From Stamford, Connecticut comes a story which occurred at the exact wrong time.
The "Stamford Times" covered this story "
Transvestite arrested for alleged sex assault
"Isaiah Johnson" |
" Police said a transvestite from Stamford ( Isaiah Johnson) was arrested early Wednesday morning for allegedly sexually assaulting a Stamford teenager with special needs."
All of this is bad enough. When you take into consideration Connecticut just rejected legislation to restrict "transvestite" males from using women's restroom facilities. It makes it all so very worse. (Please note the use of the transvestite word is not mine.)
Check out this response to the story!
"Just to think that the Connecticut Senate recently rejected an amendment for HB6599, to restrict transvestite males (biologically) from entering men's bathrooms.(He corrected it to "women's") Unfortunately the democrat majority wants transvestite males in women's rooms! I hope they take warning, doesn't mean transvestites are predators but its the principle and the potential of these incidents. Sad that most of you haven''t even heard of this yet." OUCH!
I know (and you know) this is apples and oranges to the great majority of us that do use the women's bathrooms. The closest to a sexual experience I've ever seen is a woman suggesting something to me. I do cherish and try to respect my use of restrooms.
None of us need this!
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