Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's a Beautiful Life!

Just when I'm ready to go blond or just give up for summer...something or somebody comes along to change everything.
I've told all of you about my on again, off again love affair with my dark wavy hair. I wore it today and all was fairly quiet as I finished my Memorial Day weekend.
A wonderful day it was as a friend touched my soul with his words. Making the evening even more interesting was my new found ability to cross my legs in my short skirt.
The absolute best part was when a woman I have known for years took the time to stop and specifically compliment me on my hair. In "girl speak" she was saying it was my best look ever.
That's two now.... I guess the dark wavy is here to stay!

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Preparing for the World

  JJ Hart. Witches Ball Image. Before we get started, I would like to take the time to respond to a comment from an anonymous reader to the ...