Thursday, June 2, 2011

Something Different?

I receive questions about my sexuality. Big surprise? Certainly not.
Without going into gory detail most of you know I was married for years to a woman (deceased) who knew of my trans disposition . You may also know of my developing interest in men over the past year or so.
All of this brings up the "straight" question. Are the men interested in me straight? Am I? Who cares?
A great look into attractions between men comes from "The Edge" in Boston.
The "Boys who like boys who look like girls" article deals with the subject basically from the views of drag queens. Many do admit that looking like a woman is a great way to pick up men. In a gay club. My relatively limited experience hasn't show me that. Then again, I've never been a performer and do not live in a major metropolitan area. Actually, I've been approached by more women.
What's the attraction? Women for the most part are just curious. Why do you want to play in their world? Somehow you become more than a gay guy in a dress in their eyes. So very correct!
Men are stereotyped too.Is it simply that some men just really want to have sex with a man... One who happens to look female makes it all right. Sure all of that is true but enter the third gender.
Most of the men I have encountered would have answered no to the "gay" question. For whatever reason they identify with the female in me.
From drag queens to straight guys to all of us in the middle, all of this makes for an interesting life. For the life of me I will never understand those who find it all so evil and even resort to violence.
What's the old line? "Whatever gets you through the night?"

Style versus Fashion

I'm found of discussing of how I admire a woman with a unique sense of style.
Her style doesn't have to necessarily be in fashion, off some runway in New York or even expensive. She just seems to have the skill to put certain clothes or accessories together for a look she owns.
"Erin Loechner" wrote an excellent article on "BlogHer" about the subject.
She starts by writing about clothing versus fashion."I am so incredibly intrigued by clothing. Please note that I didn't say that I am intrigued by fashion -- the truth is that I actually couldn't care a whit about fashion. In fact, it has been years since I've even flipped through a fashion magazine. As much as I do love clothing, fashion and shopping in general often holds little interest for me."
She goes on to interview and talk about women she knows who have a unique style and where it comes from.
Of course we trans girls can't follow all her recommendations. We do have plenty of figure flaws to cover and we very simply have to be better than most women with fashion and style.  That big mean world out there can be very unforgiving to us!
Once we arrive at the point when our style is more successful than our fashion...the mean old world becomes much nicer and even fun!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lea T!

"Lea T" the Brazilian transgender model has landed a swimsuit photo session.
She is a daughter of a Brazilian soccer player.
Wonder if the team has a calendar?

From Name Calling... To Prom Queen.

From "The Advocate.Com" comes a story that reinforces the idea we are advancing as transgendered humans in this world. "Steve Rothaus" wrote:
"They’ve bullied and taunted her, calling her names and writing on her locker.
And now, the seniors at McFatter Technical High School have elected Andrew Viveros their 2011 prom queen.
“They called my name and I was in total shock,’’ said Andrew, a 17-year-old who was born male but has publicly presented herself as female for the last two years.
With her long wavy brown hair, Andrew wore a royal blue dress and got a fresh manicure for the Friday night dance.
Andrew, also known as Andii, plans to someday change her name to Andrea. She wanted to run for prom queen in order to show other transgender teens “it gets better.”
She ran against 14 others."
Andii's story certainly doesn't make up for all the ones with violence directed towards transgendered individuals, Brave young woman such as Andii and others who are fighting for transgendered rights deserve all the press they can get.
One day we will all wake up to a kinder, gentler world. In the meantime we all have to take a look in the mirror and consider how we can help. Any action (no matter how small) can help us all!


