Saturday, October 22, 2011

Former TV Host Now Transgengendered Beauty Queen.

From " Tempo"
A finalist of Amazing Philippine Beauties 2011 is creating ripples after it was learned that she was a former male teen star who co-hosted “Master Showman.”
The former singer-actor-host used the screen name Akiro Verano prior to changing it to Zyrene Mae Verano after undergoing a sex change operation in Thailand in 2008. He admits to taking hormonal pills to enhance her femininity even further.
The Philippines I believe sometimes rivals Thailand and the Japanese with an incredible number of beautiful transgendered women!

Transgendered Goddesses!

Transgender Goddesses! Why didn't I thing about this? Read this comment from the "Montreal Gazette"
" I’ve been thinking about the dating scene, about how many men flee when they find out about a trans woman’s medical history. So, I thought maybe we should approach it differently. Rather than ask men to accept us as ordinary females, maybe we should portray ourselves as Transsexual Goddesses, exotic women to be pampered and served and adored. Hey, so much of the dating game is about imagination, anyway, ie. him imagining (and hoping) what sexual delights he might get from her. We shouldn’t make it too easy for them, should we? Nor should we grovel and act like they are doing us a favour by accepting us as women. To heck with that: we Goddesses are doing them a favour by allowing them to serve us, and if they serve well, they will be rewarded accordingly, yes?
Indeed, I am a Goddess . . . Just kidding . . . (Don’t send me nasty emails!!)
And, no, this is not bordering on BDSM or D/s lifestyles . . . not that there’s anything wrong with that, yes?
Smiles . . .
Happy weekend!
Jillian "
All right...maybe I did think of it! lol

Friday, October 21, 2011

Womanless Beauty Pageant Transgender Style!

Miss Pacificana returns to Guam for the first time in nearly 5 years.  Here are a couple of the transgendered contestants!

Here's your link for more! Miss Pacificana 2011 contestants <>

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mixing Beauty and Transgender Ideals?

From the "Huffington Post"

"Amos Mac and Zackary Drucker Explore One Transwoman's Experience in TRANSLADY FANZINE (PHOTOS) 

With his latest effort, the burgeoning publishing mogul (Mac) shifts a gear that looks to me like a focus from the people to the artist -- the rich, mesmerizing and artistically elevated art publication, TRANSLADY FANZINE. "


As I checked the post this paragraph specifically stood out to me:

 "There's Drucker applying makeup from a Louis Vuitton makeup case, before another photo, a glamour shot of three purring blondes -- is one of them Drucker? Do all blondes look alike? What about the homogeneity of femininity and how Drucker owns and subverts it? I mean, she's a girl and wants to be pretty, right? Don't we all? Are transwomen allowed to just be fucking pretty for a minute, or is she required to be a constant embodiment of a struggle? How exhausting. Radical feminist and queer communities can be terrified and punishing of a transwoman's desire to "pass," though "passing" often just means "looking good," something I -- a feminist and queer -- personally strive for every day and no one gives me any shit about it. What about the longing to be stealth, to simply be your gender without all the politicized hassle, so many marginalized people trying to snag you for their own? Maybe a girl just wants to throw on some eyeshadow and hit the mall, jeez. An essay by Drucker, included in the publication, outlines a female's lifetime of negotiating fashion for self-expression, with somewhat higher stakes. Mac includes text, as well, a thank-you letter of gratitude and solidarity from photographer to model, and the stakes here are higher, as well."


Video Artist Zachary Drucker


Maybe It Does Get Easier?

I agonized all day long before I called the recommended physician who would work with me on administering hormones.
I finally summoned all my courage and made the call.
Of course the first thing that happened was that I was on a lengthy hold. (It seemed like hours!)
A totally frazzled receptionist finally answered my call and I found  all my worry was wasted effort.
I nervously told her I was a male to female transgender person and had been referred to the doctor by my psychologist.
She was great.  She calmly asked me if my interest was in hormones and how far along was I in my transition process. I calmed down and told her all I could.
As she asked about how I was planning to pay and other questions, she mentioned an appointment was in limbo for a short time as the doctor's whole practice was changing.
It turns out the practice is changing from family based care to one totally based on transgender, gay and lesbian health care. In fact the doctor has been so busy he is adding a partner.
Once again I witnessed how different I'm not. The transgendered population is opening the door and exploring life in their chosen gender!
The best part was how she explained how closely the doctors would work with me on the hormone program!
I really need to stop worrying so much and get on with life.

