Tuesday, June 14, 2011

No One Cared!

Nothing to write about. A whole evening of hanging out as a girl. No reaction from anyone. Just one guy who I see quite a bit was looking me up and down. My outfit? Conservative but breast dominated.  My favorite jeans, black jacket and thin decorated white tee...Nothing sexy to write about though.
I have a very difficult time adjusting to all of this. The inner voice that says any second someone is going to approach and say "You look great...for a guy dressed as a woman."
Nothing similar to that happened or has happened for a while.
I even had to stand in line for a stall in a woman's room last night...nothing from any of the other women. (Is  standing with my legs crossed girly enough?)
Could I have nothing to write about again? I hope so.
My journey is far from over I know. As the small battles become few, crossing the gender line and winning the war is in view.
What will I write about then?

Monday, June 13, 2011

On the Fun Side!

I really get tired sometimes of all the "heavy" ideas and happenings of living a transgendered life.
Here's a funny little story.
A week or so ago I was out making my rounds. Blond and beautiful (in my dreams) in my short black skirt and flip flops I slid out of my vehicle and started to walk towards a store.  Without really looking around, I noticed a darned quarter on the ground by the car. Being the thrifty person I am I dove for it. On my way down I quickly remembered what I was wearing and maybe picking up the quarter wasn't such a good idea.  No problem, no one around anyway. WRONG! I picked up the coin and looked straight into the eyes of a man who happened upon the scene. (of course)
From the bemused look on his face, I had no idea of what he thought,
I only know I quickly recovered my dignity and made my way to the store. My only redeeming value came from the fact I was wearing sunglasses. He couldn't see the shock in my eyes!
Lesson learned...wear the skirt and leave the change alone!

"Mo" VA

I just wanted to pass along  more thoughts about the VA transgendered directive.As it turns out "Billie" (one of our readers) got the ball rolling when she said "I would be suspicious of the "mental health" facet! The government has been known to give free frontal lobotomies too!"
Ironically, following a level of euphoria, I experienced  trepidation and then suspicion.
I explained the euphoria earlier. All of a sudden this great big door opened to a room I thought was impossible to enter. Then again, I had previously stuck my foot in the door. Before I could be subscribed a certain med, I had to talk to a VA "shrink" and a counselor. I seriously considered telling them of my transgendered leanings then but didn't. The new directive should change any adverse reaction on their part and give me a possible direction...hormones.
By that time trepidation was sneaking into my consciousness. I was afraid yet excited. Now what? Is it finally time to take this to a new level? What the hell am I waiting for. I wake up every morning with the desire to have my own breasts. Nearly everyone in my life who matters knows of my life as a girl.
Then I thought "what if this isn't real?" It's a government agency for goodness sakes. Like "Billie" said the same group that brought us frontal lobotomies.
I went back to research more and the directive is real.
"VA provides health care for transgender patients, including
those who present at various points on their transition from one
gender to the next. This applies to all Veterans who are enrolled in
VA's health care system or who are otherwise eligible for VA care,
including: those who have had sex reassignment surgery outside of VHA,
those who might be considering such surgical intervention, and those
who do not wish to undergo sex reassignment surgery, but self-identify
as transgender. Intersex individuals may or may not have interest in
changing gender or in acting in ways that are discordant with their
assigned gender."
The VHA Directive is entitled Providing Health Care For
Transgender And Intersex Veterans
<http://www.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.asp?pub_ID=2416> ,
So there it is in black and white.
Certainly I'm not running down to my local VA clinic in the morning.
I will however, follow all aspects of this directive. Will there be a right wing back lash?  Will other veteran's groups protest. Will it matter?
In the meantime, hopefully "euphoria" will triumph in my life!
If "Karma" is at work here. She sent me a powerful message!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


The Veteran's Administration (VA) recently released this statement concerning transgendered vets. I am a a transgendered vet. This statement could certainly change my life! I will add more later!
From the "Sacramento Bee"
The Veterans Health Administration has informed its hospitals and clinics that transgender veterans are eligible for hormones, care before and after gender change surgery, and mental health counseling as part of their regular benefits.
In a directive issued Thursday, the VA reiterated that its facilities are not permitted to perform genital or breast surgeries on veterans in the process of changing genders.
But the agency confirmed that transgender patients are entitled to routine health care that takes their special needs into account and to transgender-specific treatments such as hormone therapy and "non-surgical, supportive care for complications of sex-reassignment surgery."