Is 'epiphany" a big word? Do we even understand what it means? I had to look up the spelling.
I always thought it meant an "awakening".
Whatever the definition, I had a "epiphany" tonight.
To begin  with, I wasn't going to go out. The evening was far along by the time I even started to get ready.
I kept telling myself I would take too long to get ready and why bother. Famous last words as I left the house in a half hour.
I went to two very crowded straight venues and never got so much as a side glance.
I caught myself on the way home thinking...What should I do to make the evening more exciting? Stop somewhere else?
Then the "Big E" hit me
Why have I always made this so tough on myself? From the first day I put on a borrowed mini skirt as a teenager and paraded in front of my friends I've always tried to take my "girlness" to another level.
Don't get me wrong. Another level is not always bad. Levels are how we advance.
Years ago I decided to take my life to this level of living as a female. To me that meant going places I would enjoy more. I had never really enjoyed the gay clubs and was trying to merge my male interests into my female self. That meant sports bars were in my future.
Obviously I was very apprehensive. This level was very difficult. I wanted to look my best and at the same time "blend" in my jeans. None of this was destructive. I was living a life I wanted to live.
Now that life has become relatively matter of fact. Believe me, I never would have thought I would have arrived here.
Now, back to the "epiphany". My personality is "what's next"!  Go ahead girl and push that envelope a little farther... but the push is often as painful as it is exciting. My thoughts turned to maybe I should just relax with the look I have and how I use it and where I go with it.
The best example I can share with all of you was Monday. I went to one of my sports bars and literally felt so good sliding into my seat and crossing my legs. I was already having a delightful conversation with a man that day, so the romantic texts I was getting didn't hurt.
Maybe, just maybe this time I will listen to the "epiphany" and stay put in my life right now. I can have more fun looking for new outfits than seeking out new frontiers.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's a Beautiful Life!

Just when I'm ready to go blond or just give up for summer...something or somebody comes along to change everything.
I've told all of you about my on again, off again love affair with my dark wavy hair. I wore it today and all was fairly quiet as I finished my Memorial Day weekend.
A wonderful day it was as a friend touched my soul with his words. Making the evening even more interesting was my new found ability to cross my legs in my short skirt.
The absolute best part was when a woman I have known for years took the time to stop and specifically compliment me on my hair. In "girl speak" she was saying it was my best look ever.
That's two now.... I guess the dark wavy is here to stay!

Monday, May 30, 2011

I Love a Good Horoscope!

Then again,,,I don't believe in a bad one! from "the Frisky".
Libra (September 23- October 22) Don’t hold back and get too controlling about anything right now, as it’s spontaneity and being open-minded that’ll brighten your life now. Yes, slated on your astral agenda this week are romantic scenarios that put you back into the spotlight of your own life. Miracles will appear out of nowhere and love blooms alive. Just one word of caution, don’t ignore reality completely.

Thanks Trans Vets!

It's the day in the USA to honor out vets who gave their all.
From one trans veteran to all of you vets, .maybe someday we will see peace in the world.
To the remainder of you all, I'm sure you know or have a family member who lost their life in one of country's wars or conflicts.
Remember with pride, thank the living and enjoy your day!

Not Paying The Price For Fashion?

In my part of the world,  the majority of women have chosen skin over nylon for their exposed legs.Of course these women have spawned debate after indignant debate in the trans community.Why would they do that?
Some trans girls  wouldn't consider them selves completely dressed without a pair of hose.. Some consider the feel of the nylon too wonderful to miss.
The fact still remains if you are fashionable female under the age of 50 in my part of the world, you do not wear them. Exceptions of course are the women who need to cover up leg imperfections such as varicose veins.
I'm lucky to have the skin and legs to be able to go "bare"
I resisted for the longest time...until last summer.
I was looking for a pair of nude sheer to the waist panty hose for a long slit skirt I was going to wear to dinner.
I was not impressed by the fact I could just not go a big box store and pick up a pair anymore. I could find nothing in my size!  I resorted to the next best thing...a close shave and an application of a skin lotion that promised a "glow".
I have never been able to tan well so I found that a "glowing" freshly shaved leg peeking at a guy from it's thigh high slit was quite adequate fashion wise. An added benefit was being just a bit cooler on a hot summer day.
Sure, if you positively feel you are not properly dressed without hose, I certainly respect you. My Mom and Grandma were certainly in your corner.
If you have the legs and the opportunity to shave them, I highly recommend the "bare legged" look. As a genetic woman would tell you it's a chance to cool off and save some money.  I would add the delicious feel of rubbing your soft smooth legs together is habit forming!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...