done!
Whatever impact the meds may have on me, the fact still remains the strongest tie to my male existence is GONE. 
The nice part is I have some time to sit back and take a look at possible directions to take. Of course I will keep you posted!
In the midst of all of this, an amazing event is occurring - the end of 2011. How did that happen? I know I've been frustrated all week long with a intense final week of work and not being 100% for a couple days due to a lingering sever cold.
Luckily I was able to find a very sharp outfit for a very hot New Year's Eve date; and
of course I have tried to come up with "incredible" year end blog posts.
All this week has proven is that I should not wish time away. All the wishing, planning and hoping for the final work days and my introduction to hormones has done nothing. Well, not quite "nothing". I'm finishing a frenetic week that I essentially missed out on life.
Hopefully, life will be near and dear to me and I will have a chance to recover my lost week.
In the meantime it's looking as if we will be very close to our first 150,000 hits here on the blog by years end. I certainly don't want to overlook this chance to thank each and everyone of you!


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Should I Fell Guilty?

 I've seen a couple of stories floating around about the transgender woman who literally beat up a man on a NYC subway for calling her a man.
I'm not one to be drawn to graphic violence of any type, but I have to tell you I did try to watch this video.
Ironically YouTube had removed the video for "shocking and disgusting" content.
Immediately I wondered if the video of the transgender teen who was beaten in a McDonald's was on YouTube why wasn't this? More discrimination?
At any rate, as much as I have wanted to turn on someone in my past for their ignorant, insensitive behavior it would somehow be counter productive to do it. It's just not me.
So it would have been a guilty pleasure to watch a transgendered sister pull a can of whup ass out of her purse and thump an insensitive bastard.
Personally I will stick to words!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Lipstick Boy?"

Here I was, undoubtedly attending my last Christmas with my family as a man. As I have mentioned, I m out to my daughter and other friends but not to my brother and mother in law. 
My brother and I are the oldest remaining members of the family which is now down loaded with about ten grand kids.
Two of his grandsons are approximately the same age, around 5. The first arrived with his 3 siblings (all girls).
I missed the first part of the conversation but started listening intently when my brother said "you don't want to be a lipstick boy?" I thought "what if he does?" He is truly a pretty boy with blond hair and blue eyes.  What if he does?
I have to say I don't think my brother will have a problem with me...or the grandson if true. Believe me I'm not speculating. Brother has never shown any indication of being homo or transphobic.
My mother in law would be shocked I'm sure but she would then be very worried about the health ramifications of my transition. To clarify, she is the mother of my deceased wife.
I really considered coming out to both around the Christmas holidays but then decided the holiday should not be just about me.
I'm not a huge believer in New Year's resolutions but coming out to the remainder of my family tops the list.
As far as the grandson goes? His Mom is really beautiful and good with makeup...who knows?
More importantly, she is a very caring, loving mother and I'm sure he would be in good hands.
Undoubtedly in 2012 my brother will be meeting the true lipstick boy!


From the "Daily Mail" in the UK:
Kerry Marshall, 18, who is currently undergoing a sex change to become a woman, managed to con a series of bank tellers into believing she was the television star, glamour model Katie Price.
Katie Price
Obviously there must be more to this story that doesn't meet the eye!

A "Natural Woman"?

One of the people who is very close to the transgender journey I'm taking asked me the other night what kind of woman do I think I will become.
Easy question, loving, giving, gentle and beautiful! Even though I wish I could achieve all those attributes, that wasn't what she was talking about.
Very bluntly she asked (love it!) when I leave the house day after day to run chores or whatever what kind of woman do I think I will be?  She used two examples on both ends of the spectrum.
Would I be the "natural" type of girl who basically throws on a pair of jeans and t-shirt and takes on the public OR would I be one of the girls (similar to the one she works with) who would never face the world without her makeup and perfect hair.
Good question and one I have thought about.. The great majority of women where I live are the so called "natural" types and I'm being kind. Female slobs are a better term.
So now I will finally have the chance to put my makeup where my words are.
From my perspective right now, here is what kind of girl I will be-the one I am now. My personal style is very ingrained and is who I am. So yes, I would prefer never to be out without my eye makeup, lipstick and foundation.
What I do hope happens is the hormones soften my skin and features so I will get to use less foundation. Electrolysis is very much out of the question financially currently but my beard right now is very much a one close shave a day deal. Hopefully, I will get a slight beard reduction but not one I'm expecting.
The other hair I want grow is on my head of course. I haven't had a hair cut in the last 3 or 4 months so I have a head start (no pun intended). I simply can't wait for it to grow to the point I can get it colored and styled.  I have no reason to believe my hair will not always be a major part of me!
That's my answer as of now and of course changes are predictable. The only constant is certainly change.
As I move forward I expect the time I spend on preparing for the public will decrease too.  To the amazement of many women my prep time is way below a half hour now and I already have a cleansing and moisturizer routine for my skin.
The bottom line is I realize being a girl is more work. I have done it for years. Just a labor of love I guess!
I still have to pinch myself that all of this is happening!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Should a Transgendered Woman Reveal Her Age?