The Best Message Ever!

I returned home tonight from a wonderful short evening. I tried the "Blond on Black" look again and I seem to be making huge strides as a girl.
When the computer fired up I received this message from one of the dating sites I am on from a woman I presume.
"Hello. I have a few Transgender friends. The only issue I have is your lighting on your photos. Can't show off true beauty with out better lighting. I am a minister. I specialize in Gay, Lesbian and Transgender issues. One of which is the over holy bible thumpers need to shut up and stop speaking for God. The bible is a collection of stories written by man for man. Not written by God.
I hate gender typing. You have to do this or that. One of my friends that is Transgender is dating a woman and trying to act like a man. I say Michael you were born a girl in a mans body. You are more woman than I am. She knew who you were before she dated you. You walk like a duck quack like a duck and say you are a duck. Why the hell is she trying to make you a chicken.
SO hello."
First off, I sent her back a message less than nice.
Then I got to thinking...what a wonderful message!
Lighting, religion and a trans friend. I really need to talk to her!!!
I sent her a second message a bit more civil but no less sane.
We will see what happens!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Girl's Night Out?

Over the last several years I have wanted to spend some time out with another transgendered girl who  fits my style. So far I have encountered no one who fits the criteria. (Before you label me a elitist...read on)
You ask "criteria"? Is Cyrsti accepting applications? No, but there are parameters. 
I have several crossdressers who play with the idea.There is absolutely nothing wrong with a part time crossdresser but 99% of the time you don't have the expertise to go out in the real public. It's a tough crowd out there and what would your wife say? Scratch them off the list. I just can't risk my little network of places I go... sorry. Just because I'm accepted doesn't mean both of us can be. I've worked very hard to be as presentable as I can possibly be. You can't just appear and expect me to work magic on you....sorry again.
How about a pre opt or post opt woman? I'm not woman enough for them. I'm just a little too edgy for a person who has gone as far as they have to change their life. In many ways, I'm as foreign to them as the weekend crossdresser is to me.
Let's toss lesbians into the picture. On some levels we are fascinated with each other and I have a few friends I hang out with. On most levels though, there just isn't a connection. That's OK I understand.
Men are another story. A long one and not part of this discussion. The ideal here is to spend girl time and have them buy the drinks.
By this time...you are saying "damn! what does the crazy bitch want?"
The answer is easy and impossible. I'm looking for a presentable fun person to enjoy some time with.I can provide the experience with the public if she can provide the personality and pizazz.
Yes, so far this seems impossible. Remember though, I'm talking ideal. I'm really fortunate to be able to live as I do and I thank God she has enabled me to do it.
You can't win though if you don't try.
I love all my friends now and wouldn't trade them for the world. They know my restless spirit and realize I have to look around that next corner to see who is there!
I can't wait to go out and talk, shop and party with a girl who shares my interests.
Maybe she is around the next corner!

The Finishing Touch!

