Thursday, June 2, 2011

Something Different?

I receive questions about my sexuality. Big surprise? Certainly not.
Without going into gory detail most of you know I was married for years to a woman (deceased) who knew of my trans disposition . You may also know of my developing interest in men over the past year or so.
All of this brings up the "straight" question. Are the men interested in me straight? Am I? Who cares?
A great look into attractions between men comes from "The Edge" in Boston.
The "Boys who like boys who look like girls" article deals with the subject basically from the views of drag queens. Many do admit that looking like a woman is a great way to pick up men. In a gay club. My relatively limited experience hasn't show me that. Then again, I've never been a performer and do not live in a major metropolitan area. Actually, I've been approached by more women.
What's the attraction? Women for the most part are just curious. Why do you want to play in their world? Somehow you become more than a gay guy in a dress in their eyes. So very correct!
Men are stereotyped too.Is it simply that some men just really want to have sex with a man... One who happens to look female makes it all right. Sure all of that is true but enter the third gender.
Most of the men I have encountered would have answered no to the "gay" question. For whatever reason they identify with the female in me.
From drag queens to straight guys to all of us in the middle, all of this makes for an interesting life. For the life of me I will never understand those who find it all so evil and even resort to violence.
What's the old line? "Whatever gets you through the night?"

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