I normally never revealed my age. I would simply say you should never ask a woman her age or what does it matter? I'm fortunate in that most people think I'm at least 10 years younger as a female.
Before my full head of hair began to turn grey, I enjoyed similar reactions as a guy.
Why does it matter? It's a trust issue?
For good reason, the Internet is and should be a place where someone should be wary of much of what is written and seen.
Many people simply don't believe either I'm 62 or my pictures are real.
I used to try to post certain pix of me in a public place to prove my point but now I'm sort of in an in between place. 
If I write about being of the age to collect partial Social Security, those of you in the know realize I have to be 62.
To a chosen few, that still isn't enough? Now I'm fixing my pictures? I wish I was smart enough!
Maybe because I have very ill with yet another cold virus of some sort, I have been very bitchy.
Or maybe I should just take the whole age thing as a compliment.
It would be if people didn't think I was telling the truth.
One way or another, thanks for reading my rant!
On the positive side, I only have 3 more days to work and I plan on taking my first hormones on New Year's Eve!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Maybe A Different View Of The Holiday's?

I know what you are thinking. A different outlook from Cyrsti? No, that's not possible! Yeah, right!
During this part of the year many of us go 100 miles an hour.
The most we can hope for is to think about slowing our lives down and celebrating our friends and family.
But what about our own transgendered selves?
Are we missing so much in our lives by looking for the future and not living the present?
We just can't wait for that new outfit or the next dose of hormones or the next procedure to make us our own dream woman.
I'm guilty too!
This is my Christmas greeting to you.
If you are in a very dark closet, may the dim light coming from under the door be your guide to the future!
If you are living the life in your chosen gender, slow down and feel  the inner satisfaction of your new life.
If you are in transition, try to enjoy a once in a lifetime gender trip most humans will never consider or even experience.
Wherever you may fit, I just want to thank you all for being here and Merry Christmas!

2011 Transgendered Milestones

Lavern Cox
As the the year comes to a close it seems everyone has a year in review.       
In our transgendered world 2011 was a very active year with several positive milestones.
"Laverne Cox"  recently wrote about transgender acting milestones in the "Huffington Post".
From "Chaz Bono" and "Harmony Santana" to her own acting career, she covers many transgendered acting successes in 2011 and the hopes for more in the future.
Here's a short look at the past year.

Yasmin Lee
In an article about transgender performers in the December 8-14, 2011 issue of Backstage, Simi Horwitz writes, "Casting director Sig De Miguel ... looks forward to the time when a character's transgender status is incidental to the script and an actor's trans identity is irrelevant to casting. 'You may be born male, but you're a woman now,' De Miguel says." De Miguel represents a growing number of industry professionals who are open to casting trans actors in roles that aren't necessarily written as trans. He cast three of the films in which I acted in 2011. He also cast Harmony Santana in Gun Hill Road. In 36 Saints, one of those films, I play the effusive party promoter Genesius. Nowhere in the script does it say that she is transgender, nor is it inauthentic to the story that she is.
The highest profile fictional transgender film character of 2011 was the controversial role of Kimmy in the blockbuster The Hangover 2. The role was played by transsexual adult film actress Yasmin Lee. I had the pleasure of briefly meeting Yasmin a few years ago. She seemed very sweet. I hope this high-profile role has opened other doors for Lee.

As always, follow the link for more!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Transgendered Health News

Another transgendered woman of substance I have met here on the blog is "Sherri Lynne". She is a practicing therapist who works with transgendered patients.
On her blog "Walking in Two Worlds", she recently posted a great article called "To Your Health".
She goes into all the usual areas we think of such as hormones and such and then goes so much farther-including a transgendered girl's increased chances of breast cancer.
I had the very conversation with my BFF recently. She asked if I have had any history of breast cancer in my family. I started to say no and then remembered my maternal grandmother passed away from breast cancer in the mid 50's.
Of course I never had a reason to connect her breast cancer to me although I do know it occurs in males too.
Now of course I do.
Follow the link and take advantage of more of Sherri's extensive knowledge!

It's Mammogram Day

  JJ Hart, image from Columbus, Ohio. Once a year, my doctor puts in a request for a mammogram screening for me. Mainly because breast cance...