You've searched for weeks for the perfect outfit. Doesn't really matter if you found it at an upscale department store, a fashion boutique or a thrift store. You love it!
You run home as the anticipation builds. Can't wait to step in front of the mirror. The magic moment comes and...wow...it's not at all what you thought it would be. What's a girl to do?
Accessorize!   Accessories are a girls best friend or enemy.  They give you that unique style that screams class or panache. Unfortunately the scream could also be coming from a low class horror show.
What are accessories? Jewelry, belts and shoes are the obvious answers. Throw in a great bag, sunglasses and even a cell phone and you are having girl fun!
The past couple of summers I have positively fallen in love with sunglasses as an accessory.  I discovered several of the deep discount and thrift stores sell many styles. For a mere two or three bucks I can buy a pair of "shades" that are tinted a blue or yellow to match my top. My "best" find so far is a pair that have a little heart on one of the lenses. Now I can match my name!
As night falls I move my glasses up on my head as another accessory, I try to work them together with my earrings and necklace. 
Using a cellphone as an accessory may be a stretch...then again maybe not.I'm sure you've seen women who have fancy smart phone they are always playing with. A cell phone always gives the illusion that somehow you aren't alone. A nice one just might indicate you have a little higher income and could be a little smarter!
I may be different from many of you because I don't obsess with shoes. I have the obligatory flats, heels, boots and flip flops. I have very little extra finances so I would prefer to buy a really out of this world bag!
Accessories can prove quickly that less is more. You have arrived as an "fashionista" when your accessories compliment and not dominate your outfits.
One thing is certain, accessories separate the women from the girls!

Transgender News Blitz

 Every once in a while I feel like the editor of the evening news. In the last several posts we have bounced around the world. News from the UK, and France in addition to a not so pleasant story from Connecticut.

Spain is our next stop with a quick story from "typicallyspanish.com"
"Carla Antonelli" (shown to the right) was sworn in Tuesday and became the first transsexual woman to hold a seat in a regional Spanish parliament. She said her election was the result of long struggles by thousands of transsexuals..

Our next story comes from North Carolina. A very "edgy" publication called "Vice"  profiled "Hillary" a transsexual skateboarder. As I read the article, I wasn't expecting much. The farther I read the more impressed I became.
Here's an excerpt from "Chris Nieratkos":
"I both loved and pitied the girl I met down there. So much of skateboarding has become so vanilla and boring that my heart sings on the rare occasions when I meet someone marching to their own beat, and to me, there’s nothing more punk rock than being a transsexual skateboarder. That comes with a lot of headaches, though. Inner turmoil. Alienation. Fear. Loneliness. When I met Hillary she was going through all these things and more, and you can feel it in her interview. It took over an hour of talking over coffee before she let her guard down and warmed up to me.
All of this is very new to Hillary, and she’s still learning to deal with her change and to be comfortable around her old friends in her skate community. I think this interview will help speed that along. She’s young. I think in two years she’ll be more at ease with herself. In five or ten years I can see her blossoming into a happy, confident young lady."
Very nice!
Before we move on. Let me explain "edgy". Here's another look at "Vice's Girl News and Why They Hate Each Other". "If you think that things are good for women because you liked Bridesmaids and bought the new Beyonce song/lie about girls running things (sure about that, B?) and follow that one brown comedian chick on Twitter, then I have to ask you if you’re f---ing retarded and didn’t notice that almost every single thing as it relates to girls is still the worst."

Thursday, June 9, 2011

All Publicity is NOT Good Publicity

From Stamford, Connecticut comes a story which occurred at the exact wrong time.
The "Stamford Times" covered this story  "

Transvestite arrested for alleged sex assault 

 "Isaiah Johnson"





  " Police said a transvestite from Stamford ( Isaiah Johnson) was arrested early Wednesday morning for allegedly sexually assaulting a Stamford  teenager with special needs."  

All of this is bad enough. When you take into consideration Connecticut just rejected legislation to restrict "transvestite" males from using women's restroom facilities. It makes it all so very worse. (Please note the use of the transvestite word is not mine.)

Check out this response to the story!

"Just to think that the Connecticut Senate recently rejected an amendment for HB6599, to restrict transvestite males (biologically) from entering men's bathrooms.(He corrected it to "women's") Unfortunately the democrat majority wants transvestite males in women's rooms! I hope they take warning, doesn't mean transvestites are predators but its the principle and the potential of these incidents. Sad that most of you haven''t even heard of this yet." OUCH!

I know (and you know) this is apples and oranges to the great majority of us that do use the women's bathrooms. The closest to a sexual experience I've ever seen is a woman suggesting something to me.  I do cherish and try to respect my use of restrooms. 

None of us need this! 

Turning Your Gender Corner

  Image from the JJ Hart Archives. As I made my way towards coming out of my closet and living as a transgender woman, I found I had many co...