Monday, June 13, 2011

"Mo" VA

I just wanted to pass along  more thoughts about the VA transgendered directive.As it turns out "Billie" (one of our readers) got the ball rolling when she said "I would be suspicious of the "mental health" facet! The government has been known to give free frontal lobotomies too!"
Ironically, following a level of euphoria, I experienced  trepidation and then suspicion.
I explained the euphoria earlier. All of a sudden this great big door opened to a room I thought was impossible to enter. Then again, I had previously stuck my foot in the door. Before I could be subscribed a certain med, I had to talk to a VA "shrink" and a counselor. I seriously considered telling them of my transgendered leanings then but didn't. The new directive should change any adverse reaction on their part and give me a possible direction...hormones.
By that time trepidation was sneaking into my consciousness. I was afraid yet excited. Now what? Is it finally time to take this to a new level? What the hell am I waiting for. I wake up every morning with the desire to have my own breasts. Nearly everyone in my life who matters knows of my life as a girl.
Then I thought "what if this isn't real?" It's a government agency for goodness sakes. Like "Billie" said the same group that brought us frontal lobotomies.
I went back to research more and the directive is real.
"VA provides health care for transgender patients, including
those who present at various points on their transition from one
gender to the next. This applies to all Veterans who are enrolled in
VA's health care system or who are otherwise eligible for VA care,
including: those who have had sex reassignment surgery outside of VHA,
those who might be considering such surgical intervention, and those
who do not wish to undergo sex reassignment surgery, but self-identify
as transgender. Intersex individuals may or may not have interest in
changing gender or in acting in ways that are discordant with their
assigned gender."
The VHA Directive is entitled Providing Health Care For
Transgender And Intersex Veterans
<> ,
So there it is in black and white.
Certainly I'm not running down to my local VA clinic in the morning.
I will however, follow all aspects of this directive. Will there be a right wing back lash?  Will other veteran's groups protest. Will it matter?
In the meantime, hopefully "euphoria" will triumph in my life!
If "Karma" is at work here. She sent me a powerful message!

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The Grand Search for Discovery

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