Keeping the Door Open!

On the way down the hall with my psychologist, she spoke briefly of the strides transgendered vets such as I have started to make in good old "conservative" Ohio. Some of the other professionals at the center it seems are starting to "reach out" to other gender experts in the community for advice.
She also mentioned some of the directives within the VA and the military itself concerning gay and transgendered vets as positive changes. Then added she hoped the new thinking would continue. However,
I have mentioned she said no doctor in this clinic would consider dispensing hormones but there could be other altrnatives she was checking into.
When and if any of these alternatives actually materialize, I will pass them along.
In the meantime, I'm happy to be able to help any other transgendered sisters or brothers walk through the same doors I did. By all indications there haven't been many or any before me.
I'm sure all of us know trangendered men and women seem to always be the last to benefit from advances; after the gay and lesbian community.  We have to work harder to make more of our opportunities.
The most important point she made is we all have to keep these doors open to make the most of the future.

Transgender Before And After Picture

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Be Careful What You Hope For!

Or I could title this post "You Can't Always Get What You Want...But If You Try Sometimes You Get What You Need!'
Today I did. I got my recommendation letter from my psychologist to begin female hormone therapy! I tried, I wanted and I got what I needed. Wow! As recently as a couple of years ago the path I'm taking seemed like an impossible dream. Perhaps a dream I didn't want to pursue.
As pieces of paper go this is a very big one in my life. This paper ranks up there with the college diploma and such.
As I leaned over her shoulder to look at the letter on the computer, several of the most beautiful pronouns in the English language jumped out at me. The pronoun of course was she. The sentence went something like this: Cyrsti is in a transitory period and I have been seeing her for the past several months. She is interested in hormone therapy to continue her transition.
Several hours later when my feet touched the ground again I began to think this was just the beginning...again.
From the first time I slid my Mom's hose over my legs and squeezed into her bra to this point in my life was one giant twisting journey.
Doesn't seem possible but I'm doing it again!
I would like to thank all of you who have been following this and on occasion reach out to me with your thoughts! It means a lot!

Power Move...Female Style

Think of what most all women do when they talk to each other or to guys. Think of the power of  body language over words.
Think of a woman crossing her legs. A girl is taught at a young age the proper way to sit in a dress or skirt. You see it all the time when women sit across from each other to talk.
I believe in "mirroring" others in conversation. I've seen other women cross their legs after I did as we talked. As a side thought, I believe my posture is more feminine when I cross my legs.
Truthfully I didn't worry about it when I was wearing jeans or pants of some sort but I do now.
Now lets bring guys into the equation.  I grew up in my adolescent years watching mini skirted girls in my classes trying to sit properly and showing an ample amount of thigh. Surely they knew of the angst they were causing!
Or how about the long legged girl friend I had who used the long high slow leg cross in my car so she didn't ruin her panty hose with a run or two.
I learned well the power of a leg cross then and are just staring to discover it again. Actually all of it is beginning to be rather matter of fact to me...except on occasions such as Saturday night.
My friend and I were sitting on a long bench when another couple sat down next to us. The man actually sat next to me. The space was rather limited and as I adjusted to the new seating space I did the slow high leg cross that captivated me so many years before. Truthfully, it was the only way I could.  Well, it certainly captivated him too as he nearly broke his neck to check my legs as his wife's back was turned to him.
OK, I'm a little slow. I'm a woman in a black mini, 4 in heels and fishnets. Wouldn't I be a little insulted if he didn't look?
The bigger picture is that both genders look for different reasons. 
Just another one of those crazy gender lessons!

Staying in the Present as a Trans Woman

Outreach Image. JJ Hart, Cincinnati  Trans Wellness Conference  Throughout my life, I  have experienced difficulties with staying in the pre...